Showing posts with label Anti-Semitism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti-Semitism. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Who has the higher rate of bias crimes against Jews--whites or blacks?

The mainstream Media finds every opportunity to push the story that hate comes from the Right. Even when Black Hebrew Israelites kill three Jews in a kosher market in Jersey City, it's somehow caused by MAGA-wearing Trump supporters.

Unlike the Media, this blog relies on data. The FBI puts out annual hate crime statistics--2018 is the most recent.

There were 228 anti-Jewish incidents in which the race of a single-race offender is known. In 179 or 79% incidents, the offender was white or Hispanic. (The US government tends to lump us together.) Blacks committed 41 or 18% of the anti-Jewish crimes. The Census tells us that 77% of US residents are white (if Hispanics are included) while blacks are 13% of the population. Based on these numbers, the rate of anti-Jewish incidents for blacks is 1.4 times that of whites. Blacks--not famous for being right-wingers--are significantly more likely to commit bias crimes against Jews.

While I'm at it, look at the total numbers. There were 228 incidents--896 if we include all incidents in 2018, even those where the race of the perpetrator is unknown. According to the Census, the US has 6.9 million Jews, so the annual rate of anti-Semitic incidents is 12.9 per 100,000. To give some context, the annual US homicide rate hovers around 5 per 100,000 total population, so these incidents are not much more common than homicide--a very rare type of crime.

Moreover, of the 372 incidents against Jews where the type of crime was recorded, the most common category by far is intimidation--243 incidents or 65% of all incidents. There were only 24 aggravated assaults and 11 murders. While any attack is serious, the US has roughly 15,000 murders per year. Hate crimes are a minuscule part of the problem.

UPDATE: The hate crime laws were written with evil whites in mind--our elites assume the worst of whites and the best of non-whites--so I suspect that prosecutors are prone to interpret incidents by whites as hate, while incidents committed by blacks are likely to be seen as common crimes.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Predictors of anti-Semitism

GSS respondents were asked to give a number between 0 and 100 that describes their feelings toward Jews. They were told that 0 to 50 indicates not being favorable to and not caring for Jews, while 50 to 100 indicates feeling favorable and warm. Among a sample of  4,487, 12.1% gave a number under 50. Multiple regression reveals which factors predict liking Jews:

Standardized OLS Regression Coefficients

Age .098
Sex .069
Race .059
Size of place -.037
South -.021
Education .071
Income .057
Church attendance .144
Political conservatism -.009

All predictors are significantly related to liking Jews with the two exceptions of conservatism and living in the South. Focusing on the negative, here are the characteristics of people more likely to dislike Jews: young, male, non-white, urban, uneducated, poor, and irreligious.  The strongest predictor is religiosity. Age and education are also important. It surprises me that people who are young and urban are more likely to be anti-Semitic.

I didn't include IQ as a predictor since it is collinear with education, but if it takes the place of educational level, it is a comparatively strong predictor of liking Jews (the coefficient is .177).

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Is Christianity the source of antisemitism?

The source of antisemitism is Christianity, right? Just look at medieval Europe.

GSS respondents were asked on a scale of 0 to 100 how warmly do they they feel toward Jews. I correlated this measure with frequency of church attendance for various race-religion combinations:

Pearson correlations

White Protestants .12
White Catholics .17
White Christians .23
White Others .20
Black Protestants .14
Black Catholics -.20
Mexican Catholics .10 

Greater religiosity is associated with greater warmth. Another approach is to compare means:

Mean warmth toward Jews

White Protestants 61.9
White Catholics 65.4
White Christians 57.5
White Others 53.6
Black Protestants 60.4
Black Catholics 57.1
Whites--no religion 51.2
Blacks--no religion 46.0
Other race--no religion 50.0
Mexican Catholics 55.1

Same story. The fact is that irreligiosity predicts antisemitism. It ain't the 12th century.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Educational level and dislike of Jews among Muslims

In the last post, a reader suggested I look at the relationship between education and disliking Jews among Muslims. Terrorists make it seem like it's educated Muslims who are most likely to be extremists.

The numbers below are the percentage of Muslims (from many countries) who say they would not want to have a Jewish neighbor. I also included percentages by sex and age.
Percent who do not want a Jewish neighbor (sample size = 9,220)

Educational level
Lower 39.7
Middle 32.4
Upper 29.6

Men 34.6
Women 35.8

15-29 36.4
30-49 34.5
50 plus 34.6

Educated Muslims are least likely to dislike Jews. Attitudes do not vary much across gender or age.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Who likes Jews less: religious or secular Muslims?

One gets the impression from terrorists that, among Muslims, dislike for outgroups grows with religiosity. But what does the data tell us?

Muslims around the world who participated in the World Values Survey were given a list of various groups and were asked if they would not want a member of any of the groups as a neighbor. Here are the percentages who said they do not want a Jewish neighbor by religious service attendance:

Percent of Muslims not wanting a Jewish neighbor (sample size = 9,363)

Never attends 45.7
Less than once a year 29.6
Once a year 24.3
Only on special holidays 29.2
Once a month 29.5
Once a week 36.0
More than once a week 33.9 

Secular Muslims like Jews the least, although dislike rises a little among highly religious folks.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Worldwide Anti-Semitism by Religion

As a follow-up to the last post, I was curious about the global level of anti-Semitism in various religions. The World Values Survey asked people about not wanting a Jew for a neighbor in 55 different countries (N =  93,967).  The percentage who answered that they did not want a Jewish neighbor is listed below by religion:

Percent not wanting a Jewish neighbor

Shia 96.2
Sunni 65.5
Hindu 50.5
Muslim 35.2
Buddhist 31.2
Christian 27.5
Independent African Church 22.8
Evangelical 22.0

World 17.9

Orthodox 17.6
Roman Catholic 14.7
Protestant 9.6
Jews 9.0
Free Church/Non-denominational 5.9
Baptist 4.6
Anglican 0.0

It won't surprise anyone that Muslims are at the top of the list.  It is striking that almost all Shias and two-thirds of Sunnis feel this way--it is very widespread, to say the least. 

But Hindus and Buddhists are not the first people to come to mind when contemplating anti-Semites. Half of Hindus--what is that, like a bazillion people--don't want a Jew living next door. 

I'm glad to say that my fellow Christians, especially mainline and Protestant, tend toward the bottom of the list. They're not angels, but hey, 9 percent of Jews don't want to live by Jews.  My Jewish neighbors have been great, except for one the guy who kept inviting elders over to plan something. 

UPDATE: Evidently, Hitler is hot in India. (H/T HBD Books).

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Immigrants and Anti-Semitism

World Values Survey participants were asked if they would like to have a Jew for a neighbor. Here are the percentages saying no listed by country:

Percent not wanting a Jewish neighbor

Iraq 83.4
Turkey 61.9
India 52.5
South Korea 40.9
Nigeria 35.3
Japan 28.1
Bosnia and Herzegovina 28.0
Slovenia 27.5
Venezuela 26.0
Mexico 25.9
Romania 25.6
Moldova 25.0
South Africa 24.4
Bulgaria 24.2
Uganda 22.2
Poland 21.6
Lithuania 20.4
Kyrgyzstan 20.4
Bangladesh 20.4
Macedonia 20.0
Slovakia 19.9
Zimbabwe 19.3
Greece 18.7
Croatia 18.2
Malta 17.3
Albania 17.0
Egypt 16.5

World 16.4

Portugal 15.4
Spain 14.3
Belgium 13.0
Italy 12.9
Chile 12.8
Estonia 12.0
Russia 11.2
Northern Ireland 10.5
Ukraine 10.4
Uruguay 10.4
Czech Republic 10.4
Hungary 10.3
Austria 9.7
Belarus 9.5
Norway 8.9
Ireland 8.8
Luxembourg 8.3
German 7.3
Finland 7.2
Great Britain 6.8
Latvia 6.8
USA 6.6
Argentina 6.4
Iceland 5.5
Canada 4.6
Sweden 3.9
Denmark 2.8
Netherlands 2.6

Muslims, Asians (including Indians), and Mexicans are toward the top of the list. Asians and Mexicans are currently the largest immigrant groups. So why do 91 percent of American Jews think that immigrants improve the country by bringing new ideas and culture?  Is the belief that Jews make bad neighbors one of those fresh, new ideas?  Now I don't know if immigrants carry the same attitudes as the average person from the sending country, but I don't see why they wouldn't. By the way, the Chinese were not asked the Jewish neighbor question, but in another analysis, I showed that Chinese immigrants have an above-average anti-Israel attitude. (Mexican immigrants had the worst score.)    

Friday, January 25, 2008

Which American ethnic group is most negative toward Jews? You're thinking Germans, right? Wrong! Don't you ever read this blog? If you did, you would know it's... Mexicans!

The General Social Survey asked 1,008 people about the contributions of Jews to American society. Here are the percentages who answered that they have contributed little that is positive:

Percent who say that Jews have contributed little to American society

Mexican 16.2
American Indian 14.0
Blacks 9.1
Italian 8.0

USA 5.8

Scottish 4.4
German 4.0
Irish 3.3
English/Welsh 3.3
Jewish 0.0

This is the second time I have analyzed data showing that Mex-Ams have the most negative attitudes toward Jews, so importing massive numbers of Mexican immigrants is likely to make the sentiment more widespread.

For fun (admittedly nerdy fun), let's see the numbers who answered that Jews have contributed more to America than any other ethnic group:

Percent who say that Jews have contributed the most to American society

Jewish 26.5
English/Welsh 14.6
Blacks 14.1

USA 12.1

Scottish 10.8
Mexican 10.8
German 10.3
Italian 10.0
Irish 9.9
American Indian 6.0

You Jewish folks are patting yourselves on the back here just a little, but not without reason. What do you think respondents were thinking of? Jonas Salk? Einstein? (I'm sure some would think he counts.) Abraham Lincolnowitz? Myself, I was thinking the Marx Brothers (see above).

By the way, these numbers support the idea that people of English descent are philosemitic.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Mexican immigrants are the most anti-Semitic: Surveys show that most Jews are immigration enthusiasts. Critics argue that America is importing a lot of people who are tilting the country in an anti-Semitic direction. But not all immigrant groups are equal. Let's see what light the General Social Survey can shed on this question. People were asked how much they liked Israel with answers ranging from 0 for "like very much" to 9 for "dislike very much." It's not the perfect measure of anti-Semitism, but it's the best I could find with an adequate sample size. Here are the mean scores for immigrants from each country (or region):

Anti-Israel mean score

Mexico 4.55
Africa 4.45
Germany 4.25
China 3.87
Italy 3.87

All Immigrants 3.84

Puerto Rico 3.84
England/Wales 3.58
Spain 3.06

As some people have suggested, Mexicans are anti-Israel, as are Africans. The sample sizes for many countries are too small to list estimates, but Europe, even Eastern Europe, is generally pro-Israel. (Eastern Europeans are probably pro-Israel because many immigrants are Jewish). Japanese and Indian immigrants are anti-Israel, as is the small sample of Arabs. There is a correlation between being a white immigrant and being pro-Israel: white immigrants average 3.73; blacks, 4.20; and others, 3.90.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Many blacks say that Jews are "bloodsuckers": Just about the only American not (weakly) portrayed as an anti-Semite, homophobe, or Jesus freak in "Borat" was the angelic black prostitute who eventually became the protagonist's wife. Yes, blacks remain the icons of humanitarian virtue.

The Survey of Chicago African Americans asked 639 blacks the following question: "Louis Farrakhan, the head of the Black Muslims may be a little extreme to describe Jews as 'blood suckers', but there's a lot of truth to it all the same. Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly?"

One-third said they agree (strongly or somewhat). You're going to have to go to to get a higher number than that.

Are gun owners mentally ill?

  Some anti-gun people think owning a gun is a sign of some kind of mental abnormality. According to General Social Survey data, gun owners ...