Showing posts with label Censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Censorship. Show all posts

Monday, June 19, 2023

Suspended permanently from Twitter!

Since 2015, I've spent most of my time commenting on Twitter, knowing that one day I would get the axe. That day came last week, and I was told the suspension is permanent. I have no idea what the problem is, but I do know that even if the ban is not forever, I don't want to invest time and energy into something that can end at any moment. So I plan to return to my old ways of posting data analyses here. I'll save my posts in case Google finally bans me. I will focus a little less on GSS data since I'm running out of uncovered topics, but I will continue to post items the left considers blasphemous. It's not fun otherwise.  

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Censorship at Taki's Mag: I rarely read Taki's these days since the same message over and over again that neocons suck has gotten a little old, and now it's gotten even less interesting since they are deleting all the stimulating comments along with the over-the-top stuff. I absolutely hate having my comments deleted which is one reason I never do that here, so let me paraphrase my post that was just removed.

On Larison's post concerning white identity politics, I argued that the only reason why whites have the luxury of being colorblind is because they are two-thirds of the population and for the most part are running things. If demographic trends continue, race-blind whites will increasingly pay a big price. At some point, they will have to imitate other groups or put themselves at a disadvantage.

I then argued that race-conscious whites are focused on the future and see what's coming, while the luxury of the current situation enables short-sighted whites to be race-neutral which they do out of an idealism, or a desire for status, to feel superior over unenlightened brown people who like to stick together and race-conscious white trash low-lifes. Finally, I wrote that the longer that colorblind whites have their way, the worse it's going to be down the road when ethnic politics really kick in.

Thought-crime, yes? The indelicacy might give the madams at Taki's the vapors, perhaps? There are fewer and fewer places to say whatever the hell you want--people are much more concerned with image and standing than the free exchange of ideas, and paleos now appear to be as guilty of this as anyone.

I'm pleased to say that this blog is different. Few people say outrageous things here--except for me, perhaps--since they're too sensible, but they can if they want to.

By the way, I'm proud to say that the list of websites that have banned me is growing, and why am I not surprised that they are all on what could be called the Right: Free Republic, Chronicles, Taki's, and... Stormfront. And in only one case--Chronicles--was it possible that I was banned for insulting someone. In all other cases, it was simply argument or statistics. Love of freedom, my ass.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Censorship at freedom-loving Chronicles

My comment was just deleted from this thread at Chronicles. I was debating Mr. Fleming about Mormonism. In a nutshell, he wrote a series of posts about how dreadful that religion is, and I defended it. He seems to like writing all sorts of nasty things about people and groups, but when I responded in kind, he showed his little-girl sensitivity and deleted my last post. So, in case any of the readers of that thread wander over to this blog, here is my (paraphrased) censored post:

1. Fleming claims I am a liar: I say I'm one faith, when really I'm secretly Mormon. I told him to give me an e-mail address, and I'll have my priest vouch for me. [This outrageous offer really deserves censorship, no?] I then told him his baseless maligning of me and a perfectly respectable religion (Mormonism) reveals a shriveled soul. (Fleming is free to come here and call me anything, and it will, of course, not be deleted).

2. Fleming droned about how prohibiting Catholic and Orthodox members from associating with members of another faith is not superstitious, and proceeded to give me the endless history--what a windy prof--explaining that prohibition. I then responded that, by his way of arguing, only the policies of our faiths can be given historical explanations to show they are understandable and reasonable. Every Mormon practice, however, is wacko, sinister, or stupid.

3. Fleming admitted that he is not a good enough person to pray for people like Mormons to become Christians. I responded, exactly, the truth emerges. I told him that my wife read his comments and suggests that he go to confession.

UPDATE: It now looks like I have been banned from posting at Chronicles--I attempted unsuccesfully to post that my previous comments had been deleted, and could be found here at my blog. The enemies of the Old Right may have a point about there being fascists (and bigots) in our ranks.

My Chronicles link will remain, however, because I don't censor.

UPDATE II: I see that Fleming has also banned the Mormon commentator on this thread. So he can trash them, but then does not allow a response. He's too thick to realize that this approach just convinces Mormons that everyone is out to get them and therefore is proof of the truth of their faith.

Friday, April 27, 2007

HBD Humor

Asian American groups call for CBS to fire New York shock-jocks

SAN FRANCISCO -- Prominent Asian American civil rights groups in the Bay Area are demanding that CBS Radio fire New York shock-jocks Jeff Vandergrift and Dan Lay, who were suspended earlier this week for making a prank phone call to a Chinese restaurant seen as racist and sexist.

Today, the coalition of groups submitted a letter to CBS Radio, calling for the network to improve its guidelines on offensive terms, to communicate periodically with civil rights and community groups and to fire the duo -- who had broadcast on Bay Area airwaves for more than a decade before they went to New York in 2005 -- and their producer at WFNY-FM.

The coalition includes the Asian Law Caucus, Chinese for Affirmative Action of San Francisco and Equal Rights Advocates -- all in San Francisco -- along with Oakland's Organization for Justice & Equality and, in New York, the 80-20 Initiative, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the Organization of Chinese Americans.

The station's general manager, Tom Chiusano, has agreed to meet with the coalition, but no date has been set. He had no comment on the groups' petition.

Vandergrift and Lay, who go by the monikers JV and Elvis on their show "The Dog House," placed a six-minute call to a Chinese restaurant in which they requested "shlimp flied lice," used sexually explicit language to proposition a waitress, referred to another employee's body part as a "tiny egg roll" and claimed to know kung fu.

The station suspended the pair without pay until further notice on Monday. [More....]

"Civil rights group" is a code word for American Glavlit. These groups don't even care that they are ruining the income of a Korean woman--the wife of one of the jocks. I expected to see more of this kind of thing, so as I promised, here's Chinese HBD humor I just made up:

Question: Why do Chinese people have slanted eyes?

Answer: To hide the dollar signs.

Are gun owners mentally ill?

  Some anti-gun people think owning a gun is a sign of some kind of mental abnormality. According to General Social Survey data, gun owners ...