Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

Data: Which ethnic groups think art should aim for beauty?

Americans participating in the General Social Survey were asked by interviewers: "Please tell me which statement is closest to your opinion: 1. Art works should celebrate what is most beautiful about the world and the human spirit 2. Art works should freely express the artist's deepest thoughts and emotions, good or bad."

Here are the percent who agreed with the beauty option, listed by ethnic background (at least 25 respondents):

Percent agreeing that art should aim for beauty (N = 1,389)
Mexican  59.7
American only  51.7
Black  48.7
American Indian  43.1
German  38.2
Scottish  37.5
Whites  37.0
Irish  33.9
Italian  35.4
English  30.7
French  30.0
Polish  29.6
Jewish  0.0

There is a tendency for smarter groups to favor the "expression" school of art.  Look how zero Jews (n = 25) prefer beauty. (This reminds me of the anti-Semitic belief that Jews are responsible for ugly art.)  I suspect that more intelligent individuals are influenced by the elite view that beauty is old-fashioned. 

I stand proudly with my less enlightened brothers. Who cares about an artist's "deepest thoughts and emotions"?  Confessions by Jeffrey Dahmer would be fascinating, but it's not art.  Now, if it's Nabokov putting sublime language into the mouth of a hebephile, that's art because the words are beautiful. 

Beauty takes many unexpected forms, some of them very dark, so don't think that I am arguing for the Thomas Kinkade school of art.  His paintings are beautiful like Smarties are delicious.  I'm sure those of us who favor beauty would often disagree about what is beautiful.   


Friday, March 02, 2007

Orthodox Sunday: A haunting image keeps returning to my mind that I want to describe. Last Sunday was "Orthodox Sunday" at the Greek Orthodox church. It was a day to commemorate the restoration of icons in 843. There had been a century long conflict in the Byzantine Empire over the use of images in the church. The highlight of the service was to give each child an icon painting to hold, and then they all walked in a line along the outer aisle, and circled the congregation a couple of times. This was the first time I had ever witnessed this, and as I watched the little girls in Sunday dresses showing everyone these very old works of art, I thought to myself that this puts those shit-in-a-can "installations" at the university to shame.

Are gun owners mentally ill?

  Some anti-gun people think owning a gun is a sign of some kind of mental abnormality. According to General Social Survey data, gun owners ...