Showing posts with label Black. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2020

New study finds that black Americans are 18% white, but the number varies by city


A small percent of whites have an allele that is associated with hemochromatosis--a hereditary disorder in which iron salts are deposited in the tissues, leading to liver damage, diabetes mellitus, and bronze discoloration of the skin.  This polymorphism is completely absent in West African blacks.  This is the kind of difference race deniers tell us doesn't happen. 

In this new study, researchers estimated the European ancestry of African Americans using the frequency of this hemochromatosis allele. 

They found that, indeed, the frequency of the allele is 0.00000 in people from the Gambia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. The frequency in white Americans was 0.060-0.067. For all black Americans it was 0.012.

The average white ancestry for black Americans was 0.180 for the whole sample, but it differed by city:

Proportion white ancestry

Rochester, NY   0.132

Birmingham, AL   0.146

Upper Savannah Region, SC   0.157

Portland, OR   0.161

San Diego, CA   0.175

Hartford, CT  0.178

District of Columbia   0.196

Oakland, CA   0.238

Irvine, CA   0.243

The proportion white of blacks living in Irvine is 1.8 times higher than for those living in Rochester, NY, so the variation is noteworthy. I don't see a clear regional pattern here. 

The authors report that their findings are consistent with studies using other methods. They also found both paternal and maternal contributions of white American ancestry in black Americans.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Serial killers are disproportionately black

Why haven't we heard more about the trial of black serial killer Lonnie Franklin who murdered several black prostitutes?  Americans love serial killer stories.  The media seems to want us to believe that blacks are small-time crooks who are sympathetic victims of the ghetto, while white criminals kill on a massive scale, motivated by pure evil.

Wrong. According to the serial killer expert Eric Hickey, 20% of American serial killers are black even though African Americans are only 13% of the population. Even worse, Hickey says they are half of recent cases.

A clear difference between blacks and whites is that blacks have shorter CAG repeats on the androgen receptor gene which makes people more sensitive to testosterone. Androgen levels and sensitivity might help explain the fact that more than 90% of serial killers are male and that they are disproportionately black.

Are gun owners mentally ill?

  Some anti-gun people think owning a gun is a sign of some kind of mental abnormality. According to General Social Survey data, gun owners ...