Showing posts with label MAGA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAGA. Show all posts

Monday, June 26, 2023

Are Trump supporters fatter than Democrats?

I challenge people not on the right when the data don't support what they're claiming, so I ought to be fair and report when the data do back them up. Matt Iglesias and Richard Hanania recently claimed on Twitter that Trump supporters are fatter than (woke) Democrats. The table below (GSS data) shows that the average Trump voter was about 6 pounds heavier than the typical Hillary supporter in 2016. 

UPDATE: While lying in bed this morning, I realized I needed to look at the sexes separately since women were more likely to vote for Hillary, and they weigh less. I see that a commenter was thinking the same:

You can see that while male Trump supporters weigh more, female Trump supporters weigh less than Hillary voters. Maybe later I can take height differences into account.

UPDATE: Not much height difference:

Friday, June 23, 2023

Are Trump supporters dumber than Democrats?

Centrists like Richard Hanania go on endlessly about how dumb MAGA is compared to Democrats. These types are flat wrong, but everyone assumes they're right based on data showing lower IQs for conservatives. Here are the mean IQ scores for those who voted for Trump vs. Hillary. The mean is slightly higher for Trump voters. At least get your facts straight before mocking people.  

Are gun owners mentally ill?

  Some anti-gun people think owning a gun is a sign of some kind of mental abnormality. According to General Social Survey data, gun owners ...