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Pokémon, an abbreviation for the Japanese title "pocket monsters," is a multimedia franchise created by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. It follows fictional creatures called Pokémon, which humans, known as Pokémon Trainers, catch and train to battle each other for sport. The franchise encompasses video games, trading card games, animated television series, movies, toys, and various merchandise. Players typically assume the role of a Pokémon Trainer, embarking on a journey to capture and train Pokémon while battling other Trainers and thwarting the schemes of villainous organizations. The core themes of friendship, adventure, and camaraderie are central to the Pokémon universe, making it beloved by fans of all ages worldwide.

Pokemon - Latest News and Updates

Shane Warne's son Jackson reveals his surprising and very expensive hobby that's costing him thousands of dollars

18/05/24 09:34

