Saturday, July 6, 2024

No Snippet today


No book excerpt this morning.  We have house guests, which is occupying our time, and I'm still not fully back to normal (as far as normal goes, I guess!) after all my medical procedures over the past few months.  I simply haven't been able to get around to preparing a snippet.

Please amuse yourselves with the bloggers in the sidebar.



On a Wing and a Whim said...

House guests include an 8 year old and a 10 year old who are very bright and inquisitive, and 100 pounds of livestock guardian dog who wants to be friends with the cats.

I love my friends. I need more coffee.

boron said...

'Tsawright; we got patients!

Chris Nelson said...

I hope y'all got some of the rain yesterday from the not-so-hot front.

Once the storms got near Dallas, the urban heat island effect made them miss us. At least it was 20 degrees cooler than it was on the 4th.

Anonymous said...

FWIW - A prepping test run -

boron said...

@ Anonymous
my two cents
as you get older, you consider moving to town
1. in order to be closer to medical facilities
2. in order to have close neighbors to depend upon when/if necessary
3. because you no longer have the physical strength to accomplish necessary daily chores