Friday, July 5, 2024

The trials and tribulations of married life...


... according to Jennie Breeden and her "The Devil's Panties" comic strip.  Click the image to be taken to a larger version at her Web page.

"Renewed our vows".  Gigglesnort!



gator141 said...

ABSOLUTELY!! The couple that farts together, stays together

Anonymous said...

No marriage is sealed until one, or both, parties have held the hair of the other one, and provided a cool, wet washcloth...

Anonymous said...

We called it "breaking the fart ice" while my wife and I dated. She did it first. We've got 15 yrs married coming up this fall.

audeojude said...

This week wife and I both excused ourselves for the same fart.. well farting at same time I guess.

Kids are still in body humor stage and both think it's hilarious if the adults are the one that farted.

They Blame the dog on theirs.

Linda Fox said...

Thanks for the link to the comic.
I got caught up in the time warp of hitting the previous button. Easily 20-25 minutes reading old comics.