Showing posts with label Ewwww. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ewwww. Show all posts

Friday, February 16, 2024

Weirdness, xenophobia and occasional mental illness in Comments


Friends, most of you know that the reason I instituted moderation of all comments on this blog was because spammers were becoming a bigger and bigger problem.  I couldn't rely on Blogger to catch them all, so I have to do it myself.  I'd rather not - it takes effort to do so, and time I'd rather devote to other things - but it was the only way I could stay on top of the problem.  (I've moderated 28 spam comments in the last five days alone.)

However, it looks like it was a worthwhile policy even without the spam problem, thanks to the increasing polarization of our society and the weirdness that's being reinforced by online echo chambers.  Too many commenters appear to be listening only to their own thoughts and those of people who see the world as they do, whether or not that perspective has anything to do with reality.  Trouble is, they insist on exporting those thoughts and that weirdness to everybody else, including forums such as the Comment sections on this blog.  This morning, when I woke up and sat down at the computer to moderate overnight comments, I had to discard several proclaiming that all the problems of the world are caused by the Jews, or the whites, or the blacks, or Democrats, or Communists, or women who refuse to be "traditional wives", or . . . you get the idea.

Folks, I try to allow most people to comment freely on what they think.  They, as we, have the right to speak their minds.  However, they do not have the right to use my blog as a propaganda outlet to beat me (and the rest of us) over the head with their particular schtick.  Therefore, I deleted all such comments, and I'll continue to do so.  The same applies to disjointed comments that make no logical sense, or have nothing to do with the topic under discussion.  Why inflict them on my readers?  We have better things to do with our time.

(Some comments don't make it to my inbox at all.  Every now and again I get complaints from people who allege that I've deleted their comment, only for me to check the files and find it didn't arrive at all.  Blogger does that sometimes - it's been a known problem for years.  I have no idea how to fix it.)

Rational, reasonable comments and discussion from people who've clearly thought about the subject under discussion are more than welcome, even if their viewpoint or perspective is the opposite of my own.  I can be wrong too, you know!  However, I won't allow this blog to become a forum for extremism in any form, or an echo chamber for way-out-there muck and murk that might stick to our metaphorical walls.  We don't need that here - and as the online janitor, I flush it away whenever I come across it.

That may offend some readers, particularly those with a particular ideological axe to grind:  but that's the way it is here.  If you want to do things differently, please start your own blog and have at it.


Thursday, September 28, 2023

James Bondage? Don't laugh. It could come true.


Daniel Greenfield notes that "woke" has come to the James Bond canon.

Even though Ian Fleming has been dead since 1964, [his] estate turned to other authors to prime the giant money pump. Initially new Bond novels were written by prestigious writers like Kingsley Amis or former military men like John Gardner, but in more recent years turned the books over to wokes.

The latest of these come from Kim Sherwood, a University of Edinburgh lecturer who is interested in “women’s stories” and was authorized to write a feminist James Bond trilogy.

How do you write a feminist trilogy around one of the least feminist fictional characters around?

Easy, get rid of him.

In the new feminist novels, Miss Moneypenny has been promoted, Q has been replaced by a computer, and Bond by a woman, a black man and a Muslim man.

Sherwood’s feminist trilogy of Bond novels has the superspy go missing while she invents new zeroes to take his place. Sherwood’s “feminist perspective” on James Bond gets rid of the white man and offers an “ensemble cast of heroes who we can all identify with.”

“I want to bring a feminist perspective to the canon,” Sherwood pitched, to “create a space for all of us to be heroes.” As long as they aren't white men. The new zeroes prioritize “inclusivity, female heroes, and heroes of colour” including a black gay disabled 004, a female 003 and a Pakistani Muslim 009.

Sid Bashir, the Muslim replacement for James Bond, remembers standing by his mother’s side at an Islamic cultural fair after 9/11 under a banner reading, “Don’t Panic, I’m Islamic.” Another scene quotes the Koran and has Bashir saying, “May Allah bless your family.”

“I was born poor, black and gay, I know about hard times,” 004 who, it is important to note, is black and gay says.

There's more at the link.

Perhaps, as an author, I could turn my hand to writing something like that.  The possibilities are almost endless.  Even James Bond's official number, 007, lends itself to a "woke" narrative.  I mean, clearly the two zeros need to be fitted with frowning eyelids, to disapprove of his patriarchal sexist antics, while the "7" is obviously a graphical representation of a limp, dangling . . . well, never mind.

On second thoughts, I'll stick with the old macho, sexist Bond.  He's a lot more fun.


Monday, September 18, 2023

Some rules for commenting on this blog


I'm getting more and more comments here that I'm having to delete, rather than publish, because of several problems.

  1. Some directly attack other commenters.  Folks, if you have a beef with someone, take it up with them on their blog, or person-to-person, but don't try to use this blog as an attack platform against them.  I won't tolerate it.  Such comments will not be published.
  2. If you disagree with an opinion expressed here (whether mine or a commenter's), feel free to express that disagreement, provided it's directed against what you disagree with rather than the person saying it.  They have as much right to their opinions as you do.  Try to trash them, and your comment will be trashed instead.
  3. If you want to tell me, or discuss, something off-topic (OT), please don't leave an OT comment on a blog post that has nothing to do with the subject.  There are an increasing number of political comments that seek to propagate a particular point of view.  I'm not prepared to see Bayou Renaissance Man turned into a political debating floor or echo chamber.  I have my views, and I'm willing to express them here, and I don't mind debate on those issues on that post, at the time I express them.  However, I won't allow random posting of unrelated matter as an OT comment on a completely different subject.  Frankly, to do so is disrespectful of me as the blog host, and my readers and commenters as well.  I won't publish such comments.
  4. I try to keep this blog family-friendly:  in other words, F-bombs and similar expletives will not normally be published here.  It's been that way since I began this blog in 2008 - yet there are still commenters who sprinkle F-bombs and similar not-niceties in their text.  Those comments will not be published.
I'm sorry I have to waste most readers' time by publishing this article, but there are some commenters who appear to be unaware of the house rules, no matter how long they've been in force.  I'll have to remind them from time to time, I guess.


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Pizzagate scandal, the "Sound of Freedom" movie, and the moral sewer both expose


I'm sure many readers remember the infamous Pizzagate scandal of the mid-two-thousand-teens.  It's been discussed, debunked and derided by the mainstream media for years, but there's a heck of a lot of smoke behind it that indicates there's got to be a fire somewhere.

IM1776 has published a "deep dive" into the Pizzagate scandal that's disturbing in the extreme in many ways - so much so that I'm going to warn you not to read it unless you have a strong stomach, and are prepared to confront some aspects of modern political-urban culture that are deeply distressing to any moral person.  Here's a teaser excerpt, with the nastier bits deliberately left out.

For those who do not remember, Pizzagate started with some emails from a Democratic Party operative named John Podesta. Podesta had been a fixture in Washington D.C. for five decades, working for numerous Democratic politicians and committees through the 1970s and ’80s. In 1988 he and his brother Tony started the Podesta Group, which quickly grew into arguably the most powerful Democrat lobbying firm in America. Podesta had met Bill Clinton in 1970, when they both worked for Senator Joseph Duffey; then when Clinton became President, he tapped Podesta to serve in his administration, eventually promoting him to his Chief of Staff in 1998. In 2003, he started the Center for American Progress, one of the Democratic Party’s most important private propaganda outfits. John Podesta is one of those people – there is a whole class of them affiliated with both parties – who never runs for office or heads a government agency, but always seems to be around and in the mix in Washington D.C. When Hillary Clinton needed a loyal old hand to manage her 2016 Presidential campaign, Podesta was the obvious choice.

As the election came down to the wire in Fall 2016, WikiLeaks released an archive of emails that had been lifted from John Podesta’s personal account. The release of the Podesta emails, and, a few months earlier, the email archive of the Democratic National Committee, by WikiLeaks marked the first time the news organization had involved itself directly in a U.S. political race. The Podesta emails fell into the waiting hands of citizen investigators who had already spent the summer working together on thousands of message boards, Discord servers, and chat rooms to comb through the DNC email trove. Before long, they began to find emails to or from Podesta that did not seem to make much sense at face value, including one asking for $60,000 worth of hotdogs to be purchased for a party in honor of Barack Obama. Good hotdogs can be had even at retail prices for under a dollar apiece, so $60,000 seemed to be an excessive amount. Perhaps, thought the researchers, “hotdogs” is a code phrase for something else.

Investigators soon turned up other emails, many of them involving food, and indeed, within the collection of tens of thousands of emails there were a handful that looked pretty bad when the decoder ring was applied to them. Researchers paid special attention to any emails that mentioned pizza, which, according to some, had long been used as a code word by pedophiles and traffickers in child pornography. For example, in one email, someone had written to Podesta to alert him that they’d found a handkerchief with a hand-drawn map “that looks pizza related.” Lacking a better explanation for why someone would draw a pizza-related map on a handkerchief, the sleuths determined that the email was describing something nefarious to do with children.

People trawled through the Podesta emails looking for any mention of “pizza,” and came across several references to a D.C. restaurant called Comet Ping Pong Pizza, and its owner, James Alefantis. Alefantis was a Democratic donor, and the former gay lover of David Brock, founder of Media Matters. Somehow, despite being merely a pizza peddler, Alefantis was listed by GQ Magazine as one of the 50 Most Powerful People in Washington. People wanted to know more about James Alefantis and soon located his Instagram account. For his Instagram avatar, he had used a picture of an old Roman statue of Antinous, boy-lover of the Emperor Hadrian. His Instagram feed included a picture of a child taped to a table, (who Alefantis will later claim was his godchild) and many other images and comments that looked strange, to say the least, without additional context.

There's much more at the link.

The account of perversion, predation and just plain pornography that emerges is truly sickening to anybody with traditional moral and ethical standards.  I found it profoundly offensive.  However, most of what's described is not illegal per se, but merely the fruit of a society that has abandoned "traditional" morality and embraced the "If it feels good, do it!" school of ethics, taking it to its logical, extremely perverted conclusion.

Evil does, indeed, walk among us.  Sometimes it's cloaked in less offensive garments, hiding itself behind an urbane shield of "free choice" or "modern culture" or "freedom of speech".  At other times, it reveals itself in the life choices, tastes, and methods of expression of the individuals who are caught up in its toils.  It seems to me that what was revealed through the Pizzagate scandal is abundant evidence of this.

If you can stomach it, I recommend taking the time to read IM1776's lengthy, detailed article in full.  It's food for thought - and, I suggest, prayer.  These are the "power brokers" who govern behind the scenes in Washington D.C., the "hidden persuaders" and "éminences grise" who pull the strings of our puppet politicians and use their knowledge of their faults and failings to keep them in line.

It appears to me there was more truth in the Pizzagate scandal - at least from a moral and ethical standpoint - than any public figure was then, or is now, willing to admit.  Will we ever know the truth?  I doubt it.  There are too many people of power doing their utmost to cover it up, just as they covered up the truth of what Jeffery Epstein was and did.  Even so, what has emerged is more than enough smoke to suggest very strongly that there was a fire somewhere . . . perhaps a lot more than just one fire, and not small ones, either.

If you're looking for additional (albeit very indirect) evidence of that, consider the avalanche of negative reviews and politically correct complaints about the new movie concerning child trafficking, "Sound of Freedom".  You'll find an interesting discussion about that in this article.  I find it telling that one of the nastiest attacks on the movie was penned by, in the words of a second article, "a pedo-defending freelancer who used to work for an organization working to normalize pedophilia".  That piece concludes:

The organized hostility against The Sound of Freedom isn't simply the tactic of the mainstream taking aim at a low-budget independent studio film that challenges Hollywood productions pining to be this summer's blockbuster. Instead, the criticism serves as a vehicle for advocates of the normalization of pedophilia to undermine any attempt to expose the cruel realities of the agenda they are promoting.

It sure seems that way to me.  Brandon Smith feels likewise.

The campaign against the movie is far too coordinated and far too expansive (global). It is as if these people are interconnected and they all agreed together to try to subvert the film, or they were all ORDERED to subvert the film.

This kind of behavior suggests a personal stake in creating conditions for failure; it makes it seem like these journalists want to sabotage the movie because of its premise and message. Why would someone want to sabotage a movie which exposes child trafficking and pedophiles? Could it be that we need to check the hard drives of some of these establishment media writers and producers?

I think it’s important to note that such people have been criminally prosecuted for child sex abuse in the past. For example, long time CNN producer John Griffin was recently arrested and convicted of child rape, using online apps to connect with mothers willing to sell their children to him for thousands of dollars so he could abuse them at his Vermont vacation home.

Last year the FBI raided the home of renowned ABC News producer James Gordon Meek and arrested him on charges of transporting child pornography. Rolling Stone Magazine was later accused of trying to cover up the reason for the arrest with selective editing and omission. Rolling Stone is now one of the main outlets attacking Sound Of Freedom.

Maybe the movie makes these journalists angry because it exposes one of their favorite hobbies?

Again, more at the link, and well worth reading.

Is there a potential correlation between this onslaught against a movie about child trafficking and abuse, and the history of the Pizzagate affair and the reaction to it?

You be the judge.


Friday, July 14, 2023

Emergency preparations: Disposing of your trash


Following our several articles about emergency preparations last month:

Emergency preparations: Hygiene and sanitation

An expensive lesson...

I've had ongoing conversations with several readers about the wider implications of such situations.  The other day we were talking about how the disposal of trash (anything from normal "dry" waste products, through spoiled food and liquids, to human waste) can affect our health, hygiene and other preparations such as water purification, etc.  I thought it might be worthwhile to address the issue in a blog article, for wider circulation.  It's a big topic, so obviously we won't do more than scratch the surface of it here.  There's lots more information available on the Internet if you look for it.

Trash disposal is one of the things to which most people pay little attention.  We've become so accustomed to bagging our waste, tossing the bags into an outdoor bin, and wheeling it to the roadside once a week for collection by the waste disposal company, that we don't give it a second thought.  However, what if our garbage was not collected?  The consequences are many, and very unpleasant.

  • The weight and volume of trash will build up quite rapidly.  It's not unusual for most families to fill a 65-95 gallon trash container every week, and many fill two of them.  If we continued to generate waste in those quantities without disposing of it, pretty soon we'd have a pile of trash bags filling up our front or back yard.
  • Trash doesn't take long to start to smell bad.  In the heat of high summer, it can be only a matter of hours;  in the depths of a freezing winter, it won't be so bad - until summer comes around and warms up the heap of garbage.
  • Trash attracts rodents, insects and other undesirable critters.  (Ever seen what a mess raccoons and possums can make of a particularly ripe-smelling trash container?  It has to be seen to be believed!)  Those critters bring with them animal waste, diseases and other contaminants, directly threatening the health of your family.
  • Your neighbors will be in similar straits without trash collection, of course.  Trouble is, with everyone's garbage accumulating in heaps, your entire street - your entire neighborhood - is going to start smelling distinctly overripe.  It's a serious health hazard.  It won't help much if you find a way to cart your garbage off-site, if everyone else's garbage near you will still present a risk.  (Also, in a long-duration emergency, you probably won't have enough fuel to waste it on car or pickup truck "trash runs".)
  • Human waste is a particular problem.  If the power goes out for an extended period, odds are that within two to three days the water and sewage systems will stop working as they should.  They may limp along under gravity for a while, if you're lucky enough to live high up so that waste can drain away from your property, but that won't do much for those living lower down;  and without pumps, the sewage in the system can't be moved to a processing plant.  It's going to lie there, build up, and stink to high heaven, as well as present a very serious disease hazard and pollution threat to any local streams or bodies of water.

There are several ways to slow down the buildup of trash produced by your household, and you can teach your neighbors to do the same things.  That'll help everyone cope in the short to medium term.  Long term, of course, there's no easy solution except to burn waste or bury it as deep as possible - and if you can't move it to a convenient and safe burial site, it'll rapidly overflow holes you dig in your back yard.  That's a worst-case scenario in anyone's language.  Still, there are things you can do to minimize the dangers.

  1. Sort your waste into categories.  Dry waste includes paper, cardboard and wood items, as well as dry fallen leaves.  All of them can be burned (observing suitable safety precautions, of course).  This reduces them to ash instead of needing a lot of space to accommodate their bulk;  and the ash can be spread out as fertilizer, or dumped into a garbage bag for further disposal (after it's cooled down!).  You have local regulations forbidding trash fires?  Friend, in an emergency situation I don't think officials are going to be able to enforce those regulations.  If you happen to have something you can use as a "burn barrel" (say, a steel 55-gallon fuel barrel with the top cut off and ventilation holes cut in the lower third of the sides), it's worth keeping it on hand for that sort of use.  Wet waste includes leftover foodstuffs, dry waste that's been dampened and can't dry out quickly, lubrication oils and fuels (which should be segregated, of course, because they're a major pollution hazard), and so on.  These will need more secure containers.  Also, plastics are a category on their own.  They usually can't be burned without creating hazardous waste that's a threat in itself, during or after the burn.
  2. Bag as much waste as possible.  Bags stop your trash blowing around in the wind, and keep it together for easier storage and disposal.  This starts with simple waste paper bins.  You can line them with plastic shopping bags, or buy bin liners very cheaply (stash them with your emergency supplies).  Kitchen trash bin liners (usually 13-gallon size) are also very useful, and larger garbage bin liners and contractor bags are ubiquitous.  Fill up a smaller bag, tie it off, and drop it into a larger bag, and go on doing that until the big bag is full:  then tie it off and move it to a disposal point.  The bags contain some of the odors generated by the trash inside, and prevent it from getting loose and being blown all over the place.  They're cheap enough that I keep several hundred of them, of different sizes, in my emergency supplies.
  3. Heavy-duty trash bags are worth their weight in gold in an emergency.  The cheaper variety are fine when you're able to dispose of them quickly after use;  but their thin plastic means they stretch and tear easily, spilling their contents, and can be easily penetrated by rodents attracted by what's inside.  During my years in the Third World, I found that heavy-duty 3-4 mil trash bags were vastly superior to thinner ones.  We used to take smaller, regular-thickness trash bags, fill and tie them, then put them into the bigger, heavier bags, and collect those for disposal when convenient.  I use these ones (specifically the 35-pack 4 mil 60 gallon bags;  the other options are 3 mil bags, not as strong).  They can also be used to make a rainproof poncho, groundsheet, or emergency shelter, or serve as weatherproof covers for your gear and supplies, particularly if you use duct tape to secure them.  Invaluable!  When choosing which bags to buy, check their thickness in mils.  Some claim to be "extra tough" or "extra thick", but don't specify how thick.  I don't trust claims like that.  Also, be wary of super-large bags, because if they get too heavy and bulky for easy handling, you've made a new problem for yourself.  Choose a size you can carry when they're full.  Your age and physical condition are important factors in determining that.
  4. Human waste is a major problem.  If one has the budget (and the space), one can keep a composting toilet handy for times when the sewer system stops working.  However, most of us can't afford that.  One can get toilet seats to fit on 5 gallon buckets, or adapt commodes for invalids to serve the whole family;  and I suppose men can "water the garden" as they have done for centuries.  Ladies will find that more difficult, of course.  If possible, I suggest separating liquid from solid human waste.  The former can be thrown out some distance from your dwelling (and any water sources), to soak into the earth.  The latter should be buried if you have space to do so, but you can't do that for very long in a small area without making your front and back yard into smelly, very unpleasant minefields.  It can also be bagged and set aside for disposal later.  (Consider smaller heavy-duty trash bags like these ones;  again, I have some set aside in my stash.  They contain the mess and the smell of human waste much better than flimsier, thinner bags.)  If necessary (and if you can do so far enough from your home that the smell and the flies won't bother you), you can spread it out and dry it in the sun to make disposal easier.  Burning is a possible method of disposal (as US troops did in Vietnam), but the smoke stinks and has health hazards of its own, and requires additional fuel that might be in short supply.
  5. Observe good hygiene and sanitation practices when handling trash.  Wear protective clothing (including gloves) when handling it, wash your hands after doing so, and avoid getting it on your body and clothes if at all possible.  If the smell is particularly bad, or if the risk of infection is great (such as when handling human waste), take extra care.  Keep bleach on hand to sanitize surfaces.  (That's another advantage of pool shock, which you may have on hand to purify water;  a little of it can make up many gallons of liquid bleach, enough to serve as a household sanitizer for months.)
  6. Don't forget twine, or cable ties, or some other method of securing the necks of your trash bags.  Sure, many come with draw strings or tie flaps, but those aren't particularly strong, and can't handle a lot of bulk and/or weight.  Heavier-duty bags often don't have them.  Fill your bags two-thirds to three-quarters full, leaving a "neck" you can twist to close them, then tie off the neck with twine or a cable tie.  That'll be much more secure, and give you a handle to lift the bag as well.  Duct tape is another very useful tool for the purpose.
  7. As your trash accumulates, you'll need to secure it against varmints and roving animals.  Something like an open dumpster isn't good enough:  mice, rats, raccoons, possums, etc. will get in through the open top, and they'll tear your trash bags to shreds, releasing everything inside.  I suggest either getting hold of multiple garbage cans, of the kind distributed by waste disposal companies (in an emergency, look for unclaimed containers in or near abandoned buildings), or building an enclosure out of wood and wire netting.  Neither option is foolproof, but they'll be better than nothing.  If you have bears in your neck of the woods, they're likely to become a serious problem as more and more trash is left lying around.  It's like a banqueting table for them - an open invitation.  Expect difficulties with such animals, some of which may become actively dangerous.
  8. Eventually, you'll have to find a way to dispose of larger volumes of trash as it accumulates.  Those living in apartments or crowded big cities are likely to find this much more difficult than those in smaller towns or rural settings.  Burial is a possibility, although it's a lot of hard work (and one must be sure that pollution won't seep out of the garbage burial site and affect local water sources).  A "trash run" (if fuel and vehicles are available) to a garbage dump site is very desirable, but may not be feasible for one person or family alone.  It might be worth arranging a cooperative trash disposal effort every so often.  Be very cautious about simply dumping your trash on what may look like an open, unused piece of ground.  The owner of that land may not take kindly to what the British call "fly-tipping";  and, if he sees you doing so, he may make his displeasure known ballistically.  Not a good idea.

Trash will become an ever-increasing problem in a medium- to long-term emergency.  It's worth thinking about it long before that happens, and making a plan to deal with it "up front" so that you're ready when you need to be.  Also, if things go pear-shaped, approach your neighbors as quickly as possible and advise them to think about the problem as well.  If you all work together, you can minimize the problem and its dangers for everybody.  If most of those around you aren't prepared, and let the mess get worse in a hurry, it's as much a health risk to you as it is to them.

For more on waste handling and disposal in an emergency, see this article.  It covers areas I haven't addressed above.


Thursday, June 29, 2023

"We're coming for your children!" Oh, yeah?


The recent chants by gay demonstrators in New York that "We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children", have (justifiably, IMHO) aroused outrage among many people with traditional values (despite NBC's attempts to defend it as "humor" . . . pretty sick humor, if you ask me).

I thought this response was more than appropriate:

However, this video response took my first prize.

I entirely approve.  In fact, if the gentleman concerned does something like that, I'll willingly contribute to his legal defense fund.  I might even contribute in advance, to assist with the purchase of any equipment he needs to do the mauling!

If that offends some people . . . why, I'm only joking, same as those assholes seen chanting in the video.  See?  It works both ways.


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

OK, that's just weird!


I was astonished to read that a California employer hired a fake "priest" to persuade its staff to confess "sins" against the company.

Eduardo Hernandez, Hector Manual Martinez Galindo and Alejandro Rodriguez hired a "priest" to hear employee confessions at work. According to the witness, the supposed priest would encourage employees to "get the sins out," asking if they had ever stolen from their employer, had done anything to hurt the company, been late to work or had any bad intentions toward the company.

. . .

"Under oath, an employee of Taqueria Garibaldi explained how the restaurant offered a supposed priest to hear their workplace ‘sins’ while other employees reported that a manager falsely claimed that immigration issues would be raised by the department’s investigation," Marc Pilotin, regional solicitor of labor, said in the release.

There's more at the link.

I suppose poorly educated or superstitious individuals might be fooled by such a "priest", but certainly nobody who knew the Catholic faith and its teachings and practices would be taken in.  On the other hand, perhaps many Catholics don't attend church often enough to understand that.  In the profession, we used to refer to the "hatch, match and dispatch" crowd - those who would be found in church only for baptisms, weddings and funerals.  I suppose they might be considered low-information believers!

At any rate, I'm glad the practice has been stopped, and the company has been fined.  However, if the owners would stoop so low as to do this, I'm willing to bet that they haven't changed their approach.  They'll just find some other way to put pressure on employees, and continue to thumb their noses at the law.  See leopards, spots, and the changing thereof . . .


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The links between "queer theory" and pedophilia


Advocates of the "gay lifestyle" are often infuriated by accusations that the philosophy they espouse (you should pardon the expression) is also strongly supportive of pedophilia.  However, the links are clear and unarguable.

I've just come across an excerpt from a talk given by an ecological and environmental activist, Derrick Jensen, in Eugene, Oregon in 2018.  In it, he makes the connections very clear.  If you have any interest at all in this subject, and particularly in protecting your children against "drag queen story hours" and other related trash, you need to hear this.

You'll find a news report about his talk here.  Interestingly, the report doesn't say anything about Prof. Jensen's views - only about the controversy caused by his presence.  One wonders why it didn't go into more detail . . . possibly to avoid offending the "gay mafia" in that city?

You might want to bookmark that video clip on YouTube, and trot it out whenever activists and supporters of gay theory try to argue that pedophilia is something completely different and unrelated.  In fact, it might be worth downloading your own copy, in case political correctness rears its ugly head and YouTube removes it.

As for the wider implications of this linkage, James Kunstler makes a trenchant observation.

The political Left these days is determined to promote sexual confusion as a crucial component of the common good. Politicians, agency officials, corporate executives, the chiefs of NGOs and public interest organizations all support public demonstrations of ignoble and sinister sexual acts, often involving the inversion of sexual roles between male and female ... 

If you object to this behavior, you may be subject to extreme punishment (loss of career) for “transphobia.” The Left is taunting America with exhibitions like this ... Is it not clear that this is some sort of insult to decency?  The Left wants the non-Left to respond with acts of violence so that the Left can proceed to disarm the non-Left and prevent any opposition to the Left’s more serious plans to abolish personal liberty, such as a Central Bank Digital Currency that can monitor all your spending, punish you for your economic choices, and confiscate your earnings. The Left does these things in the name, they say, of “our democracy.” It’s a lie, of course. Democracy is the last thing they really care about. They do it in the name of pushing everybody around because all they really care about is coercion and punishment (applied with maximum sadism).

There's more at the link.

It's hard to argue with him.


Friday, February 17, 2023

Consultants and their impact


Found on MeWe yesterday, from user Shawn Carlson (I can't link directly to his post):

A Timeless Lesson On How Consultants Can Make A Difference.

Last week, we took some friends out to a new restaurant and noticed that the waiter who took our order carried a spoon in his shirt pocket.

It seemed a little strange. When the busboy brought our water and utensils, I noticed he also had a spoon in his shirt pocket.

Then I looked around saw that all the staff had spoons in their pockets.

When the waiter came back to serve our soup I asked,” Why the spoon?”

“Well,” he explained, “the restaurant’s owners hired Kurt Salmon Associates to revamp all our processes. After several months of analysis, they concluded that the spoon is the most frequently dropped utensil. It represents a drop frequency of approximately 3 spoons per table per hour. If our personnel are better prepared, we can reduce the number of trips back to the kitchen and save 15 man-hours per shift.”

As luck would have it, I dropped my spoon and he was able to replace it with his spare.

“I’ll get another spoon next time I go to the kitchen instead of making an extra trip to get it right now.”

I was impressed.

I also noticed that there was a string hanging out of the waiter’s fly. Looking around, I noticed that all the waiters had the same string hanging from their flies.

So before he walked off, I asked the waiter, “Excuse me, but can you tell me why you have that string right there?”

“Oh, certainly!” Then he lowered his voice.

“Not everyone is so observant. That consulting firm I mentioned also found out that we can save time in the restroom. By tying this string to the tip of you know what, we can pull it out without touching it and eliminate the need to wash our hands, shortening the time spent in the restroom by 76.39%.”

“After you get it out, how do you put it back?”

“Well,” he whispered, “I don’t know about the others, but I use the spoon.”


Thursday, December 15, 2022

How bad is the flu in your area?


This year's flu season appears to have arrived with a vengeance.  My wife was down with it most of last week, and I'm showing signs of it this week;  and we have friends and acquaintances who are fighting the bug as well.  It appears to affect the stomach as well as the sinuses and lungs, so that nausea sometimes accompanies the congestion.  It's no fun at all.  Our local clinic reports being overwhelmed with cases.

Andrew Isker, writing on Gab, said:

It is hard not to be a prisoner of the moment, but I cannot remember everyone I know getting sick this bad for this long.

My whole family has been fighting a stomach bug for an entire week. Half the people I know in real life got it just as bad.

I have many friends out of state who have had the flu worse than they can ever remember.

Is it possible that they destroyed the majority of the population's immune system and that makes us all vulnerable to viruses that would have otherwise been stopped dead in their tracks?

What about you, dear readers?  Have you had a dose of the flu yet, this year?  If so, please let us know in Comments when you got it, how bad it was, and anything else that might be informative.


Tuesday, September 6, 2022

AAAAAHHH! My eyes! My eyes!


I hesitate to put this image on my blog.  If you like shotguns, you might want to cover your eyes and skip to the text below the image.  Ready?

If you're so inclined, click the image for a larger view.

That's the "Impala Plus GP28A00CU Plus Urban 12GA. 3" 28" CT-5 Color Synthetic Shotgun".  I can only presume that Picasso dumped his palette of paints out of an upper window, and they fell on a passing hunter carrying his shotgun at the wrong place and time.  Ye gods and little fishes!  Would any self-respecting duck or grouse dare to fly - let alone try to land - within a good country mile of that neon-glowing thing?


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Doofus Of The Day #1,095


Today's award goes to a sadly (?) departed (and certainly misguided) thief in Ghana.

The authorities in Ghana are investigating after a man was mauled to death by a lion after he climbed into a zoo enclosure in the capital, Accra.

The man, described as middle-aged, died from his injuries after Sunday's attack, officials say.

Wildlife authorities suspect he may have planned to steal two rare white lion cubs which have become a big draw since their birth last November.

The victim's body was retrieved from the zoo and taken to a local morgue.

. . .

A lion, a lioness and their two white cubs were in the enclosure when the incident happened.

"The lions have cubs so if you come too close they may feel you are trying to take away their babies," Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources Benito Owusu Bio told journalists.

"We ask the public to desist from doing anything like this," he added.

There's more at the link.

Based on my decades of experience in Africa, one explanation springs immediately to mind, based on several similar incidents of which I'm aware.

The would-be thief may have been a shaman, or witch doctor, or whatever local name is given to animist spiritual leaders.  The blood and body parts of white or albino lions are regarded as among the most powerful ingredients for muti, or juju, or whatever they call animist herbal/magical concoctions in that part of the world.  I won't be surprised to learn that this witchdoctor brewed up a potion to make himself invulnerable or invisible to lions, then worked his way into their enclosure to steal their babies.

I gather from the result that his protective potion... er... wasn't, and that Mommy and Daddy Lion had decided feelings (backed up by an abundant supply of teeth and claws) about their children staying right where they were, thank you very much.

Africa wins again . . .


Friday, August 19, 2022

Now there's an interesting term - "bobbitises"...


I had to laugh at the headline in this Times of India report.

Woman bobbitises live-in partner for trying to rape minor daughter in UP's Lakhimpur Kheri

A 36-year-old woman allegedly chopped off her live-in partner's genitals after he attempted to rape her 14-year-old daughter ... Disclosing the sequence of events, the woman said, "I was working in the farm when the incident took place.  Fortunately, I returned home in the nick of time and caught him red-handed.  He even attacked me while I was trying to save my daughter so I brought a knife from the kitchen and chopped off his private parts to teach him a lesson.  I have no regrets for what I did."

There's more at the link.

"Bobbitises" is obviously a play on the name of John Wayne Bobbitt, whose male organ and sex life were (temporarily) sadly foreshortened by his wife.  Surgery restored his function, so to speak, but I suspect the Indian man concerned is unlikely to benefit from the same treatment.

Ah, well.  That's one criminal who's unlikely to reoffend in the same way.  He's in custody, charged with attempted rape - and while his former lover may have no regrets for what she did, I daresay he has more than a few.

I'm tempted to take up a collection from readers to buy her the biggest and best kitchen knife available in India, as a "thank you" gift to acknowledge her determination to defend her daughter.  Hmmm . . . since he was trying to cuckold her, perhaps a "cuck-ri" might be appropriate?


Monday, June 6, 2022

When the world evangelizes the church


(For those who eschew religious faith, particularly Christianity, this article is going to deal with that subject, so you might want to skip it.  For those who don't, here goes!)

I've mentioned Bob Mumford before.  He's a Pentecostal evangelist who once defined secular humanism as "what you get when the world evangelizes the church".  I think that definition is perfectly illustrated by a so-called "drag queen pastor".  If you're a believing Christian, as I am, prepare to be nauseated by this article.  I apologize in advance for the offense I know it'll give you:  but I'm quoting from it here because this is the reality we face in so many of the mainline Christian churches today.  I don't know of any other way to drive home the danger and the threat confronting believers today.

Last year, the United Methodist Church accepted Isaac Simmons, who regularly preaches dressed as a drag queen under the name Ms. Penny Cost, as a candidate for ordination. Since that time, Simmons, who serves as an associate pastor at Hope United Methodist Church in Bloomington, Illinois, has challenged basic theological concepts, projecting a worldview where divinity rests not in God but in queerness.

. . .

Simmons has published a new video of himself performing slam poetry in what may be his most provocative repudiation of traditional Christianity and embrace of queer spirituality.

“God is nothing,” the self-described “dragavangelist” repeats throughout the poem, adding, “the Bible is nothing” and “religion is nothing.” In the end, he concludes God and the Bible are nothing “unless we wield it into something.”

“God must be f***ing nothing,” he says, “if her boundaryless, transubstantiated bodies of color are run down, beaten, and strewn in the streets of America instead of ruling the runways of life.”

He speaks of God not as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but rather as the source of queerness, describing him as “nothing but a drag queen with a microphone of biblical f***ing proportions,” “nothing, but if she were, she would be ‘yes, queen’-ing her way down the runways of Paris and Montreal,” and “nothing, but if she were, she would be a seamstress of divide couture, weaving together string theory and self portraits to form the fiercest gowns of queer existence.”

He believes humanity, then, is an emanation of that divine queerness: “From under a shroud of secrecy came the beauty of humanity, humanity made in the gender-bending, identity-breaking, system-shaking image of God, the imago Dei.” He refers to humanity as “God’s queerly anointed creation.” 

Simmons writes that the poem is “directed to those who actively and passively cause harm against the LGBTQIA2S+ Community due to their understandings of Scripture.”

There's (unfortunately) more at the link.

This illustrates perfectly what happens when one abandons the foundation of the Christian faith, namely, God's revelation.  One can argue until the cows come home whether this includes scripture and tradition, or scripture alone, but the reality is basically the same:  our faith rests upon a foundation with which we meddle at our peril.  In orthodox, Christ-centered Christianity, God's revelation judges us and our actions.  In anything else, the world judges revelation, and determines what it means according to the prevailing zeitgeist - as illustrated in the excerpt above.

Many Christians get hot under the collar when reading such drivel.  They protest that it's evil (agreed), even directly Satanic (agreed), and want to drive it and its adherents out of the church altogether.  Sadly, given the world we live in, that's not about to happen.  There are too many people who claim the label "Christian", but believe and live as if they were anything but.  Christ had an answer for them.

I've long since ignored what people say about themselves and their faith (if any).  Instead, I watch what they do and how they live.  That says far more about them than any words they might (or might not) use.  I've said many times to people, "Don't tell me what you believe - show me."  Some are insulted by this, as if I'm doubting them.  No, I'm just applying the standard Christ gave in the link above:  "By their fruits you will know them."

I therefore submit that when we look at individuals such as Isaac Simmons, we look for the Biblical "fruits of the Spirit" in their lives, and decide accordingly whether they're disciples of Christ, or disciples of the world, the flesh and the devil.  If the "works of the flesh" are more evident than the "fruits of the spirit", or the latter are conspicuous by their absence, then we know where that person stands.  It's on that foundation that I think the church should decide who's fit to preach and teach the word of God, and who is not.

I'd also suggest that most of us (including yours truly) aren't doing as well in that comparison as we should be.  I know some out-and-out atheists whom I think are better Christians than I am, because they live in such a way as to be an example to all Christians, a genuinely good life.  I hope God will reward that, in whatever way is possible in the Divine economy.  I fear greatly that many of us who proclaim ourselves to be Christian may have a shock coming when we must, individually, give an account of our lives, and face judgment for them.

Let's pray for Isaac Simmons and his ilk, that - since they proclaim themselves to be Christian - they may repent and truly believe what they proclaim, before it's too late.  If they won't, then I have no doubt that we should exclude them from our fellowship:  and, certainly, we should prevent them from proclaiming their heretical, downright evil beliefs from our pulpits.  Nevertheless, that doesn't mean we're free to hate them, or wish damnation upon them.  I'll wish Hell on nobody.  I'm mindful of Christ's admonition:  "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone first."


Thursday, April 7, 2022

A sickening prospect


I'm sure many readers saw video of former President Obama visiting the White House two days ago, surrounded by throngs of admiring staffers, visibly popular, shaking hands with all and sundry . . . while President Biden slunk around the room, ignored by almost everybody, a nonentity.  It was a tragic sight.  I've said before that the way Biden is being treated is nothing more or less than elder abuse, and this was all-too-visible evidence of that.  He's tolerated, nothing more - a useful fig-leaf for those who are really running things.  The video of President Biden holding onto Obama's shoulder in a desperate attempt to get his attention and appear "part of the team" was truly pitiful.

What shakes me to the core is an observation by Andrea Widburg at American Thinker.

The ostensible reason for Obama's return to the White House was to celebrate Obamacare's twelfth anniversary ... The reception in Obama's honor, though, hinted that the event's real purpose was to signal to Democrat apparatchiks that Biden is now shark chum.

. . .

There are three takeaways:

  1. Barack Obama, whether in his walled D.C. Kalorama home or in his coastal properties in Martha's Vineyard or Hawaii, is probably the one running the White House show.
  2. Obama has signaled that Biden's presidency is over, making Biden toxic.  That's the message Tucker Carlson drew, something he illustrated with clips showing Democrat media talking heads finally addressing Biden's economic failures.
  3. Kamala Harris still thinks she has a shot at the presidency when (not if) Biden is removed.  She was auditioning hard for the job, trying to show Obama that she'll do better than Biden at preserving and expanding the hard-left Obama legacy.  However, Obama, who is an extremely smart politician, despite his ignorance and broken, Marxist moral compass, knows that Kamala is as bad as, or even worse than, Biden.

And that fact left me with an admittedly wild theory about how Obama may intend to fix things: Obama's aiming to get back into the Oval Office.

My premise is that Obama fully understands that, if Biden is ousted immediately under the 25th Amendment, there are only idiots and incompetents to take his place.  If it's not Kamala Harris, then it's Nancy Pelosi and, if not her, then Patrick Leahy, Antony Blinken, Janet Yellen, Lloyd Austin, Merrick Garland...  Obama knows none of these nonentities will secure the transformation he promised America.  Instead, there are three steps to return Obama to the presidency:

  1. Have the Democrat establishment remove Kamala Harris from office, whether through threats or bribes.
  2. Have the Democrats declare that, because world instability (Ukraine, Putin, China) puts us at unprecedented risk, only a politically seasoned person can be vice president, with Obama graciously accepting that role.
  3. Oust Biden using the 25th Amendment.  And voilà!  President Obama (again).  He can even have Stacey Abrams as his veep.

The 22nd Amendment does not bar Obama from regaining the presidency this way.  It only stops him from being "elected to the office."  The three steps above avoid an election.

Obama will then have two and a half years to lock down America's "fundamental transformation" into a fully socialized third-world country, and Biden has given him a head start when it comes to destroying institutions.  Heck, if Obama does the job right, he can be the new Putin or Erdoğan: America's president for life.

And yes, I agree this sounds crazy, but events since 2020 show that we really are nothing more than a fancy banana republic.

There's more at the link.

It's been obvious for a long time that Obama is running the White House.  Right from the start, many former members of his administration moved into the Biden administration and ran it their way.  Unofficially at least, it's already Obama's third term.  If Ms. Widburg's speculation is correct, it may become official after all.

I can't think of anything worse for us than more of the authoritarianism, autocratic arrogance, naked anti-Americanism and socialist extremism that we saw in Obama's two terms.  Another Obama term is just too ghastly to contemplate.  I suspect things will be worse when the "man behind the curtain" no longer needs to conceal his role.  He'll be able to devote all his attention to "unmaking America" - and, on the evidence of his past administrations, he may even succeed.  Biden's bad enough.  He'd be worse - much worse.

I don't want to live in a country like that, thank you very much . . . and I suspect most of my readers feel the same.


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Headline of the week - maybe of the year


I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this headline:

I mean . . . huh???  At first I though this had to be a parody or satirical "news" site - but no, it's a serious news outlet for and in New Jersey.

I'm not going to embed the news report here.  You can click over on that headline to read it for yourself.  Suffice it to say that the details are as gory as you can imagine.  Frankly, I wouldn't have believed it was physically possible, but clearly I've lived a sheltered life.

I presume the victim (or perhaps he's better described as the perpetrator?) isn't married . . . because if he was, I'd love to be a fly on the wall and listen to him trying to explain that to his wife!


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The joys (?) of older cars - NOT!


Miss D. and I headed down to Big Texas Metroplex a couple of hours from us yesterday, to take her car (an old-model Subaru) to the dealer there for a major service.  We get routine services done up here at a local shop, but for the big stuff (every 50,000 miles or so) we prefer to use the dealer.

We left the car at the dealer, asking for a detailed quote before they went ahead with the work.  It's a good thing we did.  We were sure we'd be facing a bill of a couple of thousand dollars, but when the quote came back late yesterday, it was for over $11,000!!! Turns out all sorts of little things had accumulated that our local shade tree mechanic hadn't picked up on, so their cumulative effect has reached very expensive proportions.  Some of what the dealership wanted to do was cosmetic, rather than really necessary, but even so, the laundry-list of repairs was a shocker.

The car's not worth more than a thousand dollars or so, even in today's market - it's sixteen years old, with over 180K miles on it - so it's out of the question to spend that sort of money on an overhaul. I guess we're going to have to shop around for a replacement. Dot loves her Subaru (she's an Alaskan lady, remember, and its snow- and ice-driving competence in that environment is near and dear to her, even though she no longer lives there), but I don't think we'll get another Subie.  The nearest dealer is over 100 miles away from our home, and we need something with a local dealership that can check on such problems before they get out of hand.

Needless to say, this is just about the worst possible time to be looking for a replacement vehicle, given the current state of the car market.  Still, when one doesn't have a choice, that clarifies the position wonderfully.  We may try being a one-car family for a while, if we can make that work between us.  It'll be tricky, given conflicting demands for transport in different directions and/or at different hours of the day, but we'll see.

I suppose I could always take the engine out of the Subie and replace it with bicycle pedals and a chain to the rear differential, or even a nest of tightly wound rubber bands!  There doesn't seem to be any shortage of them - not yet, anyway . . .


Monday, November 29, 2021

The most epic prank I've seen in years...


... and yes, it's schoolboy-type humor, but it still makes me laugh my ass off!  A tip o' the hat to Aesop at Raconteur Report for finding it first.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:  seagulls on laxatives!

Troll level:  epic!


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Saturday Snippet: How our forefathers coped with everyday life


Recently I came across a fascinating book titled "Lost Skills of the 19th Century: A Practical Guide to a Variety of Useful Arts No Longer Widely Known or Practiced".

The author has taken a common task for every year of the 19th century, and provided an excerpt from a contemporary source describing how to accomplish it.  It's a series of vignettes of a way of life long past.  It's also a sobering lesson in how hard our forefathers had to work in areas that today we take for granted.  For example, they had to preserve meat through the winter by doing it all themselves, whereas we rely on freezers, cans, etc., avoiding all the drudgery.

I've selected a few of the tasks addressed in the book for your reading pleasure - and gratitude that we don't have to do that today!



As farmers are most commonly too far distant from market places, to be supplied from them with fresh meat, and as it is most convenient for them to kill only at certain seasons, they ought to be well acquainted with the best methods of keeping meat in good order, by salting.

The common method of preserving pork, reserving the lean parts for use in the cold season, and applying a large quantity of salt to the fat, is perhaps as good as any can be. But beef is greatly injured, and rendered unwholesome by a severe salting.

A good method of preserving beef, which I have known to be practised for several years past, is as follows: For a barrel of beef of the common size, reduce to powder in a mortar, four quarts of common salt; then eight ounces of salt petre, and five pounds of brown sugar. Let the salt be well rubbed into the pieces, pack them close in the barrel, and sprinkle the salt petre and sugar evenly over each layer. No water at all is to be applied. The juices of the meat, if well packed, will form a sufficient quantity of brine; and the beef will keep sweet and good through the following summer, supposing it killed and packed in the beginning of winter, or late in autumn; and will not be too salt to be palatable.—Draining off the brine and purifying it by boiling and scumming, with the addition of a little salt in the beginning of summer, and returning of the brine upon the meat, will be a real improvement.

~ ~ ~


The American Gardeners Calendar - January - Work To Be Done In The Kitchen Garden

As it is generally the ambition of most gardeners to excel each other ... all necessary preparations should be made this month for that purpose, by preparing dung for hot-beds, in which to raise the plants; for they, being of a tender quality, require the aid of artificial heat under shelter of frames and glasses, until the middle or latter end of May, especially in the middle and eastern states.

But by the aid of hot-beds, defended with frames and glasses, we obtain early cucumbers, in young green fruit, fit to cut or gather in February, March and April, &c. and ripe melons in May and June…

In order to raise early cucumbers and melons, you must provide a quantity of fresh hot stable-dung, wherewith to make a small hot-bed for a seed-bed, in which to raise the plants to a proper growth for transplanting into larger hot-beds next month to remain to fruit; for this purpose a small bed for a one or two light frame may be sufficient, in which case two cart-load of hot dung will be enough for making a bed of proper dimensions for a one-light box, and so in proportion for a larger.

Agreeably to these intimations, provide the requisite supply of good horse-stable-dung from the dunghills in stable-yards, &c. consisting of that formed of the moist stable litter and dunging of the horses together, choosing that which is moderately fresh, moist, and full of heat… always preferring that which is of some lively, warm, steamy quality: and of which take the long and short together as it occurs, in proper quantity as above. And being thus procured, proceed to making the hot-bed, or previously to forming it into a bed, if the dung is rank, it would be proper to prepare it a little to an improved state, more successful for that purpose, by forking the whole up into a heap, mixing it well together; and let it thus remain eight or ten days to ferment equally, and for the rank steam and fierce heat to transpire, or evaporate in some effectual degree; and by which time it will have acquired a proper temperament for making into a hot-bed, by which treatment the heat will be steady and lasting, and not so liable to become violent or burning, as when the dung is not previously prepared.

Choose a place on which to make your hot-bed, in a sheltered dry part of the framing ground, &c. open to the morning and south sun: and it may be made either wholly on the surface of the ground, or in a shallow trench, of from six to twelve inches deep, and four or five feet wide, according to the frame; but if made entirely on the surface, which is generally the most eligible method at this early season, it affords the opportunity of lining the sides of the bed with fresh hot dung, quite down to the bottom, to augment the heat when it declines, and also prevents wet from settling about the bottom of the bed, us often happens when made in a trench, which chills the dung, and causes the heat soon to decay.

Then according to the size of the frame, mark out the dimensions of the bed, either on the ground, or with four stakes; making an allowance for it to be about four or five inches wider than the frame each way: this done, begin to make the bed accordingly, observing to shake and mix the dung well, as you lay it on the bed, and beat it down with the back of the fork, as you go on: but I would not advise treading it, for a bed which is trodden hard will not work so kindly, and be more liable to burn than that which is suffered to settle gradually of itself: in this manner proceed till the bed has arrived at the height of four feet, which will not be too much; making an allowance for its settling six or eight inches, or more, in a week or fortnight’s time; and as soon as finished, let the frame and glass be put on: keep them close till the heat comes up, then raise the glass behind that the steam may pass away…

Three or four days after the bed is made, prepare to earth it; previously observing, if it has settled unequally, to take off the frame and glasses, and level any inequalities; make the surface smooth, put on the frame again, and then lay therein as much of the above-mentioned earth as will cover the whole top surface of the bed, about three or four inches thick, then fill two, three, or more middling smallish garden-pots with more of the aforesaid rich earth, place them within the frame on the hot-bed, put on the glass or glasses, and continue them till the earth in the pots is warm ; and when that is effected, sow the seeds in the pots…

If the bed should heat too violently, as is sometimes unavoidably the case, the pots can be readily drawn up more or less, out of danger of burning the earth, &c. therein; and thus, the sowing in pots in a new made hot-bed in full heat may prove of greater advantage than sowing in the earth of the bed, with regard to more probable safety from burning.

After sowing the seeds, put on the lights or glasses close; but when the steam from the heat of the bed rises copiously, give it vent by raising one corner of the upper ends of the lights, half an inch or an inch, which is also necessary in order to prevent any burning tendency from the great heat of the bed in its early state.

Continue now to cover the glasses of the hot-bed every evening, about an hour before sun-setting if mild weather, but earlier in proportion to its severity, with garden mats; and uncover them every morning.

(Blogger's note:  After reading that, all I can say is, "Thank Heaven for today's supermarkets and their fresh fruit and vegetable selections!")

~ ~ ~


The Medical Companion: With a Dispensatory and Glossary.

The art of opening a vein, and the necessary cautions respecting the operation, should be learned by every one; since cases of emergency may happen, when the necessity of its being performed is evident, and where life may be lost before medical assistance can be obtained. Another qualification necessary to be possessed, is that of being able to stop the flow of blood from a vein thus opened.

To bleed, you are to apply a ribbon or ligature with some degree of tightness, an inch or two above the elbow joint; and as soon as a vein is conspicuous, place the thumb of your left hand about an inch below the place of your puncture, and then with your right hand, holding the lancet firm betwixt your thumb and fore finger, make an incision obliquely into the vein, without changing its direction, or raising the handle, lest the point; being lowered in proportion, should cut the under part of the vein, or perhaps even wound an artery.

When the quantity of blood you wish, is drawn, un-tie the ligature, and close the orifice. To accomplish this, let the thumb be placed on the orifice, so as to bring its sides together, and to press it with a moderate force. The flow of blood will now be stopped, and the operator, with the hand, must introduce a compress, made by twice doubling a piece of linen about two inches square, between the orifice and his thumb; over this place another compress, three or four inches square, of a thickness sufficient to fill up the hollow of the bend of the arm, confining the whole with a ribbon or tape, passing over the compress, and above and below the elbow, in the form of a figure eight, finishing with a knot over the compress.

If the bleeding continue obstinate, the sleeve of the gown or coat above the orifice, ought to be ripped or loosened; and if this do not succeed, the lips of the incision should be brought nicely together, and while they are compressed firmly by the thumb of the operator, the coldest water should be poured on the arm, or the orifice washed with sharp vinegar. The placing of a piece of adhesive plaster over the orifice in the vein, generally succeeds in checking the flow of blood.

To bleed in the foot, a ligature must be applied above the ankle joint, and after opening the most conspicuous vein, if the flow of blood is not copious it may be increased by immersion of the part in warm water. On removing the ligature, the blood will readily cease to discharge, and a piece of court plaster is the best bandage.

Topical blood-letting is executed by the application of leeches, as near as possible to the part affected, or by a scarificator, or an instrument with a number of lancets acted upon by a spring.

When leeches are employed they must be previously prepared by drying them, or allowing them to creep over a dry cloth; the part also, to attract them, should be moistened with cream, sugar, or blood, and they confined on it by applying a wine-glass over them.

When the scarificator is used, as soon as a wound is made, a cup exhausted of its atmospheric air, by burning over it for a few seconds, a bit of soft paper dipt in the spirit of wine, and on the flame of which being nearly exhausted, must instantly be applied over the scarified part; when full, it is easily removed by raising one side of it, to admit the air. When you have taken away in this manner a sufficient quantity of blood, the wounds are to be covered with some cream or mild ointment.

~ ~ ~


Indian Traits: Being Sketches of the Manners, Customs and Character of the North American Indians, Vol. I.

… Canoes were also made,—chiefly in New England,—as they are by the modern Indians, of bark, particularly that of the birch-tree. The tribes of the Northern Lakes make them wholly of this material, with a little soft wood and pine-gum, or boiled pitch, without a nail or a bit of metal of any kind to confine the parts. The entire outside is bark. Where the edges of it come together at the bottom or along the sides, they are sewed very closely with a sort of vegetable thread called wattap,—made of roots,—and the seam is then plastered over with gum. Next to the bark, are pieces of cedar, shaven flat and thin, not thicker than the blade of a knife. These run lengthwise, and are pressed against the bark by means of cedar ribs fitted to the bottom and sides of the canoe, in the opposite direction, and which, at the upper end, are pointed, and run into a rim of cedar. This rim, being about an inch thick and an inch and a half wide, forms the gun-wale, (as the whites call it,) to which the bark and ribs are all sewed with wattap. Across the boat are several bars, which keep it in shape, and are also fastened to the gunwale. The seats of those who paddle are alongside of, but below the bars,—made of plank or board, a few inches wide, and hung by a cord or withe at each end to the gunwale. In small bark canoes, however, no seats are used. The Indian adjusts himself on the bottom. They are sometimes thirty feet long, and of course capable of accommodating quite a party, like a log canoe; but more frequently they are made for the use of two or three people, and are so light and small as to be very easily carried a long distance on a man’s head. This makes them convenient for travelling in the winter, when the streams and lakes are frozen, as well as for navigating shallow or rapid streams.

The bark-canoes, of whatever size, indeed, are so fragile as to be easily damaged and destroyed by overloading, or by running against obstacles in the water. The larger ones, used on the Lakes, are made to carry a weight of stores, tents and baggage, to the amount of from four to eight thousand pounds; but in this case the bottom is defended by a layer of long poles, which cause the burden to press equally on all points. The paddles are of red-cedar, and very light. The blade is about three inches wide, except the steersman’s, behind, which is five inches. One of the crew looks out in front, to prevent running upon rocks. In mounting a rapid current, a stout pole is used instead of the paddle; and those who use it are obliged to stand erect. This makes the navigation exceedingly difficult, and sometimes dangerous, even for those most accustomed to it. Of the whites, perhaps not one out of ten could safely for the first time navigate a small birch canoe, even in smooth water, without oversetting it.

An advantage in most of these boats, which should not be forgotten, is, that the two ends being generally fashioned and shaped much alike, both answer equally well for the prow or stern, so that there is no necessity of turning them round. When they are so constructed, as to admit of a sail being hoisted, the Indians will accomplish sixty miles with them in a day; without it, about half that distance.

It is but two or three years since a member of the Penobscot tribe, residing at Old Town, in Maine, paddled one of the smallest kind of birch canoes all the way along the Atlantic Coast from the mouth of his own river to the harbor of New York.

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Mc’Neils Travels in 1849, To, Through and From the Gold Regions, in California.

At this point I think proper to offer some remarks respecting the digging and washing of the gold, and the best places for finding it. On the sides and tops of mountains gold is not found in large quantities, nor on the plains. But dig wherever you may think proper in that country, you will find some. When a river is high you cannot work along it to advantage. The explorer, if passing along a river when the water is high, may correctly judge that gold may be found at the foot of a fall or eddy, where he will or may be very successful when the water is low, the swiftness of the eddy having accumulated the gold scales in piles in places called “pockets.” In such places the diggers should not be discouraged if at first they find none, but dig on until they get to the rock where they will find it the most, as gold, being the heaviest, passes through the sand and gravel, and settles on the rock. In those eddies, or pockets, or gravel bars, formed by the current of the river, some, not aware of what I said, will dig down one, two, or three feet, and finding none will leave the spot, while an old miner, coming afterwards, will dig deeper in the same hole, and find thousands of dollars safely deposited on the rock. In the slate rock it is only found in the crevices, as if it had been melted and poured into them by the hands of the Almighty. In the white flint rock it is not found so distinct or separate, but is there frequently seen commingled with the rock itself, the gold still being perfectly pure or almost, only losing two cents in the ounce when assayed at the mint, yielding seventeen dollars and sixty cents to the ounce, some say a great deal more, but the gold I gathered, which was the purest of the pure, only afforded that amount in the mint at New Orleans. While I was at the mines the New York and Massachusetts companies arrived, bringing with them patent gold washers, but were compelled to throw them away and use the common simple cradle, reminding me of the old woman who remarked that the old way of getting children is the best in the world. I will now describe the simple cradle. It resembles a common baby cradle, about four feet and a half long, of white pine, having bottom, sides, head board, but none at the foot. On the bottom three cleats, an inch wide and eighteen inches apart, are nailed. A kind of hopper, the bottom of which is sheet iron perforated with half inch holes, having a low raised board round the edge, is fastened across the top of the cradle. The sand, gravel and gold are poured into this hopper, and then while water is poured on these with one hand, the cradle is rocked with the other, by which motion the gold, sand, and gravel are forced into the body of the cradle, where the gold, being the heaviest, lodges against the wooden cleats, while the sand and gravel pass onward and out by the foot of it. Then the gold along those cleats, and the little sand and gravel still mingled with it, are taken out, put into a pan and washed at the edge of the river as clean as you can get it without wasting any of the gold. Then it is placed on a handkerchief spread in the sun, and when it is dry the remaining sand is blown from it as one blows the dust from beans. This sand is as black as powder. The fact is, gold is only found in black sand. The pure gold is then put into a double sewed buckskin bag or purse, and is then ready for preservation or exportation.

While lying asleep or awake at night I did not think it strange for lizzards to run over my body and up the legs of my trowsers, and for wolves, called the kyota, to steal my breakfast prepared for the morning.

In my travels through California I saw thousands upon thousands of the finest and fattest cattle I ever saw, perfectly wild;—deer, antelopes, and elk, but I never saw the wild oats, wheat and clover high as a horse’s belly, mentioned by Col. Fremont, as published in his travels, and have the strongest reasons for believing that they do not exist in that country.

I caution persons going from this country to California against the traders and speculators found in that country. When those strangers inquire for the best diggings, those traders direct them to the spot where they have provisions and mining implements for sale, whether those places are the best or not. Strangers, after digging with little success in spots to which they have been directed—perhaps in places which have been abandoned, become disgusted, leave the gold region, and return home, believing that the whole is a humbug affair; whereas, if they would travel a little and search for themselves, they would find plenty of gold, return well laden with the precious metal, and publish that it is the greatest or rather only El Dorado in the world.

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S. Newhouse:  The Trapper’s Guide.

OUTFIT FOR A CAMPAIGN ON FOOT. If the region in which you propose to trap cannot be reached by boat or wagon, you must be content with such necessaries as you can carry on your person. A trapper on foot should not tire himself with long stiff-legged boots, but should wear short half-boots (with soles well nailed), fitting snugly above and around the ankle. His pants should be gray woolen, closely fitting below the knee, but roomy above. His coat should be of the same material and color, with plenty of pocket-room. His hat should be of soft felt, gray, and with a moderate brim. He should carry a “change” of woolen drawers, wrappers, shirts, and stockings. A towel with soap, a night-cap, and a blanket, or, what is better, a Canton-flannel bag to sleep in, will complete his personal equipments. Then he must carry for shelter a small tent, made of firm cotton-drilling, weighing not more than two pounds and a half; for subsistence, a double-barrelled gun (rifle and shot), weighing seven or eight pounds, with ammunition, and fishing-tackle ; and, for all sorts of purposes, an axe of two and a half pounds (with a good length of handle), and plenty of tacks and nails. For cooking and table service he must carry a frying-pan, a camp-kettle, a hunting-knife, some knives and forks, spoons of two sizes, a few tin pressed plates and basins, and a drinking-cup. Above all, he must not forget to take a good supply of matches and a pocket-compass. These necessaries (exclusive of clothing) will weigh, according to my reckoning, about twenty-five pounds. The rest of his load must be made up of traps and provisions. If he is stout enough to undertake trapping on foot, he ought to be able to travel with about fifty pounds. He may take then five pounds of provisions and twenty pounds of traps, or any other proportion of these articles that will make up the remaining twenty-five pounds. His provisions should consist of articles that will be desirable as accompaniments to the produce of his gun and fishing-tackle, namely, sugar, tea and coffee (rather than whiskey), salt, pepper, butter, lard, sifted Indian meal, white beans, crackers, &c. The butter and lard should be put up in air-tight cans, and on arrival at the trapping grounds should be sunk in a spring. The best kind of knapsack for carrying such an outfit is made of rubber-cloth, with shoulder-straps: but you can easily convert your sleeping-bag or your blanket into a knapsack that will serve very well. If you trap with one companion or more, which is a good plan and according to the general practice), many of the articles named in the above list will answer for the party, and so the load for individuals will be lightened. Thus equipped, you can turn your back on the haunts of men, march into the wilderness, and, with a little hunting and fishing in the intervals of trap-duty, live pleasantly for months, and return with your load of furs, a stouter and healthier man than when you started.

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Wallace W. Nixon:  The Chemical Laundry Guide.

307. – RENEWAL OF FEATHER BEDS. In cities there are establishments where feather beds are perfectly renovated by steam, but the process employed would be impracticable for home use. By the accompanying simple treatment, however, feather beds that have become soiled and heavy can be readily rendered clean, sweet, and light. At first sight, the process may appear to be detrimental, yet it is not only an easy method, but attended with perfect success. Without emptying the beds, thoroughly scour the ticking with a clean stiff brush and strong hot soap-suds; then lay them on the roof of a shed or some other clean place where the rain will fall on them. In very dry weather, they may be made wet by several thorough sprinklings with a watering pot, but the wetting is much better effected by the rain. When thoroughly soaked, let them dry in the hot rays of the sun for six or seven consecutive days. Shake them up well and turn them over every day. If exposed to the night air they will become damp and then mildew, so they should so covered during the night, for the idea is, after they are once soaked through, to have them continue to dry without receiving additional moisture. This plan of washing the bed-ticking and feathers makes them very fresh and light. It is far easier than the usual mode of emptying the beds and washing the feathers separately, and it answers quite as well. Care must be taken to thoroughly air the bed before using it.

309. – HAIR MATTRESSES. Hair mattresses, even the most expensive ones, by use soon become hard and uneven, and are then anything but comfortable. The reason why they get in this condition in so short a time is, that at manufactories where hair mattresses are made, the hair was never properly picked free from bunches. The hair is usually stored away in large quantities, where it becomes matted together in knots and bunches. In this condition it is made into mattresses, and although at first the mattress seems smooth and even, as soon as it sustains a continued weight, as a person lying upon it, the bunches become apparent. If a mattress that has become hard and dirty be subjected to the accompanying treatment, it will be rendered a better mattress than when first bought. Simply rip the ticking apart and wash it; then carefully pick the hair free from bunches and let it remain in a dry airy place for several days. When the ticking is dry, fill it lightly with the hair and tack it together. The hair is not likely to again get in bunches.

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George Henry Sandison:  How to Behave and How to Amuse.

It is a rule among the best people to call upon the stranger who is in town. If the visitor brings letters of introduction, an entree to society is easy through the usually observed forms. If strangers who have come to reside near us, or even to visit our locality, bear credentials of respectability, courteous and hospitable residents will call upon them, after sufficient time has elapsed for the recently arrived to have adjusted themselves to their new positions. No introduction is necessary in such a case. The resident ladies call between two and five o’clock, send in their own with their husbands’ or their fathers’ or brothers’ cards, and if they find the strangers disengaged, a brief and cordial interview ends the first visit. This must be returned within a week, or a note of apology and explanation for the omission is sent, and the return visit is then paid later on. If a card be sent in return for this visit, or is left in person without an effort to see the parties who have made the first visit, it is understood that the strangers prefer solitude, or that there are reasons why they cannot receive visitors.

A gentleman should not make a first call upon the ladies of the family of a new-comer without an introduction or an invitation.

When should a lady call first on a new desirable acquaintance? She should have met the new acquaintance, should have been properly introduced, and should feel sure that her own acquaintance is desired. The oldest resident, the one most prominent in society, should call first. Good expedient for a first call is the sending out of cards, for several days in the month, by a lady who wishes to begin her social life in a new place. These may be accompanied by the card of some well-known friend, or they may go out alone. If they bring visits or cards in response, the beginner has started on her career with no loss of self-respect. First calls should be returned within a week.

After a dinner-party a guest must call in person and inquire if the hostess is at home. For other entertainments the lady can call by proxy, or simply send her card. In sending to inquire for a person’s health, cards may be sent with a courteous message. No first visit should, however, be returned by card only.

Bachelors should leave cards on the master and mistress of the house, and the young ladies. To turn down the corners of the card has become almost obsolete, except, perhaps, where a lady wishes it understood that she called in person. The plainer the card the better. A small, thin card for a gentleman, not glazed, with his name in small script and his address well engraved in the corner, is in good taste. A lady’s card should be larger, but not glazed or ornamented.

A different world from ours, in terms of social etiquette, day-to-day tasks, and the like.  Certainly, one had to work a lot harder for the everyday things in life that you and I take for granted!
