Showing posts with label Coronavirus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coronavirus. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Note the deafening silence from mainstream US news media about these admissions


Via anecdotal data and reports, we've been aware for years that the COVID-19 vaccines were causing serious harm to many of those who took them.  It's been said that they're responsible for many deaths, possibly more than the disease itself, and fringe commenters have even alleged that they were a deliberate attempt to reduce the world's population.  Politicians and the mainstream media have debunked such talk, but they've never actually addressed the existing data head-on and examined it impartially.

Two recent reports from the UK and Japan, may signal the breaking of the ice over that.  First, in Japan, a former cabinet minister has publicly apologized for the damage caused by the vaccines.  I've not seen any reference to his speech in mainstream US news media, but fringe media and foreign reports like this one from Thailand have been less reticent.

A high-profile Japanese government official has issued a public apology to his people over the mass deaths and vaccine injuries caused by Covid mRNA shots.

The apology was made by Kazuhiro Haraguchi, a former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan who currently serves as a member of the House of Representatives.

Haraguchi made a heartfelt statement during a speech at a major protest against the World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday.

"I apologize to all of you," Haraguchi told the massive crowd.

"So many have died, and they shouldn't have."

. . .

Elsewhere in the speech, he also apologized for the suppression of alternative Covid treatments such as ivermectin.

He revealed that ivermectin was blocked from use because it was cheap and would "interfere with the sales of the vaccines".

There's more at the link.

In another report, British newspaper The Telegraph reports that Netherlands scientists have found that the COVID-19 vaccines may be responsible for at least part of the explosion in "excess deaths" in recent years.

Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested.

Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures.

They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.

Writing in the BMJ Public Health, the authors from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, said: “Although Covid-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the Covid-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well.

“Both medical professionals and citizens have reported serious injuries and deaths following vaccination to various official databases in the Western World.”

. . .

The study found that across Europe, the US and Australia there had been more than one million excess deaths in 2020, at the height of the pandemic, but also 1.2 million in 2021 and 800,000 and 2022 after measures were implemented.

Researchers said the figure included deaths from Covid-19, but also the “indirect effects of the health strategies to address the virus spread and infection”.

They warned that side effects linked to the Covid vaccine had included ischaemic stroke, acute coronary syndrome and brain haemorrhage, cardiovascular diseases, coagulation, haemorrhages, gastrointestinal events and blood clotting.

German researchers have pointed out that the onset of excess mortality in early 2021 in the country coincided with the rollout of vaccines, which the team said “warranted further investigation”.

Again, more at the link.

For those who've been skeptical about official sources' attempts to "whitewash" the issue, this is nothing new:  but to see reports from such sources is an eye-opener.  Is the official "wall of silence" crumbling?  Will we see more and more authoritative sources acknowledging what's been obvious to any informed observer for years now?  I won't hold my breath waiting, but these are at least encouraging developments.

Meanwhile, given that background, with alarmist threats of new health dangers such as bird flu (H5N1) "migrating" to the human population, I'll continue to watch all such official pronouncements with skepticism, and investigate alternative therapies to any recommended by the establishment.  After all, if they lied to us for so long about COVID-19, why should we believe that they're not doing it again?


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Japanese oncologist speaks about the explosion in cancer rates after the COVID-19 vaccine


Prof. Masanori Fukushima, a leading Japanese oncologist, discusses the impact of the COVID-19 vaccine on cancer rates, particularly rapid-onset cancers.  Here are some excerpts, posted on Twitter.

I am the most senior medical oncologist in Japan.  I was the first to open a cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University, and before that, in Kyoto University, in 2020, I was the head of a section at the Aichi Cancer Center, all positions were at the Aichi Cancer Center Hospital. I established the first course in pharmacoepidemiology at Kyoto University in Japan.


People are saying about what's being called "turbo cancer," a type previously unseen by doctors, characterized by its incredibly fast speed. By the time it's discovered, it is already in stage four, advanced cancer, and such cases are starting to sporadically appear in consultations. Thus, doctors began sharing information about these extraordinary cases that are different from before. So, this has gradually become the situation since last year or the year before that. Indeed, doctors have been sensing from the field that something unusual related to cancer may be happening. They were feeling it on the ground. 


Moreover, the results of our analysis show, surprisingly, that specific types of cancer, in relation to the vaccination, seem to be experiencing excess mortality. Firstly, cancers such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, thyroid cancer, and then statistically, esophageal and lung cancer. These are, and another one is prostate cancer in men. Such cancers are specifically observing excess mortality. This phenomenon cannot be simply explained by disruptions such as early screenings being unavailable due to the pandemic, or lost opportunities for treatment.


It's as if we've opened Pandora's box and are now encountering all sorts of diseases. We're facing them. Autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and infections. All of these, including rare and difficult diseases, even those rare conditions are happening. Even diseases unheard of are being encountered by ordinary doctors.


This isn't science; it's more akin to faith, hysteria, or even cult behavior, in my opinion. Opposing vaccines doesn't make one a heretic like Galileo; it's become like being treated as a complete outcast. That's the situation. This is madness.


 We really must take these damages seriously and address them earnestly. Any efforts to dismiss these damages as if they didn't happen are, frankly, the work of evil. This is a quintessential example of the evil practice of science.


Therefore this vaccine was from the beginning based on misconception, misconduct, and evil practices of science, totally defective, founded on misconceptions, leading to a totally false production, a false product, I believe.


We must confront this directly again and shine the light of science on it, so the WHO should lead a comprehensive outcome research on this gene vaccine used on humanity on a large scale for the first time, and all countries should cooperate with it. We should never again use such vaccines. This is a shame for humanity. It's a disgrace!

The full video interview with Prof. Fukushima may be found at the link.  It's less than ten minutes long, and is worth your time.

I'm no longer active as a pastor and chaplain, except when individuals ask me for counseling or wish to discuss something.  However, I'm still in touch with those "on the front lines", so to speak:  and unanimously they report a significant increase in the number of people being diagnosed with rapid-onset cancers, appearing almost out of nowhere and progressing at a viciously fast rate.  Some of them are only detected when they're at Stage 3 or Stage 4 (the latter usually meaning survival is unlikely).  I'd love to know why the mainstream media, in the US and elsewhere, is ignoring or censoring this ongoing reality.

In this case, forewarned is not forearmed, because there isn't much one can do about such rapidly progressing illnesses:  but one can at least watch one's health carefully, in the hope of detecting anything dangerous before it becomes unstoppable.  I hope we can all take warning from that.


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

This does not increase my confidence in the health care system...


Considering the consequences of hasty deployment of the COVID-19 vaccines, this report doesn't fill me with confidence.

Investigative reporter Jefferey Jaxen brought to light an alarming reality on The Highwire Thursday: the ability to “vaccinate” the entire world without injecting large amounts of the population is upon us.

What we’re referring to is self-spreading vaccines, a technology that was almost ready to be deployed for the coronavirus pandemic — but ultimately passed on for mRNA injections instead.

. . .

The only thing stopping the mass use of this technology is this pesky thing known as informed consent. But the reality is, as evidenced by the COVID era, informed consent is not what it used to be.

The whole idea behind self-spreading vaccines is largely grounded in circumventing informed consent from individuals, or what scientists like to refer to as “behavioral barriers” or “vaccine delay.”

. . .

The U.S. military and DARPA have also been researching self-spreading vaccines, with DARPA exploring antivirals to “evolve” in real-time against new viral strains.

However, if a self-spreading vaccine mutates in an unforeseen way, it could potentially pose grave risks for the entire population.

Attorney Aaron Siri issued a statement on the matter.

“With this product, the whole idea is they release it to basically one person, and it spreads to every single person on the globe. So if they mess it up one time, just once, just once,” he emphasized, “they can mess up the entire world.”

“What might even be the biggest victim ... if they ever release this thing, it’s going to be civil, individual rights... Here, they’re going to release a product where you’re going to have no choice effectively but to take it. That is the ultimate crushing of individual and civil rights.”

There's more at the link.

A quick Internet search for "self spreading vaccines" reveals that there's been a lot of effort put into this since 2022, building on more limited research for a couple of decades prior to that.  Therefore, although the subject is almost ignored by the mainstream media, I'm forced to conclude that the report is probably accurate.

Unfortunately, given the enormous increase in vaccine-related complications, injuries and health issues that have arisen after vaccination for COVID-19, I have no confidence at all that these self spreading vaccines will be any better tested and controlled, and will inflict any fewer negative consequences on most or all of us.  After all, if they don't bother to tell us that the vaccine is spreading itself, how will we know what to look out for?  And how will we know what caused them?  It's like a "get out of jail free" card for vaccine developers and manufacturers - and for the health care system(s) that will take advantage of this technology, whether their customers want it or not.

Welcome to the Brave New World, where your medical masters decide on your behalf what medications, vaccines and other substances you need, and administer them without so much as a "by your leave".  How does it feel to be just another digit in the health care system?


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The COVID-19 scam is now plain to see - but the authorities worldwide continue to exploit it


Two of the leading lights in uncovering the lies about COVID-19 have just laid out the latest evidence that it was a deliberately manufactured plague, and that vaccines against it increase our risk of death.

The Smoking Gun - With a confession note

Emily Kopp from The US Right to Know (USRTK) has obtained additional detail about the DEFUSE proposal that is far more than a smoking gun but, in fact, is more analogous to finding the gun, fingerprint and confession note in one place.

Emily found evidence that this proposal also listed the very restriction enzyme (BsmBI) that Bruttel et al. claimed could build the virus. Not only did Bruttel et al. notice that BsmBI sites were conveniently evenly spaced throughout the viral genome and this spacing was not only NOT observed in other CVs but that this approach made complete sense as a logical path to manually assembling the genome.

Lo and behold the DEFUSE proposal actually contains NEB R0580S part numbers to order these very enzymes to construct the virus in the manner Bruttel et al. predicted.

This is a case closed event!

There is no more debate. C19 was made in a lab. Which lab and when is still a hot topic but it didn’t come from a pangolin courting a bat.

The New Zealand data leaked by whistleblower Barry Young is unassailable proof the COVID vaccines increase your risk of death

None of the leadership team at Health New Zealand is interested in the fact that their database shows they are killing New Zealanders with these vaccines. They will not let me speak to any of their epidemiologists and they won’t show me the time series analysis done by their epidemiologists for some reason. Why not? That’s the best way to silence me: just show me how I got it wrong.

. . .

When Barry has his day in court, he gets to do something none of us have been able to do: force these people to answer the questions we’ve always wanted to know the answer to but they always refused to answer.

These are questions such as:

1.  What reports did the epidemiologists create based on the NZ data showing the vaccine reduces all-cause mortality in New Zealand?

2.  What investigations were made by Health New Zealand after Barry Young informed management there was a safety problem with the COVID vaccine?

3.  How did the New Zealand epidemiologists at Health New Zealand explain the time-series analysis of the leaked data? The time-series analysis shows the vaccines increased the risk of death. If the vaccine didn’t cause this, then why were recently vaccinated people dying at a progressively higher rate than the rest of New Zealand (those of the same age). What did all these people have in common that accelerated their death if it wasn’t the vaccine?

I can’t wait.

There's more at both links.

And yet our government is still urging us to get booster shots, and those who refuse to contaminate themselves with a COVID-19 vaccine are still facing discrimination in many cities and states.

Doubling down on the manipulation of COVID-19 for government purposes, the Director-General of the World Health Organization has just warned of "Disease X", and stressed the need for even more government control of the population to avoid this so-far-non-existent disease.

Ghebreyesus, speaking in front of an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday, said that he hoped countries would reach a pandemic agreement by May to address this “common enemy.”

Disease X is a hypothetical “placeholder” virus that has not yet been formed, but scientists say it could be 20 times deadlier than COVID-19.

It was added to the WHO’s short list of pathogens for research in 2017 that could cause a “serious international epidemic,” according to a 2022 WHO press release.

Ghebreyesus said that COVID-19 was the first Disease X, but it’s important to prepare for another pandemic.

. . .

“The pandemic agreement can bring all the experience, all the challenges that we have faced and all the solutions into one,” Ghebreyesus said. “That agreement can help us to prepare for the future in a better way.”

“This is a common global interest, and very narrow national interests should not come into the way.”

Again, more at the link.

This is the same man who spouted the "party line" about COVID-19 for years, and exonerated China from any involvement in developing the virus (completely contrary to the evidence that has since emerged), and is pushing for a new global treaty to allow the WHO to mandate - order - national governments to take whatever action it sees fit if a new "Disease X" should emerge.  National sovereignty will be overridden by this treaty.  A global one-size-fits-all solution will be imposed on us - even if it kills us.

Well, after the disastrous display of government and bureaucratic incompetence, bungling and dishonesty over COVID-19, I'm looking forward to someone trying to lecture us about a new disease threat, and telling us what to do and how to respond and how to live, and ordering us to accept a new vaccine - or else!  I suspect many of us will have things to say - not to mention do - to anyone trying to force us to obey orders like good little proles.  That's perhaps the only good thing to come out of COVID-19;  it's taught many of us to think for ourselves, and to distrust Big Brother.


Thursday, January 18, 2024

And who, precisely, thought this was a good idea?


As if we don't have enough to worry about, we learn:

In a Wuhan-esque study, Chinese scientists are experimenting with a mutant COVID-19 strain that is 100% lethal to “humanized” mice.

. . .

The deadly virus is a mutated version of GX/2017, a coronavirus cousin that was reportedly discovered in Malaysian pangolins in 2017 — three years before the pandemic. Pangolins, also called scaly anteaters, are mammals found in warm areas of the planet.

All the mice that were infected with the virus died within just eight days, which researchers noted was a “surprisingly” rapid death rate.

. . .

Although terrifying, the study is the first of its kind to report a 100% mortality rate in mice infected by the COVID-19-related virus — far surpassing previously reported results from another study, the researchers wrote.

. . .

Francois Balloux, an epidemiology expert at University College London’s Genetics Institute, slammed the research as “terrible” and “scientifically totally pointless.”

“I can see nothing of vague interest that could be learned from force-infecting a weird breed of humanized mice with a random virus. Conversely, I could see how much stuff might go wrong,” the professor wrote on X.

There's more at the link.

I can see three possibilities here:

  1. Researchers thought it would be a good idea for whatever reason, and went ahead and did it without even thinking about asking permission, ethical questions, etc.
  2. This research was actually authorized, for some unknown reason, and the news of its "success" was released so as to reflect credit on those who authorized it.
  3. This is intended to scare people, and establish China in the world's eyes as the foremost developer of biological weapons.
If you can see any other reason for doing this, let us know in Comments.

All I can say is, unless there's a solid medical reason for doing such research, it should never be conducted at all.  In this case, I can't see any such reason.  Taking a pangolin virus, that can't affect humans, and adapting it to mice (and, through them, humans), seems utterly illogical on the face of it.  What possible purpose could this serve?  And why try to synthesize what appears to be a more concentrated, more lethal COVID-19 virus when we've already got enough problems with the first one?

Conspiracy theorists have been claiming for years that COVID-19 was actually a plan to reduce the human race's numbers by billions of people for environmental and other reasons.  This sort of "research" can do nothing to comfort them - in fact, it'll make them even more paranoid than they already are.



Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Elon Musk brings the smackdown to COVID vaccine effectiveness


Newsweek reports:

A tweet by Elon Musk about the COVID-19 vaccine has gone viral, after he posted about "disinformation."

The Tesla CEO took to X, formerly Twitter, which he also owns, to share a montage of news headlines that said the various vaccines for the virus were "100% effective."

"Have you heard dis information?" Musk captioned the tweet on Tuesday.

There's more at the link.

You'll find Musk's tweet and video here.  It's only a minute and a half, and worth your time to watch.

I suspect the makers of the various COVID vaccines are going to find it increasingly difficult to justify the billions of dollars they made on the back of their demonstrably ineffective products.  One hopes those chickens will come home to roost.  It's not too late to hope for prison sentences as well as fines...


Friday, July 7, 2023

The COVID denial and cover-up continues


Guess what?

Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours

Follow the link for more.

The Lancet was founded in 1823, and has been described as "the world's highest-impact academic journal".  The article (a copy of which may be found here) was a "preprint", which The Lancet describes as:

Preprints with The Lancet is part of SSRN´s First Look, a place where journals identify content of interest prior to publication. Authors have opted in at submission to The Lancet family of journals to post their preprints on Preprints with The Lancet. The usual SSRN checks and a Lancet-specific check for appropriateness and transparency have been applied. Preprints available here are not Lancet publications or necessarily under review with a Lancet journal. These preprints are early stage research papers that have not been peer-reviewed.

The original article concludes:

The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, their mechanisms and related excess death, coupled with autopsy confirmation and physician-led death adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death in most cases. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.

After that finding, is it any surprise that so authoritative an "establishment journal" as The Lancet withdrew it less than 24 hours after its release?  I'm surprised it even made it as far as a "preprint" publication.  The article challenges the "establishment line" on COVID-19 by examining actual case histories and records, making it very hard to refute without independent, in-depth and rigorous analysis - none of which appear to have been conducted by The Lancet and/or whoever was responsible for pulling it from circulation.

If you expect the medical establishment to actually conduct "further urgent investigation", I have a bridge in Brooklyn, NYC to sell you at a very attractive price.  Cash only, please, and in small bills . . .

The cover-up continues.


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The city "doom loop"


The New York Post claims that "Work from home and empty offices leading to ‘doom loop’ for NYC".

Empty office buildings have set New York on an “urban doom loop” that will destroy the quality of life in the city and drive residents out.

That is the conclusion of a team of economists from NYU Stern Business School, Columbia Business School and the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Many employees who worked from home during the pandemic haven’t returned — at least not full time. In 2020, office occupancy fell from nearly 90% to 10%. But it’s only bounced back to 48.4% in New York.

In response, fewer companies are renewing their leases, which lowers the value of office buildings.

The number of newly signed lease, meanwhile, fell from 285.4 million feet per year before the pandemic to only 62.4 million feet per year in the same period after.

The researchers developed a valuation model that tells us how much these properties will be worth in six years’ time — a level of destruction that would make the Four Horsemen blush.

What does this mean for office property values overall? They get absolutely nuked.

The economists estimate the value of office stock in New York City has fallen by around $69.6 billion by the end of 2022. Owners of commercial property can only play ostrich and bury their heads in the sand for so long. At some point they will have to eat these losses.

New York isn’t the only metropolis that will experience the disaster. The economists expect the San Francisco market to lose around $32.7 billion in value, while Charlotte will lose $5.1 billion. This would be a decline in office values of 61.6% for San Francisco and 33.7% for Charlotte even if work-from-home gradually disappears.

Looking down the list, all urban America looks like it is going deeply in the red. The authors calculate that nationwide the United States will see a $506.3 billion decline in commercial property values. That puts losses at just over half a trillion dollars!

The economists point out that cities rely on property-tax revenues for much of their budget. New York City’s budget is currently around $107 billion, and around $35 billion of that comes from property. San Francisco’s much smaller budget of $6.2 billion also relies heavily on real estate, with around $2 billion coming from property taxes.

. . .

Services are cut. Taxes across the board go up. And more people flee as the city becomes even more uninviting.

New York City, together with many other urban centers, experiences Detroitification.

There's more at the link.

Working from home is no panacea, either.  I've been doing it for years as a writer.  It's hard to force yourself to work a normal office routine, producing output and earning a living.  Many office staff now working from home are far less productive than they were in the office, simply because there's nobody directly supervising them.  They're taking advantage of that to use a lot of time to take care of domestic chores, children, and so on.  There's a growing number of programs that offer to automatically move your mouse cursor on your computer screen every so often, or enter random keystrokes, to fool monitoring programs into thinking that you're working, when in fact you're playing with your child or feeding your cat.  I hear from some correspondents that the quality of output from many home workers is measurably lower than they produced when working at the office, but there doesn't seem to be anything their employers can do about it - because if they fire them and hire harder workers, it doesn't take long for the latter to slack off just as much as the former.

I don't know the answer to this conundrum, but I'm pretty sure we haven't found it yet.


Friday, May 19, 2023

Masks and the damage they've caused


Two recent articles highlight the very real danger caused by prolonged use of masks against COVID-19.

First, City Journal discusses "The Harm Caused by Masks".

Evidence continues to mount that mask mandates were perhaps the worst public-health intervention in modern American history. While concluding that wearing masks “probably makes little or no difference” in preventing the spread of viruses, a recent Cochrane review also emphasized that “more attention should be paid to describing and quantifying the harms” that may come from wearing masks. A new study from Germany does just that, and it suggests that the excess carbon dioxide breathed in by mask-wearers may have substantial ill-effects on their health—and, in the case of pregnant women, their unborn children’s.

Mask-wearers breathe in greater amounts of air that should have been expelled from their bodies and released out into the open. “[A] significant rise in carbon dioxide occurring while wearing a mask is scientifically proven in many studies,” write the German authors. “Fresh air has around 0.04% CO2,” they observe, while chronic exposure at CO2 levels of 0.3 percent is “toxic.” How much CO2 do mask-wearers breathe in? The authors write that “masks bear a possible chronic exposure to low level carbon dioxide of 1.41–3.2% CO2 of the inhaled air in reliable human experiments.”

In other words, while eight times the normal level of carbon dioxide is toxic, research suggests that mask-wearers (specifically those who wear masks for more than 5 minutes at a time) are breathing in 35 to 80 times normal levels.

There's more at the link.

Next, we learn that "Study Shows MOST People Now Have Microplastics — Found in Disposable Masks — in Their Lungs".

Researchers in the United Kingdom looked at lung tissue obtained from study participants and found microplastics in all regions of the lungs, including the deeper section. According to the study, this is the first time microplastics have been found in human lung tissue samples using μFTIR spectroscopy ... Though the researchers did not confirm the source of the microplastic contamination, the plastic fibers found in the lungs are commonly used in surgical masks.

. . .

In 2020, the amount of disposable face masks littered into the environment increased by a staggering 9000 percent. Billions of people strapped polypropylene masks to their faces every day for two years and sucked their air through plastic fibers for 8 hours or more. To not have discovered plastic in lungs would have been surprising.

The confirmation of microplastics in the lungs also backs up a study conducted in 2020 which predicted a microplastic inhalation risk posed by wearing masks.

. . .

Dr. Osita Onugha, thoracic surgeon and assistant professor of thoracic surgery at Saint John’s Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California told Medical News Today that the implications for microplastics in the lungs are unknown given our current knowledge on this type of contamination but it can't be good.

Again, more at the link.

And yet, despite this and other evidence (there's more every day from multiple sources in multiple countries), you still have some states mandating that kids at school must wear masks every day, and businesses such as some doctors' offices, hospitals, clinics, etc. demanding that anyone coming in must put on a mask and keep it on until they leave.

I'm beginning to think that in terms of demonstrating one's overall intelligence, likelihood to survive a crisis, and overall value to society, the wearing of a surgical mask to "protect" against COVID-19 is like the "mark of the beast" in the Book of Revelation.  If you're wearing one for that reason, you're marked.  If not, you're not.  Guess which camp my wife and I fall into?  Furthermore, any authority trying to compel us to wear masks marks itself with the same stigma.  We obey them at our peril.



Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A must-watch interview


If you haven't already watched Tucker Carlson's interview with Ed Dowd about the massive casualties being inflicted by COVID-19 vaccines, you really need to make time to do so.  I regard it as essential viewing.  It exposes the massive scale of the cover-up that's continuing to this day, and demonstrates why the "establishment" is completely untrustworthy when it comes to this issue.

Extremely American has published transcribed excerpts from the interview.  Here's a brief sample to whet your appetite.

The FDA has been wholly captured by the pharma industry. Seventy to 75% of the drug approval pharma arm of the FDA comes from pharma fees, directly from the companies, so this has been corrupted for a long time.

It’s now exposed primarily because [the COVID shot] is [injuring and killing] such a large amount of people. It’s hard to hide this one … This fraud is unveiled and out there for people to see, but it’s only in the echo chamber. Mainstream media is still beholden to Big Pharma because of all the ad spend and the government policymakers … [who] want this to go away.

There’s a giant cover-up going on as far as I’m concerned. The data that I’m going to talk about today is there for the global health authorities to see. They see what I see, and at this point it’s negligence, malfeasance, a cover-up and a crime.

That’s why I’m here, because I don’t believe anybody has a right to tell me what to do with my body, and I can’t believe this actually happened. The numbers I’m going to reveal to you are now a national security concern.

. . .

Something is happening to the most able-bodied amongst us, college students, those employed, those in the military, the frontline workers …

Those who are employed are getting disabled faster than the general U.S. population. That shouldn’t happen. The employed amongst us are healthier, generally speaking … If you have a job, you tend to be able to show up at work. Basically, the bottom line is this. The only explanation for this that I can see is mandates for experimental biological inoculations …

One of my whistleblowers from the insurance [industry] told me that as of August 2022, the millennial cohort of the group life holders is still experiencing 36% excess mortality.

People in Fortune 500 companies are dying at a much more excessive rate than those who are not employed there, so this has implications for years to come. It’s a national security concern as far as I can tell … We seem to have poisoned the most able-bodied amongst us through [COVID jab] mandates.

There's more at the link, and much more in the video below.

Please pass the word about this interview to your friends who may not have seen it.  It explains a great deal that the mainstream media are studiously ignoring, and highlights a very real danger to all of us.


Thursday, February 2, 2023

US military pilots may be in a world of hurt


LTC Theresa Long, a US Army flight surgeon, hit the headlines in 2021 with her claims that COVID-19 vaccines were actively harming the health of US military personnel.  She's been pilloried by the establishment, but has continued to give evidence concerning what she sees as damage caused by the vaccines.

Now she publishes this tweet.

(For those not familiar with the acronyms above, DMED is the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, and DoD is the Department of Defense.)

If LTC Long's figures are correct, that implies the 36,000-odd pilots in all services of the US military have suffered a "casualty rate" from COVID-19 illness and/or vaccinations (plus a few other minor causes) of about 25% - one-quarter of them!!! - over the past three years.

That just boggles the mind.  If that's the case, it means huge problems ahead for this country's armed forces.  I'm sure not all those medical reports refer to permanent damage, harm that renders the pilot(s) concerned unable to continue their flying career . . . but how many of them do refer to such damage?  How hard-hit has the US military pilot community been by such injuries/damage?  Has anybody compiled such figures?  If so, they're certainly a matter of national security, but also of public interest.

Last but not least, with the aggressive, militaristic posture the USA has adopted concerning the war in Ukraine and the defense of Taiwan . . . do we have enough fit, healthy, combat-capable pilots to back up that posture?

We need answers, and we need them NOW.  In the military, we used to say to a braggart or tough-talker;  "Your bulldog mouth is writing checks your hummingbird ass can't cash" (or - frequently more profane - words to that effect).  If we don't have enough pilots to do everything needed in time of war, the Biden administration had better stop making aggressive geopolitical pronouncements, unless it wants to put our entire nation in that position.


EDITED TO ADD:  A couple of hours after I posted this, guess what popped up?

Recent Data Shows 'Stunning Increase' In Serious Harm Reports In Young Healthy Pilots: Army Lt. Col. Theresa Long

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Forgive those who rammed the flawed, dangerous COVID-19 vax down our throats? Like hell!


Bitter Centurion, who's back in the blogging business, posts a superb (albeit sometimes profane) rant about demands that we should all forgive each other and get back to normal when it comes to the COVID-19 vaxxes.  He notes earlier demands such as these:

And I'm sure none of us have forgotten dogmatic idiots like Australian politician Michael Gunner:

Bitter Centurion has this to say to such people.

Although nothing Bass says in this article about why people like he and the 'scientific community' were wrong and about the damage the things they did caused (he actually doesn't go far enough in my opinion), I don't think he really, truly understands the sheer magnitude of what has happened as a result of what is, in my opinion, the establishment's greed, cowardice, apathy, ambition, and avarice.

. . .

So....what, do these people really think that we're just gonna go back to the way things were?  I wonder if they've given ANY thought whatsoever to what, exactly, it would take for "public trust to be restored" in science or the establishment or any other party that went hog wild over the last two years and took every available opportunity to **** over people who had more courage and integrity than they did?

Fact is, even before the scam-demic, there were many people out there who already mistrusted the establishment.  They didn't trust the government.  They didn't trust the corporations.  They didn't trust the media.  I can't stress it hard enough, these idiots were already on razor thin ice to begin with.  Now that it turns out these bastards were the lowest common denominator all along, thus verifying what the skeptical in society already knew,, do they really think they're going to earn back the trust of people who barely trusted them to begin with?  To say nothing of the people who are vax injured or have been killed by the clot shot.  Does Bass not think that those people have friends and family whose 'hearts and minds' they've lost?  Yeah.  Good ****ing luck getting those people to see you for something other than the greedy, scared little reptiles you truly are.

. . .

I don't think Bass understands how the idea of 'trust' works.  Once it's gone, it's gone.  It ain't coming back.  He can get up on what he thinks is his high horse and preach about how wrong he is, but it doesn't matter.  The scam-demic has shown everyone 'who's who in the zoo', so to speak.  We know who and what everything truly is and we've seen them for who and what they really are.  It's really something you can't un-see ... there's no way in hell that I, and likely most other people out there, are ever going to trust them again and that's just too ***damn bad.

There's more at the link.

I can only endorse what Bitter Centurion has to say.  The powers that be have burned away much, if not almost all, of people's trust in the health care establishment and industry, and the politicians who implemented their flawed (sometimes fatally flawed) measures.

  • All those people who died because they were (unnecessarily) forced onto ventilators?
  • All those older people who were forced to endure COVID patients being housed in their care facilities, spreading the disease like wildfire, and who died as a result?
  • All those who have already "died suddenly" as a result of the vaxx (and, whether they admit it or not, the ONLY common denominator among the ever-increasing "died suddenly" casualties is their vaccination status)?
  • All the women whose fertility has been affected - if not destroyed - by the vaxxes?  Do they really expect us to forget about them, and forgive the authorities for the disaster they themselves caused?

We haven't forgotten:  and we're not going to.

It may well be that we'll see another pandemic in due course.  It may well be that the medical authorities decree the mass vaccination of the public against it.  However, in the light of the COVID-19 fiasco, just how do those authorities think they're going to persuade us to meekly submit to their decrees and accept another rushed, untested, unproven vaccine?  I think a great many Americans, including yours truly, will tell them - in words of one syllable - what they can do with it.  I think many Americans are now of the view that if someone tries to force them to accept that sort of shot, they're going to encounter a few of a different sort in return.


Thursday, January 12, 2023

Is the US military destroying "vaxxed" blood?


EDITED TO ADD:  THIS MAY BE A HOAX.  Larry is checking for confirmation, and will let us know if he finds any.  In the meanwhile, treat this report with caution.

Larry Lambert informs us that the US armed forces are destroying blood donated by vaccinated service members, because it's been found to produce side effects in those receiving it by transfusion.

They say empirical evidence proves beyond all doubt that although donors might not present vaccine-related side effects, recipients of tainted plasma have had adverse reactions, including sudden death, to contaminated blood. Case in point: Staff Sgt. William Wright, a healthy 36-year-old male stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas, was wounded during a training exercise to the point of needing a transfusion. Wright was not vaccinated; he had been fighting an arduous battle to obtain a religious exemption. He was unconscious at the time and therefore couldn’t ask whether the plasma entering his veins had been siphoned from a vaccinated person. Unbeknownst to Wright, the donor had been double-vaxxed and boosted. He seemed to recover—his vitals were normal and he was eating solid food—but remained under observation at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center-Fort Bliss, and had enough strength to ask whether he’d been given vaccinated blood. When told he had, he protested. Two days later Wright, still at the hospital, died suddenly—a major heart attack. A postmortem examination found an 11” blood clot in an artery in his lungs.

“When an unvaccinated patient receives vaccinated plasma, well, statistics don’t lie. What we’ve witnessed is an astronomically large number of troops present everything from mild and temporary to severe and lasting side effects, and, in some cases, death. I’m personally aware of 12 men that needed a transfusion and vehemently objected to getting vaccinated plasma. They were told they were government property and had no right to refuse it,” a physician at Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg, told Real Raw News.

On Thursday, the senior leadership at Womack Army Medical Center reached a consensus to incinerate and destroy its stockpile of vaccine-contaminated blood—approximately 500 liters of refrigerated plasma and whole blood that hadn’t yet been spun in a centrifuge. News of the heroic act spread rapidly among the White Hat community, and within hours other military bases began torching polluted blood. Fort Meade, home to U.S. Cyber Command, destroyed its supply, as did Hunter Army Airfield and Fort Benning, both in Georgia. All told, 23 installations obliterated toxic blood.

There's more at the link.

I haven't seen any other reports about this in the mainstream media, but then, given their overall mendacity and political extremism, one wouldn't expect to, would one?

If any reader can shed more light on this, I'll be grateful if you'll please leave a note in Comments.  Thanks!


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

mRNA vaccines in pork products? YGTBSM!!!


A few days ago, I mentioned that mRNA technology was soon to appear in vaccines for other diseases besides COVID-19.

I'm very concerned to learn that the mRNA technology used in most COVID-19 vaccines is being further developed to produce many other types of vaccines against many other illnesses, including a universal flu vaccine and a malaria vaccine.  Given mRNA vaccines' track record so far, my wife and I won't be getting those, either - not until there's a whole lot more work done to ensure the safety of that technology, and it's been clearly demonstrated.

There's more at the link.

Now comes news that is, if possible, even more disturbing.

Genvax Technologies, a startup dedicated to bringing advances in self-amplifying mRNA (saRNA) vaccine production to animal health, has secured $6.5 million in series seed funding.

United Animal Health led the financing with participation from Johnsonville Ventures, Iowa Corn Growers Association, Summit Agricultural Group and Ag Startup Engine. This investor coalition represents animal health, nutrition, feed, meat packers and consumer products in the fight against existing and emerging threats to the food supply chain.

“The threat posed to producers and consumers by foreign animal diseases like African swine fever (ASF) and constantly mutating variants of swine influenza is extraordinary,” Joel Harris, CEO and co-founder of Genvax Technologies, said in a release. “The goal is to develop a vaccine that matches 100% to the specific strain when a disease outbreak occurs."

. . .

The company's proprietary saRNA platform allows for rapid development of herd-specific vaccines matched 100% to the variant strain circulating in an animal-production operation. By inserting a specific transgene or “gene of interest” (GOI) matched to the variant strain into the platform, the saRNA can generate an antibody response without requiring the whole pathogen, Genvax explained.

Again, more at the link.

Sounds exciting, doesn't it? . . . until one comes to the bit about "inserting a specific transgene or "gene of interest".  Wait a minute.  You're going to inject a new gene, distributed using the same mRNA technology that's blamed for many of the COVID-19 vaxx side-effects, into our food supply?

If this goes on, how can we trust pork and pork products to be safe to eat?  Oh, the technologists will doubtless scoff at such fears, and assure us that there's nothing to worry about - but they said that about the COVID-19 vaccines as well, didn't they?  Look how well that's worked out!

It's not just pork, either.  Other meat products may find themselves treated in the same way.  For that matter, scientists have already spoken of inserting mRNA vaccines into vegetables and fruit.  What if, over time, our entire food supply becomes a carrier of this stuff?

I may not be a scientist, and I lack their perspective on this:  but I can't help thinking that this may be one of the most dangerous, most potentially threatening technologies ever developed.  The further away we can keep it from our food supply, the better, as far as I'm concerned.  I foresee a bright future for farmers and smallholders who guarantee their produce to be mRNA-vaccine-free.  A lot of people like me will beat a path to their door, yelling "Take our money!  Please!"


Thursday, December 29, 2022

Ignoring the elephant in the living-room...


Someone put together this pastiche of recent newspaper headlines, all trying to explain the surge in unexplained deaths over the past year or two.  It's currently circulating on social media.  Click the image for a larger view.

Amazing, isn't it?  The powers that be and their lackeys in the news media will grasp at any straw, concoct more and more weird and wonderful explanations, do anything to explain the excess death rate - except acknowledge the obvious one:

More and more researchers - independent researchers, not those dependent on government funding, who are thereby susceptible to official "pressure" to toe the party line and not say anything out of line - are pointing out that the excess death rate largely involves those who've been vaccinated against COVID-19.  Here's just one example, comparing excess death rates in Denmark, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan.  Its conclusion?  "Having higher COVID jab rates is associated with higher accumulation of excess death."  There are many other studies out there, if you'd like to do your own research.

I take no joy in this fact.  With something like two-thirds to three-quarters of the US population having been vaccinated against COVID-19, it bodes ill for our long-term future as a nation.  Nevertheless, I remain profoundly grateful that my wife and myself refused the vaccinations, and are determined to do so in future.  I note, too, that as the word spreads about the dangers involved, many who took the first round or two of vaccines are refusing booster shots.

I'm very concerned to learn that the mRNA technology used in most COVID-19 vaccines is being further developed to produce many other types of vaccines against many other illnesses, including a universal flu vaccine and a malaria vaccine.  Given mRNA vaccines' track record so far, my wife and I won't be getting those, either - not until there's a whole lot more work done to ensure the safety of that technology, and it's been clearly demonstrated.


EDITED TO ADD:  Ed Dowd, a leading analyst of the COVID-19 pandemic and related phenomena, has just said this about the health effects of the vaccines.  It's worth ten minutes of your time.

Makes you think, doesn't it?

Monday, December 5, 2022

When bureaucrats defy logic and reason


This news is about a year old, but I only recently came across it.  I can still hardly believe the institutionalized stupidity it represents.

Irony has been declared many times in this pandemic but now, from Covid-riddled Germany comes the final proof: you can’t kill yourself now unless you’ve been vaccinated. As European countries battle to limit the spread of the virus, Verein Sterbehilfe – the German Euthanasia Association – has issued a new directive, declaring it will now only help those who have been vaccinated or recovered from the disease. In a statement, the association said:

"Euthanasia and the preparatory examination of the voluntary responsibility of our members willing to die require human closeness. Human closeness, however, is a prerequisite and breeding ground for coronavirus transmission. As of today, the 2G rule applies in our association, supplemented by situation-related measures, such as quick tests before encounters in closed rooms."

‘Close encounters in closed rooms’ – what a fabulous German euphemism for assisted suicide. The term ‘2G’ meanwhile refers to a system which only allows free movement for leisure activities for the geimpft oder genese – ‘vaccinated or recovered.’ God forbid that a person without the jab should try to end it all – talk about a vaccine passport to the afterlife…

It makes the Babylon Bee's recent satirical article about entering Heaven seem rather less satirical and more prescient:

Pope Francis said today that God has informed him of a new requirement to enter Heaven: everyone must now receive the COVID-19 vaccine before entering the pearly gates.

. . .

Pope Francis also stated that receiving both doses of the trustworthy vaccine will "immediately release your deceased relatives from purgatory" and "could even cut your time there in half." To drive his point home, he has commanded the Catholic church to deny communion to any unvaccinated members. 

At publishing time Pope Francis had received an initial dose of the vaccine and had to be strapped down in a bed for an exorcism before the second dose.

There's more at the link.

What will the bureaucrats demand next?  Will death row inmates in the USA be required to have received COVID-19 vaccinations before they can be given their lethal injections?

Ye Gods and little fishes . . .


Wednesday, November 30, 2022

mRNA vaccination and cancer rates


From Michael Yon:


I tried to schedule a routine mammogram for the wife today. I found out that medical imaging companies are 'experiencing record call volumes'. Their offer to leave a number and receive a call-back promised a return call. Next week.

Why the explosion in imaging requests? Apparently the COVID-19 kill shot is driving cancer vertical, per a discussion I had with an MD friend. In fact, the gigantic Rockefeller cancer industry is being overwhelmed worldwide. The doc told me, "I'm seeing an explosion of cancers in my patients who decided to take the clot shot. It's going crazy. Like nothing I've ever seen in 40 years of medical practice. The exception appears to be someone who took the clot shot and did not get cancer. Yet."

They wanted me to PAY IN ADVANCE to book the appointment. When I asked what that cost, she gave me three different price points, for a 2-D mammogram, a 3-D mammogram and some other odd thing. When I asked how I would decide which would be best, without any knowledge of medicine, she said she'd ask the doctor (how does even the doctor know, without first seeing the patient?) then she just hung up.

Anecdotal evidence?  Yes . . . but it's not the only report of that kind that I've read or heard about.  I think we're nowhere near seeing the full, disastrous impact of the mRNA COVID-19 "vaccines" (which might more correctly be termed a "biological weapon", in the light of such news).  Igor Chudov reports a "9-Sigma increase" in cancer rates in the USA, but that's not an "official" report.  Strangely, "official" sources don't even deny what he claims - they just clam up about it.  It's as if the issue did not exist, as far as the medical "establishment" is concerned.

What's even worse is the number of gynecologists and others who are "anecdotally" reporting serious, if not devastating, effects from the "clot shot" on female fertility and pregnancy.  It's said that the proportion of fetal abnormalities, miscarriages, stillbirths and post-natal fatalities is significantly higher than usual.  Official and "authoritative" sources flatly deny such "rumors", and Internet searches from major search engines focus heavily on such denials:  but the question is whether they can be believed.  (Methinks such sources protest too much.)  OpenVAERS has some useful data, but that's only going by what's actually entered into the VAERS database - and it's said that there's significant underreporting of such data.  See, for example, here and here for more information.

Dear readers, are you hearing reports about this sort of thing, in any medical field?  If so, please tell us about them in Comments.  It looks like the only real, meaningful information out there is going to come from those who've experienced them, because "official" sources are either vehement in their denials or deafening in their silence.


EDITED TO ADD:  It's not just cancer or reproductive health.  See what Aesop has to say about vaxx-related encounters over the holiday weekend in the ER where he works.  Makes you think . . . doesn't it?

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Well, so much for my annual flu shot...


My wife and I have made a habit of getting our annual flu shots as a matter of routine.  Both of us have health issues that affect respiration, and need to avoid serious congestion or breathing difficulties;  so, for us, it's been almost an automatic reflex to get the shot.  However, we've refused from the start to be vaccinated against COVID-19, even though it affects respiration, due to serious misgivings about the safety of those medications - misgivings that have been validated and magnified by the horrific total of side effects that have been reported.  They far outnumber the combined total reports of all other vaccines in human history.

That's why this news is likely to force us to abandon our annual flu shot "fix".

Pfizer and BioNTech have launched a clinical trial to test a combination vaccine targeting influenza and Covid-19, the companies announced on Thursday, one of several efforts to combine the two recommended shots as experts increasingly suggest yearly coronavirus boosters will be needed.

. . .

Both flu and Covid components are built using the mRNA platform underpinning the companies’ joint Covid vaccine.

. . .

Pfizer and BioNTech are not the only companies pushing ahead with a combination Covid-flu vaccine. Moderna, which uses the same kind of mRNA technology as Pfizer and BioNTech and was their main pandemic rival, is also testing its own mRNA flu shot and a shot combining this with its Covid booster vaccine. Novavax, which uses a more traditional style of vaccine technology, is also developing a combination shot. BioNTech’s Sahin said the Covid-flu trial will give the company more information on combining mRNA vaccines to address multiple pathogens, which he said will help guide its product pipeline in the future.

Moderna is also testing a three-pronged shot to protect against RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), Covid-19 and influenza. All three are potentially serious respiratory infections...

There's more at the link.

Not just no, but HELL, NO!!!  Given the damage that mRNA vaccines have already caused - cases number literally in the millions - there's absolutely no way I'm going to allow any of that stuff into my system.

However, it's a major concern that hospitals may make such vaccinations part of their treatment protocol for any admission.  If you get admitted, you'll get the shot whether you like it or not - perhaps without being fully informed about what they're injecting into your body.  Personally, I regard that as equivalent to assault with a deadly weapon, but I'm sure the law won't see it that way - or permit me to respond appropriately.  Sadly, as I grow older, the chances that I may not be able to make my objections known prior to getting the shot (for example, if I have another heart attack and am admitted in a comatose condition) are increasing.  That's a deeply worrying development.

What say you, readers?  Are you willing to take a chance that your hitherto-benign annual flu shot might now inject you with potentially dangerous mRNA?


Thursday, November 3, 2022



A couple of days ago, I put up a post rejecting calls for a "Pandemic Amnesty" from some quarters.

Along the same lines, on MeWe, friend, writer and blogger Michael Z. Williamson advises us "How to accept an apology from a Covidian cultist".

I can see how that might be appropriate . . .


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Forgive and forget? In this case, NO WAY!!!


I see that the Atlantic wants us to forgive and forget all the mistakes made over COVID-19.


Hmmm . . . let's see now:

  • Thousands killed in nursing-homes by deliberate government policies?
  • Untold millions of children affected in their development by mask policies that were unnecessary, ineffectual and unscientific?
  • Millions of people ostracized, vilified and scorned for refusing to adopt a "knee-jerk" emotional reaction to the situation, and instead demanding facts and rigorous investigation before acting?
  • Vaccines that have proved not just utterly ineffectual, but actually dangerous to many of their recipients, including a vast number of adverse reactions ranging from fertility problems, to cancer, to heart conditions, to death?
  • Hitlerian policies forced upon us by jackbooted thugs disguised as politicians?

This isn't a matter of faith, where forgiveness is required - it's crime and punishment.  After every person responsible has been dismissed from their office(s), or defeated in elections, and disbarred from ever again holding any appointed or elected public office, and put on trial for what they did, and punished... when all that's taken place, and they no longer pose a threat to my or society's well-being, then we can talk about forgiveness.  I suggest that our post-COVID-19 response should be along the same lines as the de-Nazification of Germany after World War II (provided it's done more thoroughly and more quickly).

I think I'll let Ace Of Spades summarize my further response.  Go read.


EDITED TO ADD:  The Good Citizen has some apposite comments.  Go read.