Showing posts with label Asherah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asherah. Show all posts

Friday, May 5, 2023

A door unattached to a building

On Wednesday, May 3, I was searching for a black-and-white line drawing I could use as a visual prompt to elicit the word woods on a vocabulary quiz I was making. One of the results Google served up was this:

What caught my eye was the caption, "Door in a wall in the woods," since I had recently read the H. G. Wells story "The Door in the Wall" in connection with the ongoing Green Door sync-stream. It's not exactly what you expect to find when the search prompt is just the word woods.

Then I noticed that the rest of the caption didn't seem to match the picture: "One of my favorite star trail drawings - tree buddies under a sky full of stars including Orion and Canis Major." What? "Tree buddies," okay, but there are no stars in the picture.

I clicked through, and apparently the star stuff is just an error on Google's part. The site with the drawing says this instead:

I was thinking about drawing an actual dwelling/cabin/house and then instead I just really liked the idea of a door in a wall in the woods - maybe you enter another realm or maybe just the way you enter the forest. Maybe it's just a weird art installation. 

So I ran a search for woods and ended up with a picture of a door with no building attached to it, as well as references to Orion and Canis Major.

Now things get really weird.

Last night (March 4, the day after I found the "woods" picture), I visited YouTube for the first time in a few weeks, following a link sent by a friend. After watching that video, YouTube suggested that I might want to watch this completely unrelated one:

"Ex Pastor Reveals Information That Will Blow Your Mind! Asherah - Pleiadians in the Bible?" Okay, this is obviously going to be some guy with an exceedingly loose definition of evidence just pulling things out of his ass, but -- well, why not? I'm on YouTube; might as well indulge in the full YouTube experience. I watched it.

It's the usual all-the-gods-were-extraterrestrials stuff. The video opens with a description of an archaeological site in the Middle East and focuses on one of the artifacts found there: a door unattached to a building.

Among the archaeological finds made here was an extraordinary carving of a naos. A naos is a doorway, but completely out of context. There's nothing behind it. There's no surrounding building.

A naos is a really interesting object. The conventional explanation is that this depiction of a doorway represents an entire building, but the building is not depicted. The building is considered to be implied. But if I just describe it to you and say we're looking at a doorway that appears to go nowhere -- there's nothing around it, there's nothing behind it -- and yet from this thing that is only a doorway, advanced beings can come through that doorway -- now in contemporary language, we have a word for that. We would call it a portal.

Flanking this particular doorway are two inverted palm trees, ancient symbols of Asherah. 

So not only is that a door without a building, it's also immediately associated with trees and with the goddess -- sorry, I mean the alien -- Asherah. This particular "advanced being" is mentioned many times in the Old Testament, but in the King James Version her name is translated as grove -- a word which typically means "a small wood or other group of trees."

Later in the video, the mind-blowing ex-pastor reveals that some of the carvings on the naos represent the Pleiades and tell us that Asherah was from there. He says that there are three particular stars or constellations that appear again and again in myths throughout the world: Orion, Sirius, and the Pleiades. Sirius is, of course, the most prominent star in the constellation Canis Major. Orion and Canis Major were the two constellations mentioned in Google's bizarre caption for the "door in the woods" picture.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....