Showing posts with label Joker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joker. Show all posts

Thursday, September 8, 2022

For 20 bucks, or for the evulz?

In the comments, my post about the world's most racist toothpaste has turned into a discussion of the martyrdom of St. George of Minneapolis. Debbie pointed out the bogus nature of the "crime" for which he was under arrest: buying some cigarettes and then refusing to return them when the shopkeeper belatedly decided he had paid with a counterfeit $20 bill.

Responding to a comment by ben, and to the general suggestion that the whole incident may have been scripted for some dark purpose, I wrote:

For maximum evulz, they had to get someone sympathetic enough to become a "hero" but obviously-bad enough that those lionizing him would be knowingly celebrating evil. GF, who had done some seriously bad things (such as threatening to kill a baby during a home invasion) but in this particular case was under arrest for some bogus petty non-crime, fit the bill.

This was a reference to the TV Tropes term "For the Evulz," -- referring to villains who have no motive beyond being evil for evil's sake -- and for some reason immediately after posting it, I randomly decided to run a Google image search on evulz. The second result was a "motivational poster" style meme featuring Heath Ledger as the Joker from The Dark Knight. (The archetypal knight, solidified in that role by Edmund Spenser, is St. George.) I clicked on it, and one of the "related images" caught my eye.

"Twenty bucks." "But you'll kill me." It's from a 2008 Batman comic book, so well pre-Floyd. My finding it immediately after posting about GF and the $20 bill was the result of a completely random whim.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....