Showing posts with label DuckDuckGo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DuckDuckGo. Show all posts

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Challenge: Find any search string that returns more than 500 Google results

Remember Jorn Barger's "Elvis Index" from the golden age of the Internet? The idea was to use the Altavista search engine to quantify the relative poularity of various things by taking the number of search results for any given topic and comparing it to the number of results for the string elvis.

Suppose we tried the same thing with Google now. If I put in elvis, Google tells me there are about 348 million results, so that number is 1 elvis. For world cup, there are supposedly 2.84 billion results, so that's 8.16 elvises. Self-cleaning terrarium yields 1.85 million results, so that's about 5.32 millielvises. That seems plausible enough. Everyone knows that the World Cup is considerably bigger than Elvis, and that Elvis is orders of magnitude more popular than self-cleaning terraria.

But suppose we look at the real number of Google results. After searching for elvis and being told that there are 384 million results, we patiently click through to the very last page of those results -- which, rather surprisingly, turns out to be the 19th page!

So we click to "repeat the search with the omitted results included" -- we want every result -- and once again click through to the last page. This time, we find that there are 40 pages, and a whopping 400 results.

And that's it! You've reached the end of the Internet, as far as Google is concerned. I mean they did say about 348 million, not precisely that number. So the real value of one elvis is 400.

I've tried this with a wide variety of search strings, and the most results I've ever been able to get (Jesus Christ and basketball are tied for the number-one place, closely followed by rancho cucamonga and fruit salad) is 434, or 1.085 elvises.

Nor have I been able to find any strings (other than literal gibberish) that return less than half an elvis. The not-very-popular dinosaur styracosaurus returns 94 centielvises, just edging out covid-19. Even vendergood, the name of an extremely obscure language invented by child prodigy William James Sidis at the age of eight, returns 66 centielvises.

Google search is a scam. It says it has millions of hits for whatever you're searching for, but it doesn't. It doesn't even have 500, for anything. If it weren't free, I think this would literally be fraud.

Bing is the same. If you search for elvis, it's impossible to click beyond the 14th page, so only 134 results are visible. DuckDuckGo doesn't provide numbers, but you can only click "more results" 10 times before you reach the end of its elvis offerings. Yandex offers 25 pages of results. No search engine actually delivers the millions of results they advertise.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Brave and Presearch absolutely DO censor search results.

So DuckDuckGo has just decided to do this:

Even Google doesn't go that far! They at least give you a few RT articles in foreign languages.

Bing is the same as DDG.

Brave has claimed that they don't censor anything, which is a lie.

In fact, Brave seems to be just using Google's algorithm. What are the chances that two different search engines would independently return the Wikipedia article on Tim Burton as the first hit for christopher walken infogalactic?

Notice that my own blog is fifth result -- not the post where I mention Walken but one where I quote one of Paul's epistles without comment!

Presearch, which also claims not to censor search results, is the same as all the others.

They do at least return the Christopher Walken page on Infogalactic -- though for some reason it ranks lower than "1969 texas longhorn football stats."

Okay, what about Yandex, then? I mean, they're actually Russian, right?

Yeah, well that's a mixed blessing.

To be clear, this is what happens when you run this news search on their English site: it automatically switches you to all Russian.

So . . . any other ideas? Is there any search engine at all that returns uncensored English-language results?

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Another case where Google results are, uh, "curated"




In this case, Bing is no different from Google:

What happens if you specifically search Google for "conspiracy theory" results? Well, what do you think?

That fourth result made me smile: Claimed by Jesus Christ the True God and Eternal Life, discredited by medical experts!

I have no idea how credible these "conspiracy theories" are. Do you trust random Internet people of unknown credibility, or known-to-be-dishonest "fact-checkers" and "experts"? Anyway, should you wish to play it safe -- not that I am advocating this, mind you! -- I note (for reference purposes only) that the test still "works" if you just blow your nose and wipe the swab on the tissue. It worked for "a friend," anyway.

Enough scare quotes for ya?

Monday, January 25, 2021

More "incompetence" from Google

These tables show the first page of search results (first 10 results) for the search strings indicated on DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Google. The numbers indicate ranking (1 is the first result, 2 is the second, etc.).

I've put "incompetence" in scare quotes because it is only on politically charged topics that Google drops the ball. In general, it continues to deliver better and more relevant search results than the competition. So of course it's not really incompetence at all, but malice.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Google is still a joke

First page of search results for vox day (no quotation marks):


  • Vox Popoli (1st result)
  • 8 other results about blogger Vox Day (Theodore Beale)
  • 1 result about an unrelated company called Vox Day


  • Vox Popoli (1st result)
  • 8 other results about blogger Vox Day (Theodore Beale)
  • 1 result about an unrelated company called Vox Day


  • Vox Popoli (1st result)
  • 8 other results about blogger Vox Day (Theodore Beale)
  • 1 result about an unrelated company called Vox Day

Seeing a pattern here? And now for the punchline . . .


  • 7 results about blogger Vox Day (Theodore Beale)
  • 2 result about an unrelated company called Vox Day
  • Vox Popoli (9th result)
  • 1 result for a Vox Media article that happens to include the word day
They've somehow managed to become the worst major company in the field with which their name has become synonymous! I'm going to have to break the habit of using Google as a verb -- and as a search engine, of course!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Google is a joke -- an offensive ethnic joke

So happy to be white!

You've probably heard about the "happy white woman" thing. Here it is, quantified.

I ran image searches on the following strings (without quotation marks, though using quotation marks doesn't change much!) at Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yandex, and Google and recorded the first 10 results.

happy black man:

  • Bing: 10 happy black men
  • DuckDuckGo: 10 happy black men
  • Yandex: 10 happy black men
  • Google: 10 happy black men

happy Asian man:

  • Bing: 10 happy Asian men
  • DuckDuckGo: 10 happy Asian men
  • Yandex: 10 happy Asian men
  • Google: 10 happy Asian men
happy white man:

  • Bing: 10 happy white men
  • DuckDuckGo: 10 happy white men
  • Yandex: 10 happy white men
  • Google:
    • 7 happy white men
    • 2 happy black men (first two results!)
    • 1 happy black man with a pregnant white woman

happy black people:

  • Bing: 10 groups of happy black people
  • DuckDuckGo: 10 groups of happy black people
  • Yandex:
    • 9 groups of happy black people
    • 1 multiracial group of happy people
  • Google: 10 groups of happy black people

happy Asian people:

  • Bing: 10 groups of happy Asian people
  • DuckDuckGo: 10 groups of happy Asian people
  • Yandex: 10 groups of happy Asian people
  • Google: 10 groups of happy Asian people

happy white people:

  • Bing:
    • 9 groups of happy white people
    • 1 multiracial group of happy people
  • DuckDuckGo:
    • 8 groups of happy white people
    • 2 multiracial groups of happy people
  • Yandex:
    • 6 groups of happy white people
    • 4 multiracial groups of happy people
  • Google:
    • 6 groups of happy white people
    • 3 multiracial groups of happy people
    • 1 group of happy white people in blackface (second result!)

happy black woman:

  • Bing: 10 happy black women
  • DuckDuckGo: 10 happy black women
  • Yandex: 10 happy black women
  • Google: 10 happy black women
happy Asian woman:
  • Bing: 10 happy Asian women
  • DuckDuckGo: 10 happy Asian women
  • Yandex: 10 happy Asian women
  • Google: 10 happy Asian women

happy white woman:

  • Bing: 10 happy white women
  • DuckDuckGo: 10 happy white women
  • Yandex: 10 happy white women
  • Google:
    • 4 search result screenshots
    • 2 happy black men with pregnant white women
    • 1 happy black man with a white woman and a mulatto baby
    • 1 happy white woman with a black baby
    • 1 happy black woman with a white man
    • 1 happy white woman

pregnant black woman:

  • Bing: 10 pregnant black women
  • DuckDuckGo: 10 pregnant black women
  • Yandex:
    • 9 pregnant black women
    • 1 multiracial group of pregnant women
  • Google:
    • 9 pregnant black women
    • 1 pregnant black woman with a white man

pregnant Asian woman:

  • Bing: 10 pregnant Asian women
  • DuckDuckGo: 10 pregnant Asian women
  • Yandex: 10 pregnant Asian women
  • Google: 10 pregnant Asian women

pregnant white woman:

  • Bing: 10 pregnant white women
  • DuckDuckGo:
    • 5 pregnant white women
    • 4 pregnant white women with black men
    • 1 pregnant white woman with a white child
  • Yandex:
    • 4 pregnant white women with black men
    • 3 pregnant black women
    • 2 pregnant white women
    • 1 pregnant black woman with a black man
  • Google:
    • 6 pregnant white women with black men
    • 3 pregnant white women
    • 1 pregnant Asian woman with an Asian man

Draw your own conclusions.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....