Showing posts with label Freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom. Show all posts

Thursday, October 14, 2021

How far will peck mandates go?

My prediction: not all the way.

This is primarily a spiritual assault. The ultimate goal is not to kill and maim but to damn -- and the thing is, no one else can damn you. You have to do it yourself. To reach their goal, then, the demons have to stop short of actual compulsion. They're not going to shoot you; they're just going to gather outside your window and chant, "Jump! Jump! Jump!"

An absolute peck mandate would simply make it illegal not to be whatever the latest definition of "fully pecked" is, and those who did not comply would be arrested, wrestled to the ground, and pecked by force. While they might try this on a very limited scale, pour encourager les autres, it can't be their overall strategy. It will play the same limited role that rape plays in the overall agenda of sexual corruption. Rape (especially of children) is obviously one of the satanic tools in the sexual revolutionary's toolbox, but it's just as obvious that "everybody gets raped" is not the ultimate goal.

Whatever you do, do not fall into the trap of getting pecked voluntarily because you anticipate being forced to do so later. Remember the words of Christ: "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

And if you've already been pecked, repent and go no further. Only a miracle (and I certainly do not discount miracles!) will remove the poison from your body, but your spirit can be cleansed in the blink of an eye if you will only repent.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Emancipate yourselves

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our mind
-- Bob Marley

I'd seen those lines on so many T-shirt and dorm-room posters that they'd lost their meaning. Now that I find myself living under a totalitarian dictatorship, with no end in sight, things are different.

Freedom of action has been greatly reduced, and will likely be reduced further. Freedom of expression, likewise. These are external vicissitudes, largely beyond our control.

Freedom of the mind, though, and of the spirit -- that is our own responsibility.  No one can take it from you unless you give it away. No one can give it to you unless you reach out and take it.

The great temptation is to consent to mental slavery in order to lessen the pain of physical slavery -- to tell yourself that your masters know best, and that what they command you to do is really what you would prefer to do anyway. Life in this world is so much easier and more comfortable if you can manage to love Big Brother.

And if an easy, comfortable life in this world is all you know how to aspire to -- why not?

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....