Showing posts with label Hourglass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hourglass. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Dragonflies and double-D lemniscates

In my May 13 post "Syncs: The World Beneath," I mention parallels between Dinotopia: The World Beneath and the trailer for the upcoming movie Meg 2: The Trench. -- the most noticeable being that both begin with "dragonfly" scenes.

Less than 24 hours after publishing that post, I happened to see the trailer for the 2017 movie Kong: Skull Island, and it, too, throws in some dragonfly footage.

Both trailers also prominently feature helicopters, but that's pretty much a given in a monster movie. Anyway, the dragonfly sync was enough to make me watch the whole movie. Skull Island features two fictional organizations: LandSat, whose satellites discovered the titular island (which, like Dinotopia, is kept isolated by permanent storm systems that surround it); and Monarch, a secret organization that deals with monsters and which apparently originally comes from the Godzilla franchise. (I've never actually watched a Godzilla movie myself.) LandSat's logo features the double-D, and Monarch's is a double-delta lemniscate. Monarch has its own Twitter page, with the slogan "Discovery and Defense in a Time of Monsters."

Discovery and Defense = D&D, and Time is a link to the hourglass. The logo looks like a sideways hourglass, but I suppose it is intended to suggest the letter M and a butterfly.

A secret government program that calls itself Monarch and uses butterfly imagery? I suppose anyone who reads this blog is conspiracy-adjacent enough to recognize that as an MKUltra reference. In the 2009 movie The Men Who Stare at Goats (part of an extremely improbable sync of its own), a reporter works to expose MKUltra-type activity, but is dismayed when the media only picks up one point, which it plays for laughs: that the government tortures people by forcing them to listen non-stop to the theme song from Barney the Purple Dinosaur

This is a pretty clear link to the Dinotopia concept: humans and dinosaurs living together in harmony.

I should also mention that a shape like the Monarch logo puts in an appearance in the music video for Muse's "Sing for Absolution":

As one final sync wink on the night of May 13, I listened to Alex Jones on Joe Rogan (from 2019), and one of the many things they discussed was Dragonfly, a (since-abandoned) project by Google to create a search engine that would be compatible with Chinese censorship requirements and thus be allowed to operate in that country. (The idea of Google cooperating with government censorship was considered shocking back then. How times change!)

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Green Door, Green Lantern

In "Green Door 101" (February 11), I note that the S:E:G: value of green door is 101.

In "DD, hourglass, lemniscate, gate, time" (February 12), I point out "the geometric relationship between the DD-hourglass and 101."

Back in March 2022 I posted about "Temperance, the Hermit, and the hourglass," noting that the lantern carried by the Hermit on the Tarot card was originally an hourglass. The hourglass-lantern connection was revisited in "Hourglass and hexagram" (February 9).

Look back at that 101 diagram. Remind you of anything?

Note also that the DC logo is pretty close to the DD-hourglass.

The DC character Jade, the daughter of the original Green Lantern, has worn both the Green Lantern emblem and the eight-pointed star.

I don't know bupkis about Green Lantern, but a lot of these superheroes time travel, don't they?

Ha! Lucky guess!

Note added: The cover makes it clear that the portal back to another time is a green one.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

DD, hourglass, lemniscate, gate, time

Found this on /x/ today. It looks like a slide from a PowerPoint presentation, but only one slide was posted: the one numbered 8.

We've connected the hourglass with the lemniscate or figure-eight, and the lemniscate with two letter Ds. Here we have an hourglass in the shape of two letter Ds, and a figure-eight next to it. The lemniscate has been connected with the door as a portal to another time. Here we see how the neck of the hourglass functions as a gate or door, and passing through that gate are tiny clocks, each apparently representing one Planck time.

An hourglass resembles a figure-eight, but the lemniscate of infinity is a lazy eight. If you turned an hourglass on its side, wouldn't that represent stopping the flow of time?

Notice also the geometric relationship between the DD-hourglass and 101.

The /x/ post has the subject line "Quantum Spacetime is the Holy Grail," and the text of the post is as follows:

The Grail isn't anything you might have heard it is except for perhaps the generative principle of nature itself. We are all within the grail. This is how God comes to know us. We are like fish in a great ocean, bound to our school. When the question is asked the realm is restored.

The first reply (not clear if it's the OP or someone else) adds:

Time is the chalice that holds within it Space.
Space is the great wine dark Ocean of Life
Space is Fortified by Life.
Drink well and be drunken of! This is the final commandment!

Time as a grail or chalice fits with my thoughts on the Temperance card as (among other things) a symbol of the passage of time.

"Drink well and be drunken of," in connection with "quantum spacetime," brings to mind these lines from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

"You’d better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It’s unpleasantly like being drunk."

"What’s so unpleasant about being drunk?"

"You ask a glass of water."

"Drink well and be drunken of! This is the final commandment!" -- this sounds so exactly like Aleister Crowley that I was certain it was him and tried to search out which of his books it came from. But apparently it's not the Beast himself at all, just a pitch-perfect pastiche by this anon.

Note added: I found the source of the image in the /x/ post. It's from page 88 of a Scientific American magazine.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....