Showing posts with label Mathematics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mathematics. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2024

Equilibrium marshes

Yesterday I was reading Courtney Brown's Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception. Like J. W. Dunne before him, Brown accepts the very strong evidence for the reality of precognition and retrocognition (the direct perception of future and past states of affairs) and attempts a theoretical explanation. While Dunne adds additional dimensions of time, Brown takes the opposite tack of suppressing time altogether. He demonstrates how this might be done with the following phase diagram of two interacting populations, which was created by dividing one equation by another so as to eliminate time as a variable:

I'd seen phase diagrams before but had never seen equilibria referred to as "marshes." A Google search seems to confirm that this terminology is virtually unique to Brown, since all I can find are diagrams dealing with the ecology of actual wetlands, publications by people named Marsh, and other books by Courtney Brown. Here's how the term is defined in Brown's Differential Equations: A Modeling Approach:

Especially with social science topics in which change is slow, differential equation systems often do not have a chance to evolve to the point where the system trajectories actually arrive at an equilibrium. In reality, the trajectories "bog down" when they pass anywhere near the equilibrium in what is called an "equilibrium marsh." Placing the equilibrium marshes in the phase diagram is a useful way to identify those areas where trajectory velocity is so slow that the system essentially comes to a near halt even though equilibrium has not been achieved (p. 56).

A similar explanation is given in Serpents in the Sand: Essays in the Nonlinear Nature of Politics and Human Destiny, in the essay "Anatomy of a Landslide," where Brown plots support for the Democratic and Republican parties in the early 1960s and, as in Remote Viewing, uses stippling to indicate equilibrium marshes:

I post this here for possible sync relevance, since marshes -- Thomas B. Marsh, Pokélogan, etc. -- have been a recent theme.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Are the Irish better at math?

Studies have shown that Irish people are significantly better than non-Irish at solving this math problem. Remarkably, many of them are able to do so in a matter of seconds, without using a calculator or even a pencil and paper. The problem is as follows:

Suppose there is a population of hares which, though every bit as prolific as lagomorphs generally are, are heavily hunted and thus increase in numbers very, very slowly. In fact, from one year to the next, the hare population only increases by an average of 0.005615%. To the casual observer, the hares' numbers appear to be static, but in fact the population is slowly but surely growing and, given enough time, will eventually double. It's a long road, but in the end they will arrive there. Assuming the rate of increase does not change, precisely how many years will it take the hare population to traverse this rocky road to doubling?

Hannah Gifford, Hare and the Blackthorn Blossom

Note: I just bought a new pair of wingtip shoes, which is what brought this problem to mind. No, really, that’s what prompted this post.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Lewis Carroll syncs

From the comments, promoted to post status for better searchability in the future.

On January 27, Ben Pratt wrote:

Today I was watching a math video (as one does) by Michael Penn that was his solution to a problem posed by Lewis Carroll (C. L. Dodgson) in the 1893 work Curiosa Mathematica II or Pillow Problems. Online I found a .djvu file of a reprint published in 1958 as The Mathematical Recreations of Lewis Carroll, which contains 72 problems Dodgson originally worked out in his head.

Problem 58 was originally worked out by Dodgson on the 20th of January 1884 and its text reads as follows:

"Three Points are taken at random on an infinite Plane. Find the chance of their being the vertices of an obtuse-angled Triangle."

Dodgson provides his solution in which he constructs a shape composed of two arcs and a line segment. Rescaling the triangle and equating its longest side to the line segment, all possible triangles (scaled appropriately) are contained within the shape. He also includes a semicircle with the diameter being the line segment.

Michael Penn follows the same basic approach in that he constructs the same shapes, but he includes their reflections across the line segment. This, of course, results in a drawing of a vesica containing a circle, a shape that has been in the syncs.

I also note that the infinite plane the three points are selected from is a "flat plane" as discussed above.

The next day, January 28, he added:

I was just reading a question and answers on Stack Overflow for something at work, and I happened to notice one of the Hot Network Questions in the right sidebar was "In honor of Lewis Carroll’s birthday, January 27."

When I submitted the above comment in both of our time zones it was January 27. I did not know that that is the birthday of Lewis Carroll until just now.

I replied the same day:

I didn't know that yesterday was Lewis Carroll's birthday, either. I read this passage in Green Doors yesterday. Petra, private secretary to a psychiatrist, is snooping in the doctor's files, looking for the records on a patient named McCloud.

Petra was pulling out the drawer marked in small black letters Mc. She pulled it slowly, as one might open a door onto an unknown landscape. She herself thought of Alice. "It might be the rabbit hole and here I am on the verge of tumbling down it." Indeed, she felt herself a second Alice and as if this deep drawer held a wonderland into which she was about to escape from the stifling hot afternoon of the upper world. Could she had known what it held for her, how different her hesitation in going on pulling out the drawer would have been, how much faster her heart would have beat!

And a few hours later I added:

Just saw on TV an ad for the show "Pawn Stars."

"Alice in Wonderland," said a voice and then, immediately, the scene changing, "Tyrannosaurus teeth are really rare."

Lewis Carroll, as a Victorian writer known for "nonsense," has much in common with his older contemporary Edward Lear

Saturday, January 14, 2023

A little 1/14 coincidence

For the past few months, I've been reading three chapters of the Bible a day, alternating between John and the rest of the Bible -- so I read Genesis, then John, then Exodus, then John again, then Leviticus, then John again, and I'm currently working on Numbers. Today it was Chapters 28-30, which by coincidence includes this verse (Num. 28:16):

And in the fourteenth day of the first month is the passover of the Lord.

Of course that's on the Hebrew calendar, and today is not Passover. Still, it was a bit of a coincidence to read about "the fourteenth day of the first month" on the fourteenth day of the first month.

How much of a coincidence? Well, there are 21 chapters in John, and the rest of the Bible consists of 65 books comprising 1,168 chapters. So going through the whole Bible on my system would mean reading a total of 2,533 chapters (the 21 chapters of John 65 times each, plus each of the non-John chapters once)

Seven different chapters, none of which are in John, mention the date of Passover. Thus of the 2,533 possible three-chapter readings that might happen to fall on January 14, 21 of them include a reference to "the fourteenth day of the first month." Thus, the chance of occurrence for the coincidence I observed today is in the neighborhood of 1% -- lowish but not extraordinarily low. And of course many other dates are also mentioned in the Bible (though none in John), so the chance of reading about any of those dates on the date itself would be considerably higher than 1%. If it's even as high as 3%, I should expect coincidences like this to occur about once a month. Nothing to write home about -- but, apparently, something to write a blog post about!

Update: The next day, January 15, I read the next three chapters of Numbers -- which just happen to contain the one and only biblical reference to the fifteenth day of the first month (Num. 33:3):

And they departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the morrow after the passover the children of Israel went out with an high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians.

Of the 2,533 possible three-chapter readings that might happen to fall on January 14, only one of them makes it possible to read about 1/14 on 1/14 and about 1/15 on 1/15. So this coincidence is now 21 times as impressive as I had originally reckoned!

Thursday, March 3, 2022

No two points on an infinite line are infinitely distant

I mentioned this in passing in "What if there was no beginning?" in connection with the Kalām Paradox. but I think it deserves a post of its own.

The Kalām Paradox, for those who came in late, asserts that nothing temporal can have always existed. If it had, it would be infinitely old, meaning that an infinite amount of time must already have elapsed. However, it is impossible for an infinite amount of time to elapse, because time elapses one finite step at a time, and adding up finite quantities can never yield an infinite quantity.

First, I should make it explicit what sort of infinity we're talking about here. We're not talking about Zeno's paradoxes which find an uncountable infinity within countably finite quantities. In the racecourse paradox, for example, it is supposed to be impossible to run a mile, because first you have to run half a mile; and before you can run half a mile, you have to run a quarter of a mile; and so on -- an infinite number of tasks. A number-theoretical way of expressing this is that between any two integers there are (uncountably) infinitely many real numbers. To apply Zeno's spatial paradox to time, we could say it is impossible for anyone or anything to be a year old -- because before a year can elapse, 6 months have to elapse; before 6 months, 3 months; and so on -- a sum of infinitely many finite quantities, which must therefore add up to infinity. This is not the Kalām argument, which takes it for granted that things can have a finite age.

I will not bother to address Zeno-type paradoxes because no one is in any danger of believing them. The Johnsonian "I refute it thus!" is sufficient. It's very obvious that fleet-footed warriors can catch tortoises, and that it is in fact possible to run a mile. These are matters of everyday observation, as the subject matter of Kalām -- the question of whether the universe had a beginning -- cannot be.

When the Kalām Paradox denies that the past can be infinite, it is referring to countable infinity, of which the paradigm case is not the real numbers but the integers. (To be sure, time may also be infinitely divisible and thus uncountably infinite, but that is a separate question.) The image we want to keep in mind, then, is the integer number line.

I propose that linear time is like this number line. The origin (zero) corresponds to the present, the negative integers to points in the past, and the positive integers to points in the future. Let's say that -1 on the number line means "one year ago," 1 means "one year hence," and so on. (There are of course many -- possibly infinitely many -- intermediate points in time between each of these points, just as there are infinitely many real numbers between one integer and the next, but that is not germane to Kalām. We take it for granted that Zeno is wrong and that countably-finite intervals of time can and do elapse.)

The integer number line is countably infinite -- meaning not that it is infinitely divisible but that it is infinitely long. There is no "first" or "last" integer. This does not mean that there is a first integer, -∞, which is infinitely distant from the origin; there is no such integer as -∞; there is no first (or last) integer. Every integer is finite (meaning finitely distant from the origin), and therefore the difference between any two integers is also finite.

Applied to time, this means that there was no first moment of time, no absolute beginning -- not that the beginning was "infinity years ago" (-∞), but that there was no beginning.

Now according to the Kalām Paradox, this means that an infinite amount of time must already have elapsed to get to the present. This is impossible, and yet we manifestly have reached the present; therefore, there was a beginning.

The question to ask is: An infinite amount of time must have elapsed from what point to the present? If the answer is "from the beginning," the argument fails, because the claim it is trying to disprove is that there was no beginning, just as there is no first integer. If the answer is "not from the beginning, since there is none, but from any arbitrary point infinitely distant from the present," the argument also fails, because there is no such point, just as there is no such thing as an infinite integer (infinitely distant from the origin). The only answer left, then, is "a point finitely distant from the present," and then there is no more paradox.

If there was no beginning, then we can say that, for any finite number n, n years have already elapsed. This is true no matter how arbitrarily big n is, which is the sense in which the past is infinite. But it does not mean that an infinite number of years have already elapsed. Therefore, this presupposition of the Kalām Paradox conclusively fails.

I am open to corrections from readers more mathematically gifted than myself, but I have to say I'm pretty darn sure I'm right about this.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Using daylight phases of the Moon to calculate the relative distance of the Sun and the Moon

As everyone knows, the Moon is sometimes visible during the day, while the Sun is also in the sky. Suppose you look up sometime during the day and see a half-moon in the sky. The Sun is also in the sky, separated from the Moon by 45 degrees of arc. What can you conclude from this?

In the above diagram, the vertical ray (using that word in the geometric, not the optical, sense) represents all possible locations of the Moon. (Since we are supposing we do not know how far the Moon is from the Earth, it could in principle be at any point along the ray.) The diagonal ray represents all possible locations of the Sun when it appears from Earth to be 45 degrees distant from the Moon. The horizontal ray extending out from the Moon represents all possible locations of the Sun which would cause a half-moon to be visible from Earth. Therefore, if you see a half-moon 45 degrees from the Sun, you can conclude that the Sun is 1.414 (the square root of two) times as far from the Earth as the Moon is -- and that therefore everything you know about astronomy is wrong, since astronomers tells us the Sun is approximately 395.5 times as far from Earth as the Moon is.

If that figure is correct, what should be the angular distance between the Sun and a half-moon? Well, it must be less than 90 degrees, since the red ray (representing the Sun at 90 degrees from the Moon) is parallel to, and thus never intersects, the half-moon ray. But, since 395.5 is a very large number, it must be only a little less than 90 degrees. I've forgotten all my trigonometry, so I'll leave the exact figure as an exercise for the reader.

Update: I've just realized the flaw in this reasoning -- that it applies only when the Moon is directly overhead. The angular elevation of the Moon must be included in the equation, not only its angular distance from the Sun.

Update 2: No, on second thought, I think I was right the first time.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Calculating beta diversity

Diversity? Comme au courant! Well, you know I like to cover all the bases.

There are (or were when I was in college) three types of ecological diversity: alpha, beta, and gamma. Let's say we're talking about a territory in which there are a number of separate forests, each of which contains a number of trees which may be classified into discrete species.

Gamma diversity is the total diversity of trees within the territory. If we select two of the territory's trees at random, what is the probability that they will be of different species? That number (a "diversity index") would be a quantification of the territory's gamma diversity. You can think of the gamma as standing for global; we're looking at the diversity of individuals (trees) in the entire territory, without considering any of the smaller subgroups (forests) among which those individuals are distributed.

Alpha diversity is the diversity of trees within each forest. If we randomly select two trees from the same forest, what is the probability that they will be of different species? This is an index of alpha diversity. Think of alpha as representing the article a -- the internal diversity within a single forest. We can calculate a diversity index for each of the forests in the territory, and the mean of these numbers will be the alpha diversity of the territory as a whole.

For maximum simplicity, let's just look at territories that have only two forests (Forest 1 and Forest 2), which each have the same number of trees, and only two tree species (redwoods and bluewoods).

Calculating diversity indices is quite straightforward. You take the percentages for each species in the population (for example, the trees of Charliestan are 75% redwood and 25% bluewood). For each species, the probability of randomly selecting two members of that species is its percentage squared -- so the sum of the squares of all the percentages is the probability of selecting two trees of the same species. For Charliestan, that probability is .75² + .25² = .625; the diversity index (the probability of selecting two trees of different species) is 1 minus that number, or 37.5%.

Note that when there are only two species, the highest possible diversity index is 50%. Note also that gamma diversity sets a cap for alpha diversity. The two measures can be equal (as in Bakerstan and Charliestan), or gamma can be higher (as in Ablestan and Dogstan), but alpha can never be higher than gamma.

When there is a difference between gamma (the diversity of trees in the territory) and alpha (the diversity of trees within the forests of the territory), that difference must be accounted for by beta diversity: diversity between forests. (Think of beta as standing for between -- though of course you really ought to say among if there are more than two.) The remainder of this post will discuss the relative merits of various ways of calculating beta diversity.

Approach 1: Forests as units

Can we calculate beta diversity as a diversity index of the sort we have used for alpha and gamma? Well, we could, but that would mean treating entire forests the way we have been treating trees -- as unanalyzable units to be classified into a finite number of discrete "species." For example, if a territory had 10 spruce-fir forests, 5 oak-hickory forests, and 5 maple-beech-birch forests, we could calculate its beta diversity as 1 - (.5² + .25² + .25²) = .625.

The obvious problem with this is that forests just aren't unanalyzable units, and classifying them qualitatively seems the wrong way to go about things. Forests can be more or less similar in their species profile; it's not a binary same/different question. Imagine a spruce-fir forest that is pretty much just spruce and fir, and a maple-beech-birch forest that is also pretty much just what it says on the tin. Now imagine a different country where the spruce-fir forest also has significant numbers of maple and birch trees, and where both the spruce-fir and the maple-beech-birch forests have plenty of hemlocks. This latter country obviously has less beta diversity -- that is, its forests are more similar to one another -- but this approach can't see that.

(Incidentally, this objection also applies to some extent to alpha and gamma diversity. Doesn't a white-red-jack forest, where all the major species are species of pine, have less diversity than an oak-gum-cypress forest? Isn't a neighborhood that's half black and half white more diverse than one that's half German and half Austrian?)

Approach 2: All the gamma that's not alpha

The logic is simple: gamma diversity is total diversity; some of it is accounted for by alpha diversity; all the rest must be beta diversity.

Robert Whittaker's original equation for beta diversity was β = γ/α, which is obviously suboptimal. It would make 1 the minimum figure for beta diversity, when it is the hypothetical maximum for alpha and gamma, making it incommensurable with the other two types of diversity. It is also unable to deal countries like Ablestan, which have 0 alpha diversity and thus cause a divide-by-zero error.

Later ecologists (perhaps for the reasons I mention) decided to subtract rather than divide, making the new formula β = γ - α. Let's look at our three territories again (reproduced here so you don't have to scroll up).

Using the subtractive formula, we get 0 beta diversity for Bakerstan and Charliestan -- which is correct, since in each of those countries the two forests are identical in terms of species profile -- 12.5% for Dogstan, and 50% for Ablestan. But, wait, isn't that a little strange? The two forests of Ablestan are 100% different -- not a single tree in Forest 1 is the same species as any tree in Forest 2 -- so shouldn't the beta diversity be 100%?

Compare Ablestan to Easystan -- which, unlike the territories we have looked at so far, has yellowwoods.

Both alpha and gamma are higher for Easystan, which makes sense. It has greater global (gamma) diversity, and Forest 2 has greater internal (alpha) diversity. But shouldn't its beta diversity -- the difference between the two forests -- be exactly the same as Ablestan's? In both territories, the trees in Forest 1 are 100% different from those in Forest 2. But the subtractive formula gives us a beta of only 37.5% for Easystan, lower than Ablestan's 50%. Obviously this formula is not capturing the intuitive meaning of beta diversity.

Or consider Foxstan, which differs from Ablestan only in that its forests are not the same size; 75% of its trees are in Forest 1.

Both Ablestan and Foxstan have an alpha of 0, which is correct because there is no internal diversity within their forests at all. Ablestan has a higher gamma because it is half redwoods and half bluewoods -- the maximum diversity possible when there are only two species. In Foxstan, redwoods are a solid majority, making it less diverse.

What about beta? In each territory, how different is one forest from the other? Well, it seems obvious that both Ablestan and Foxstan have equal, because maximal, beta diversity. In both countries, the trees in Forest 1 are 100% different from the trees in Forest 2. If anything, we might even say that the two forests differ more in Foxstan than in Ablestan, because they differ in size as well as in species profile. But if we use the formula β = γ - α, and alpha is 0, each territory's beta is equal to its gamma, which means Foxstan has less beta diversity than Ablestan. This seems clearly wrong.

Approach 3: An outgroup diversity index

Both gamma and alpha are calculated by means of a diversity index -- the probability that two randomly selected trees will be of different species. For gamma, the figure is for any two trees in the territory; for alpha, it is for any two trees that are in the same forest. So can't we get beta by calculating a diversity index for any two trees that are not in the same forest?

No, this doesn't work, either. Consider the case of Bakerstan and Charliestan.

Both of these territories should have a beta of 0, because each has two identical forests. But -- precisely because the two forests are identical -- comparing two random trees from different forests is the same as comparing two from the same forest, or from the territory as a whole, so β = α = γ. This method gives Bakerstan a beta of 50%, when it ought to be 0. That's a pretty serious error!

So maybe we should say beta diversity is outgroup diversity (call it xi) minus ingroup diversity (alpha): β = ξ - α. That would give us the desired 0 beta value for Bakerstan and Charliestan. Does it work more generally? No. It fails the Easystan test.

In Ablestan, xi is 1 and alpha is 0, so beta is also 1. This is correct, since the two forests are maximally different from each other.

In Easystan, the two forests are also maximally different from one another -- not a single tree in Forest 1 is the same species as any tree in Forest 2 -- so its xi is 1, and its beta ought to be 1 as well. But because it has an alpha of 25%, its beta is only 75%.

Approach 4: Slice-matching

And now we come to my final answer! I assume I'm not the first to have thought of it, but I'm much too lazy and unprofessional to play the "literature review" game when it's so much more fun to just reinvent the wheel. I do hope I'm not making an original contribution to diversitology here because, you know, that would just be sad. (Alas, my experience with astronomy does not fill me with optimism.)

This method yields the correct values of 1 for Ablestan, Easystan, and Foxstan; and 0 for Bakerstan and Charliestan. Of the territories we have looked at so far, only Dogstan has a non-trivial beta value, so we will look at it first to demonstrate how the slice-matching method works.

You take the two forests' pie charts and remove all matching slices. That is, you can cut a slice out of a pie and remove it if and only if you can remove a slice of the same size and color from the other pie chart. You keep doing this until you can't do it anymore, and the percentage of the pies remaining is your beta diversity. (When I talk about the "size" of a slice, I mean its relative size as a percentage of its pie; beta diversity is not affected by differences in absolute size among forests.)

For Dogstan, we can remove a 25%-sized slice of blue from each pie, the a 25%-sized slice of red, and then we're done. We still have 50% of each pie left, so Dogstan's beta diversity is 50%.

What if there are more than two territories in the forest? Do we remove only those slice that can be removed from every forest? No, that clearly won't work. Imagine a territory with 4 all-redwood forests and 1 all-bluewood forest; no slices could be removed, and thus the beta would be 1 -- maximal beta diversity, despite the fact that three of the four forests are identical. No, slice-matching can only be done between a pair of forests, and the beta diversity of the whole territory is calculated by taking the mean beta of all possible pairs of forests. In our example, there are 5 forests and thus 10 possible pairs of forests. Of these, 6 are red-red pairs with beta of 0, and 4 are red-blue pairs with beta of 1. The mean beta diversity for the whole territory would thus be 40%.

As a further illustration of how this works, let's take a look at Georgestan and Howstan -- territories which each have four different forests and four different tree species.

The bottom row of pie charts shows the species distribution for each of the forests. I have so designed these distributions as to give the two territories identical gamma diversity, but Georgestan's diversity is more of the alpha variety (each forest is internally diverse), while Howstan's is more beta (each forest is different from the other forests). I've limited myself to pie slices that are multiples of 12.5%, so as not to overtax my MSPaint skillz.

The pyramid of pie charts above each bottom row shows the "slice-matching" results for each pair of forests. Go diagonally down to the left and to the right to see which two forests each chart is comparing. For example, the pie at the apex of the Georgestan pyramid is comparing the forests F1 and F4, which are highly similar. Slice-matching rules allow us to remove quarter slices of red, yellow, and blue, and an eighth slice of green, from each forest. What is left -- the slices that cannot be matched -- is shaded black and represents the beta diversity between those two forests, which in this case is 12.5%. Looking at the corresponding pie at the apex of the Howstan pyramid, we can see that its F1 and F2 are very different, with 50% beta diversity. Beta diversity for a whole territory is simply the mean beta diversity of all possible forest pairs.

The diversity figures for the two territories, then, are as follows:
  • Georgestan
    • gamma = 75%
    • alpha = 72.7%
    • beta = 18.8%
  • Howstan
    • gamma = 75%
    • alpha = 57.8%
    • beta = 52.1%
We can compare these to the extreme cases of Itemstan (all four forests look like Georgestan's F1) and Jigstan (the forests are all red, all yellow, all green, and all blue, respectively).
  • Itemstan
    • gamma = 75%
    • alpha = 75%
    • beta = 0%
  • Jigstan
    • gamma = 75%
    • alpha = 0%
    • beta = 100%

Is there a formula?

Robert Whittaker had a simple formula -- β = γ/α. -- which we have found inadequate. Can the slice-matching approach to beta diversity also be reduced to a formula? This much seems intuitively obvious:

If gamma is held constant, increasing alpha causes beta to decrease and vice versa. This seems to imply that we should be able to derive alpha if we know beta and gamma, or derive beta if we know alpha a gamma. (Seems. I haven't fully thought this through yet.)

We clearly cannot derive gamma if we know alpha and beta. Jigstan and Ablestan both have an alpha of 0 and a beta of 1, but their gamma is different. This is only possible because Ablestan has two forests but Jigstan has four, so perhaps a fourth variable -- the number of forests -- has to be included in the formula. My hunch (just a hunch) is that any one of those variables should be derivable from the other three, hopefully in a tolerably elegant manner.

Perhaps some of my more mathematically gifted readers (you know who you are!) would like to give it a shot.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

The distribution of mixed polyhedral dice rolls

In a recent post, Kevin McCall wrote,

We might compare [a particular hypothetical distribution of IQs] to rolling all 5 Platonic solids: one 4 sided die, one 6 sided, one 8 sided, one 12 sided, and one 20 sided, which would have a completely different distribution from rolling five 6-sided dice.

And I commented,

Would rolling a mix of polyhedral dice really result in anything significantly different from a normal bell curve. I haven’t done the calculations, but my assumption is that it would not.

Then I almost immediately retracted this statement ("Never mind. I've checked it, and my assumption was totally wrong!") because I'd put the possible rolls of three dissimilar dice (a d4, a d6, and a d8) into a spreadsheet and it had given me a histogram that looked nothing like a normal distribution.

But now I have to retract that retraction and reaffirm my original assumption. The weird-looking histogram is an artifact. Rolling the three dice mentioned yields one of 16 possible values, from 3 to 18, but the spreadsheet software (Google Sheets) for some reason made a histogram with only 13 bars. Most of the bars represent a single value, but 3-4, 9-10, and 15-16 are grouped together, which is why those three bars are abnormally tall. Making a 16-bar histogram by hand, I find that rolling mixed dice does after all yield a normal bell curve.

The moral of the story: If it comes down to trusting either your own instincts or the basic competence of Google programmers, go with your own instincts every time!

But you already knew that.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Visualizing gnomon series for the figurate numbers modulo 10

In modular arithmetic, the integers modulo k form a closed figure -- a polygon with k vertices -- rather than a line. The decagon below represents the integers modulo 10. To count, start at +1 and follow the black lines clockwise. The numbers on the left side of the figure are negative because n ≡ n - 10 (mod 10); thus, 5 ≡ -5, 6 ≡ -4, 7 ≡ -3, and so on.

The number that may be added to the nth figurate number to yield the (n + 1)th is called a gnomon. To generate the series of triangular numbers, you start with 0, then add 1, then add 2, then add 3, and so on through the natural numbers. In other words, the gnomon series for triangular numbers is (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ...) -- which is congruent (mod 10) to (+1, +2, +3, +4, ±5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0) endlessly repeated. To get the gnomon series for the triangular numbers, start at +1 on the decagon and follow the black lines clockwise.

For the triangular numbers, the difference between the nth gnomon is the (n - 1)th gnomon is 1. I shall express this by saying that the gnomon interval for the triangular numbers is 1. For the squares, the gnomon interval is 2; for the pentagonal numbers, it is 3; and so on. The gnomon interval for the n-gonal numbers is always equal to n - 2.

The gnomon series for the n-gonal numbers modulo 10 may be read off our decagon by starting at +1 and going clockwise, reading every (n - 2)th vertex. It is readily apparent that there are only 10 possible gnomon series, since reading every (n + 10)th vertex is the same as reading every nth vertex. The gnomon series are:

  • 3-gonal: black lines clockwise (+1, +2, +3, +4, ±5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0)
  • 4-gonal: red lines clockwise (+1, +3, ±5, -3, -1)
  • 5-gonal: green lines clockwise (+1, +4, -3, 0, +3, -4, -1, +2, ±5, -2)
  • 6-gonal: purple lines clockwise (+1, ±5, -1, +3, -3)
  • 7-gonal: orange line (+1, -4)
  • 8-gonal: purple lines counterclockwise (+1, -3, +3, -1, ±5)
  • 9-gonal: green lines counterclockwise (+1, -2, ±5, +2, -1, -4, +3, 0, -3, +4, +1)
  • 10-gonal: red lines couterclockwise (+1, -1, -3, ±5, +3)
  • 11-gonal: black lines counterclockwise (+1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, ±5, +4, +3, +2)
  • 12-gonal: only one vertex (+1)
After the 12-gonal numbers, the gnomon series repeat; the (n + 10)-gonal numbers are congruent to the n-gonal numbers (mod 10).

Which of these gnomon series will generate a repeating palindromic series? All those, and only those, whose representation on the decagon exhibits left-right symmetry -- that is, all figurate numbers except the 7-gonal (the orange line), the 12-gonal (a single non-centered point), and those congruent to them (the 17-gonal, 22-gonal, etc.).

When first looking for RPSs in figurate numbers mod 10, I only got as far as the 10-gonal numbers, so the 7-gonal numbers seemed to be the only exceptions to the RPS rule. This new postulate predicts that the 12-gonal numbers will also be an exception -- and indeed they are. The 12-gonal numbers mod 10 are (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) endlessly repeated, which is not a palindrome.

Two tasks remain: (1) proving what I have just asserted, and (2) devising a way to predict, for any modulus, which gnomon intervals will yield a left-right symmetrical pattern. 

Monday, February 17, 2020

Applying Kevin McCall's logic to squares and other non-centered figurate numbers

Note: this post uses special terminology and notation introduced in the last post. You should read that first in order to understand what follows.

Kevin McCall's proof of the RPS theorem for reduced triangular numbers is based on the following observation:
The series of triangular numbers is generated by starting with 0, then adding 1, then adding 2, then 3, and so on through the succession of natural numbers. Due to the fact that k - n ≡ -n (mod k), one you've added numbers up to a certain point, you start doing the modular equivalent of subtracting those same numbers in reverse order, creating a palindrome.
Thus, if we consider the sequence of triangular numbers reduced modulo 10:

  • 0
  • +1
  • +2
  • +3
  • +4
  • +5
  • +6 ≡ -4 (mod 10)
  • +7 ≡ -3 (mod 10)
  • +8 ≡ -2 (mod 10)
  • +9 ≡ -1 (mod 10)
  • +10 ≡ 0 (mod 10)
  • +11 ≡ +1 (mod 10)
  • +12 ≡ +2 (mod 10)
  • +13 ≡ +3 (mod 10)
  • +14 ≡ +4 (mod 10)
  • +15 ≡ -5 (mod 10)
  • +16 ≡ -4 (mod 10)
  • +17 ≡ -3 (mod 10)
  • +18 ≡ -2 (mod 10)
  • +19 ≡ -1 (mod 10)
  • +20 ≡ +0 (mod 10)
  • etc.

At the end of this 20-step cycle, we are back where we started, with a number that is congruent to 0 (mod 10), and the cycle starts again.

Note that we have to go through two cycles of adding and subtracting the numbers because +5 ≡ -5 (mod 10). We count it as +5 the first time around and -5 the second time, so that it cancels out. If the modulus is odd, only one cycle is necessary.

Now let's consider the sequence of square numbers. We generate this series by starting with 0, then adding 1, then adding 3, then 5, and so on through the succession of odd natural numbers. This results in an RPS for much the same reason that the triangular series does: adding successive numbers is the modular equivalent of adding up to a certain point and then subtracting the same numbers in reverse order. Here's how it works modulo 10.
  • 0
  • +1
  • +3
  • +5
  • +7 ≡ -3 (mod 10)
  • +9 ≡ -1 (mod 10)
  • +11 ≡ +1 (mod 10)
  • +13 ≡ +3 (mod 10)
  • +15 ≡ -5 (mod 10)
  • +17 ≡ -3 (mod 10)
  • +19 ≡ -1 (mod 10)
  • etc.
As with the triangular numbers, we have to go through two cycles so that the two 5s cancel each other out. Notice that, unlike the triangular numbers, this sequence never returns to adding 0 (mod 10). That is why the triangular numbers reduced mod 10 = RPS (0136051865), while the squares are RPS (0)1496(5) -- the extra parentheses indicating that there are not two 5s in a row in the middle of the cycle, nor two 0s in a row at the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next.

Moving on to the pentagonal numbers, they are generated by starting with 0, then adding 1, then 4, then 7, then 10, and so on -- every third natural number. The pattern should be obvious by now: The sequence of n-gonal numbers is generated by starting with 0 and adding, successively, every (n - 2)th natural number, beginning with 1. Here's the generation of the pentagonal sequence modulo 10.

  • 0
  • +1
  • +4
  • +7
  • +10 ≡ +0 (mod 10)
  • +13 ≡ -7 (mod 10)
  • +16 ≡ -4 (mod 10)
  • +19 ≡ -1 (mod 10)
  • +22 ≡ +2 (mod 10)
  • +25 ≡ +5 (mod 10)
  • +28 ≡ +8 (mod 10)
  • +31 ≡ +1 (mod 10)
  • +34 ≡ +4 (mod 10)
  • +37 ≡ +7 (mod 10)
  • +40 ≡ +0 (mod 10)
  • +43 ≡ -7 (mod 10)
  • +46 ≡ -4 (mod 10)
  • +49 ≡ -1 (mod 10)
  • +52 ≡ -8 (mod 10)
  • +55 ≡ -5 (mod 10)
  • +58 ≡ -2 (mod 10)
  • +61 ≡ +1 (mod 10)
  • etc.
The cycle here is more involved because we are adding every third natural number, which means that after we reach the -1 which cancels out the original +1, we do not go on to either - or +1 and the cycle does not yet begin anew.

Skipping hexagonal numbers for the time being, let's jump straight to what we're really interested in: the heptagonal numbers -- the only figurate numbers yet examined which do not yield an RPS when reduced modulo 10. In keeping with the pattern, the heptagonal numbers are generated by adding, successively, every 5th natural number -- yielding, modulo 10:

  • 0
  • +1
  • +6
  • +11 ≡ +1 (mod 10)
  • +16 ≡ +6 (mod 10)
  • +21 ≡ +1 (mod 10)
  • +26 ≡ +6 (mod 10)
  • +31 ≡ +1 (mod 10)
  • +36 ≡ +6 (mod 10)
  • etc.
As can be seen, we just continue adding 1 and 6 (or subtracting 9 and 4) forever. This gives us a repeating cycle with a period of 20 -- because 10(1 + 6) ≡ 0 (mod 10) -- but no palindrome is created because we never reach -1/+9 or -6/+4.

My tentative conclusion is that the sequence of (non-centered) n-gonal numbers reduced modulo k will always be an RPS if n - 2 and k are relatively prime. When that condition holds, adding every (n - 2)th natural number in succession will (I think) mean in hitting all possible modular values, resulting in an RPS. The triangular numbers are a special case because for that sequence n - 2 = 1, which is coprime to every integer.

Where n - 2 and k are not coprime, an RPS may result, but not necessarily. I need to think a little more about what exactly determines which such sequences are RPSs and which are not.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Are all reduced sequences of figurate numbers repeating palindromes?

Time for another mathematical interlude.

Preliminaries: Terminology and notation

A palindrome is any series of elements that is the same forwards and backwards. Each palindrome thus consists of two parts, which we shall call the head and the tail. The tail consists of the same series of elements as the head, but in reverse order. For example, in the palindromic word “noon,” the string “no” is the head, and “on” is the tail. In “noon,” the head and tail are entirely separate, but in a palindrome with an odd number of elements, the end of the head will overlap with the beginning of the tail. For example, the head of the palindromic word “level” is “lev,” and the tail is “vel”; a single “v” does double duty as the last element of the head and the first element of the tail.

No special notation is required to write a simple palindrome such as “noon” or “level,” but we are concerned in this post with repeating palindromic series (RPSs). If a palindrome consists of a head followed by a tail (possibly overlapping), an RPS is a head followed by a tail, then the head again, then the tail again, and so on to infinity. In the notation we will be using here, an RPS is represented by "RPS" followed by its head enclosed in parens (round brackets), thus:

  • RPS (no) = noonnoonnoonnoonnoon...

If the end of the head overlaps with the beginning of the tail, an additional open-paren is placed before the first element of the tail, thus:

  • RPS (le(v) = levellevellevellevellevel...

In an RPS, unlike a simple palindrome, overlap at the other end is also possible. For example, the word “grammar” is not itself a palindrome, but “grammar” endlessly repeated is an RPS. The letter “g” is both the beginning of the head and the end of the tail. This sort of overlap is indicated by placing a close-paren after the last element of the tail, thus:

  • RPS (g)ram) = grammargrammargrammar...

It is possible to have overlap at both ends, as in this example.

  • RPS (v)oo(d) = voodoovoodoovoodoo...

Overlap need not be limited to a single element; it can be a series of elements, provided that series is itself a palindrome. For example, consider the RPS created by endlessly repeating the word “sestet.”

  • RPS (ses)t(e) = sestetsestetsestetsestet...

I should also mention that, much like a repeating decimal, an RPS has a beginning but not an end. As with a decimal like 0.16666666..., there may be a non-repeating segment at the beginning, before the RPS proper starts. Our notation can deal with this by putting this non-repeating segment before the first paren, as in this example.

  • RPS n(eve)(r) = neverevereverevereverever...

One final note about the notation: If each element in the RPS can be represented by a single character (a letter, a one-digit number, etc.), it can be written as in the examples above, without commas or spaces. If the elements of an RPS are words, multidigit numbers, etc., the elements should be separated by commas and spaces.

RPSs in the sequence of triangular numbers

Several posts on this blog have dealt with the fact that, for any modulus k, the sequence of triangular numbers reduced modulo k will be an RPS. Two different proofs of this have been given (here and here). The pattern is easiest to see when k = 10, since (in the decimal system) any number reduced modulo 10 is equal to the final digit of that number.

The first several triangular numbers are: 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 91, 105, 120, 136, 153, 171, 190, 210, 231, 253, 276, 300, 325, 351, 378, 406, 435, 465, 496, 528, 561, 595, 630, 666...

If we reduce that sequence modulo 10 (by replacing each number in the sequence with its final digit), we get: 0, 1, 3, 6, 0, 5, 1, 8, 6, 5, 5, 6, 8, 1, 5, 0, 6, 3, 1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 6, 0, 5, 1, 8, 6, 5, 5, 6, 8, 1, 5, 0, 6...

This reduced sequence is RPS (0136051865). Any other modulus will also yield an RPS.

Square numbers

Only some three months after proving the RPS theorem for triangular numbers did I notice that the sequence of square numbers shows a similar pattern. Below are the square numbers from 02 to 502. Start at the upper left, follow the zigzag down to the bottom, and then come back up the zigzag on the right.

Numbers in the same column have the same last digit (i.e., are congruent modulo 10). Numbers in the same row have the same last two digits (i.e., are congruent modulo 100).

Square numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (0)1496(5).

Square numbers reduced modulo 100 = RPS (0), 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 0, 21, 44, 69, 96, 25, 56, 89, 24, 61, 0, 41, 84, 29, 76, (25).

I haven't checked if other moduli also yield RPSs, but, based on my experience with triangular numbers, and on the general principle that there is nothing mathematically special about powers of 10, I feel quite certain that they do.

Other non-centered figurate numbers

Pentagonal numbers: 0, 1, 5, 12, 22, 35, 51, 70, 92, 117, 145, 176, 210, 247, 287, 330, 376, 425, 477, 532, 590, 651, 715, 782, 852, 925, 1001, 1080, 1162, 1247, 1335, 1426, 1520, 1617, 1717, 1820, 1926, 2035, 2147, 2262, 2380, 2501, 2625, 2752, 2882, 3015, 3151, 3290, 3432, 3577, 3725, 3876, 4030, 4187...

Pentagonal numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (01522510)275607)

Hexagonal numbers: 0, 1, 6, 15, 28, 45, 66, 91, 120, 153, 190, 231, 276, 325, 378, 435, 496, 561, 630, 703, 780, 861, 946, 1035, 1128, 1225, 1326, 1431, 1540, 1653, 1770, 1891, 2016, 2145, 2278, 2415, 2556, 2701, 2850, 3003, 3160, 3321, 3486, 3655, 3828, 4005, 4186, 4371, 4560

Hexagonal numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (016585610(3)

Heptagonal numbers: 0, 1, 7, 18, 34, 55, 81, 112, 148, 189, 235, 286, 342, 403, 469, 540, 616, 697, 783, 874, 970, 1071, 1177, 1288, 1404, 1525, 1651, 1782, 1918, 2059, 2205, 2356, 2512, 2673, 2839, 3010, 3186, 3367, 3553, 3744, 3940, 4141, 4347, 4558, 4774, 4995, 5221, 5452, 5688

Heptagonal numbers reduced modulo 10 = 01784512895623906734 endlessly repeated -- not a palindrome!

Octagonal numbers: 0, 1, 8, 21, 40, 65, 96, 133, 176, 225, 280, 341, 408, 481, 560, 645, 736, 833, 936, 1045, 1160, 1281, 1408, 1541, 1680, 1825, 1976, 2133, 2296, 2465, 2640, 2821, 3008, 3201, 3400, 3605, 3816, 4033, 4256, 4485, 4720, 4961, 5208, 5461

Octagonal numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (01810)56(3)

Enneagonal numbers: 0, 1, 9, 24, 46, 75, 111, 154, 204, 261, 325, 396, 474, 559, 651, 750, 856, 969, 1089, 1216, 1350, 1491, 1639, 1794, 1956, 2125, 2301, 2484, 2674, 2871, 3075, 3286, 3504, 3729, 3961, 4200, 4446, 4699, 4959, 5226, 5500, 5781, 6069, 6364

Enneagonal numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (0194651441564910)69)

Decagonal numbers: 0, 1, 10, 27, 52, 85, 126, 175, 232, 297, 370, 451, 540, 637, 742, 855, 976, 1105, 1242, 1387, 1540, 1701, 1870, 2047, 2232, 2425, 2626, 2835, 3052, 3277, 3510, 3751, 4000, 4257, 4522, 4795, 5076, 5365, 5662, 5967, 6280, 6601, 6930, 7267, 7612, 7965, 8326

Decagonal numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (010)725(6)

This is so bizarre that I almost think I must have made some mistake, but I'm pretty sure I haven't. Inductively, it looks like virtually all non-centered figurate numbers reduce to RPSs, but the heptagonal numbers are an exception! Why? Are there other exceptions?

Centered figurate numbers

Centered triangular numbers: 1, 4, 10, 19, 31, 46, 64, 85, 109, 136, 166, 199, 235, 274, 316, 361, 409, 460, 514, 571, 631, 694, 760, 829, 901, 976, 1054, 1135, 1219, 1306, 1396, 1489, 1585, 1684, 1786, 1891, 1999, 2110, 2224, 2341, 2461, 2584, 2710, 2839, 2971, 3106, 3244, 3385, 3529

Centered triangular numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (1409164596)

Centered square numbers: 1, 5, 13, 25, 41, 61, 85, 113, 145, 181, 221, 265, 313, 365, 421, 481, 545, 613, 685, 761, 841, 925, 1013, 1105, 1201, 1301, 1405, 1513, 1625, 1741, 1861, 1985, 2113, 2245, 2381, 2521, 2665, 2813, 2965, 3121, 3281, 3445, 3613, 3785, 3961, 4141, 4325, 4513

Centered square numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (15(3)

Centered pentagonal numbers: 1, 6, 16, 31, 51, 76, 106, 141, 181, 226, 276, 331, 391, 456, 526, 601, 681, 766, 856, 951, 1051, 1156, 1266, 1381, 1501, 1626, 1756, 1891, 2031, 2176, 2326, 2481, 2641, 2806, 2976, 3151, 3331, 3516, 3706, 3901, 4101, 4306, 4516, 4731, 4951, 5176, 5406

Centered pentagonal numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (16)

Hex numbers: 1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271, 331, 397, 469, 547, 631, 721, 817, 919, 1027, 1141, 1261, 1387, 1519, 1657, 1801, 1951, 2107, 2269, 2437, 2611, 2791, 2977, 3169, 3367, 3571, 3781, 3997, 4219, 4447, 4681, 4921, 5167, 5419, 5677, 5941, 6211, 6487

Hex numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (17(9)

Centered heptagonal numbers: 1, 8, 22, 43, 71, 106, 148, 197, 253, 316, 386, 463, 547, 638, 736, 841, 953, 1072, 1198, 1331, 1471, 1618, 1772, 1933, 2101, 2276, 2458, 2647, 2843, 3046, 3256, 3473, 3697, 3928, 4166, 4411, 4663, 4922, 5188, 5461, 5741, 6028, 6322, 6623, 6931, 7246

Centered heptagonal numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (1823168736)

Centered octagonal numbers (i.e., odd squares): 1, 9, 25, 49, 81, 121, 169, 225, 289, 361, 441, 529, 625, 729, 841, 961, 1089, 1225, 1369, 1521, 1681, 1849, 2025, 2209, 2401, 2601, 2809, 3025, 3249, 3481, 3721, 3969, 4225, 4489, 4761, 5041, 5329, 5625, 5929, 6241, 6561, 6889, 7225, 7569

Centered octagonal numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (19(5)

Centered enneagonal numbers (i.e., every third triangular number): 1, 10, 28, 55, 91, 136, 190, 253, 325, 406, 496, 595, 703, 820, 946, 1081, 1225, 1378, 1540, 1711, 1891, 2080, 2278, 2485, 2701, 2926, 3160, 3403, 3655, 3916, 4186, 4465, 4753, 5050, 5356, 5671, 5995, 6328, 6670, 7021, 7381, 7750, 8128, 8515, 8911, 9316

Centered enneagonal numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (1085160356)

Centered decagonal numbers: 1, 11, 31, 61, 101, 151, 211, 281, 361, 451, 551, 661, 781, 911, 1051, 1201, 1361, 1531, 1711, 1901, 2101, 2311, 2531, 2761, 3001, 3251, 3511, 3781, 4061, 4351, 4651, 4961, 5281, 5611, 5951, 6301, 6661, 7031, 7411, 7801, 8201, 8611, 9031, 9461, 9901

Centered decagonal numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (1)

Centered decagonal numbers reduced modulo 100 = RPS (1, 11, 31, 61, 1, 51, 11, 81, 61, 51)

Star numbers (i.e., centered dodecagonal numbers): 1, 13, 37, 73, 121, 181, 253, 337, 433, 541, 661, 793, 937, 1093, 1261, 1441, 1633, 1837, 2053, 2281, 2521, 2773, 3037, 3313, 3601, 3901, 4213, 4537, 4873, 5221, 5581, 5953, 6337, 6733, 7141, 7561, 7993, 8437, 8893, 9361, 9841, 10333, 10837

Star numbers reduced modulo 10 = RPS (13(7)

It certainly looks as if all such sequences reduce to RPSs, but the unexpected exception of the (non-centered) heptagonal numbers makes me hesitant to jump to that conclusion.

So the new mission (paging Kevin McCall!) is to come up with a general proof that almost all figurate number sequences reduce to RPSs -- a proof that makes it clear what the exceptions are and why. There's obviously a pattern here that goes beyond the triangular numbers, and it should be possible to express that pattern mathematically.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

It's natural to repeat things 2^n - 1 times.

Fifteen! Fifteen no's . . . ha ha ha!

I try to cover all the bases here.


No no no.

No no no no no no no.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.

I find that I can continue this series more-or-less indefinitely: first 1 "no," then 3, then 7, 15, 31, 63, and so on -- each number in the series being twice the previous number, plus one. For me, these are all natural numbers of times to repeat things. I just naturally stop at 2n - 1, without consciously keeping count. (In fact, I only discovered the pattern by recording myself and then going back and counting the no's.)

Try it yourself (preferably not in a public place!). Is this an idiosyncracy of my own, or have I just discovered Tychonievich's First Law of How Many Times People Repeat Things?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Proof that a 4-by-4 grid divides a circle into 30-degree arcs

This turned out to be almost disappointingly easy to prove.

AC is equal in length to AD, since they are radii of the same circle. C is on the vertical line that bisects AD. Therefore, CD is the mirror image of AC, and the triangle ACD is equilateral. Therefore, the angle formed by AC and AD is 60 degrees, and that formed by AB and AC is 30 degrees.

Similar triangles can be made for all the other red points, showing that they are located at 30-degree intervals.

No other grids (3-by-3, 5-by-5, etc.) divide a circle evenly like this.

Another mathematical puzzle: Why does this work?

Never having bothered to acquire any halfway decent graphics software, I've been using this trick for years to draw regular hexagons, equilateral triangles, and such.

Create a 4-by-4 grid of squares and inscribe a circle in it. The lines of the squares will intersect the circle at 12 points, which appear to be equally spaced at 30-degree intervals around the circumference of the circle. You can then connect selected points to create a triangle, hexagon, or dodecagon.

(The ancient geometers used to take it as a challenge to construct various polygons using only a square and compass. I suppose the modern equivalent would be: Using only a crappy graphics program like MS Paint, construct . . . .)

I can't remember how I happened to discover this -- just one of those happy accidents, I think. I also can't be sure, absent any mathematical proof, that the points are really evenly spaced at 30-degree intervals. (If not, they are certainly close enough that the trick can still be used to create polygons that seem to the human eye to be perfectly regular.) However, I strongly suspect that they are perfectly regularly spaced, because that's just how math is.

The last mathematical proof I embarked on, regarding congruence patterns in triangular numbers (qv) was a matter of straightforward number theory, requiring only everyday algebra, which is why I was never really in any doubt as to my ability to solve it. I am much less confident of my competence in this case, though, being innocent even of basic trigonometry. (Obviously somebody invented trigonometry without having been taught it, and I'm sure I could do the same if push came to shove; the question is whether or not I want to invest so much time and thought in a problem which has elicited only my passing curiosity.)

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The difference between proof and understanding

The mathematical proofs laid out in my previous post (which I am sure very few of you have bothered to read) left me both satisfied and disappointed. Having had only the patchiest of mathematical educations (basic algebra and statistics, plus such rudiments of set theory and symbolic logic as linguists require; no trigonometry or calculus), I took a certain satisfaction in having been able to do it at all -- but it was disappointing to realize that I didn't seem much closer to understanding the patterns than I had been before. Why are they always palindromic, for instance? Saying that their palindromicity can be expressed algebraically as n(n + 1) ÷ 2 ≡ (2k - (n + 1))(2k - n) ÷ 2 (mod k), and that that equation turns out to be true for all natural number values of n and k, just doesn't count as an answer to that question. I can follow each step of the algebra, but in the end I do not feel enlightened; I do not think, "Oh, now I get it!" It is possible to prove something without really understanding it.

Then I read Kevin McCall's much better proofs of the same postulates. What a difference! Where I had hammered out my proofs by algebraic brute force, McCall had understood. -- and left me thinking, in T. H. Huxley's much-quoted words, "How extremely stupid not to have thought of that!"

The heart of McCall's proof is the observation that, in modular arithmetic with modulus k, adding k - n is equivalent to subtracting n. You can easily see this in the most familiar everyday use of modular arithmetic, which is our 12-hour clock, with modulus 12. If you want to get from 11:00 to 7:00, for example, you can either subtract 4 hours or add 12 - 4 = 8 hours.

The series of triangular numbers is generated by starting with 0, then adding 1, then adding 2, then 3, and so on through the succession of natural numbers. Due to the fact that k - -n (mod k), one you've added numbers up to a certain point, you start doing the modular equivalent of subtracting those same numbers in reverse order, creating a palindrome. For example, if the modulus is 7:
  • 0
  • +1
  • +2
  • +3
  • +4 ≡ -3 (mod 7)
  • +5 ≡ -2 (mod 7)
  • +6 ≡ -1 (mod 7) 
  • etc.
Obviously, this will create a repeating palindromic pattern with a period of 7.

Why is the period twice as long for even moduli? Consider the case when the modulus is 6.

  • 0
  • +1
  • +2
  • +3
  • +4 ≡ -2 (mod 6)
  • +5 ≡ -1 (mod 6)
  • +6 ≡ 0 (mod 6)
  • +7 ≡ +1 (mod 6)
  • +8 ≡ +2 (mod 6)
  • +9 ≡ -3 (mod 6)
  • +10 ≡ -2 (mod 6)
  • +11 ≡ -1 (mod 6)
  • etc.
Because the modulus k is even, ÷ 2 ≡ -÷ 2 (mod k). In this case 3 ≡ -3 (mod 6). That means that, when we go through the first cycle of 6 integers, we add 1, add 2, add/subtract 3, subtract 2, and subtract 1. We can think of this as adding or subtracting 3, but whichever it is, we only perform the operation once in a single cycle, so at the end of the cycle we still have something congruent to 3 (mod 6); we have not yet returned to the 0 with which we began. However, if we go through two cycles, we can think of ourselves as adding 3 the first time around and then subtracting it the second time, bringing us back to our starting point. Thus, the period is twice as long for even moduli, and the palindrome is centered on ÷ 2, a number which is special because it alone is congruent to its own negation.

Now I understand -- and just about anyone else can understand, too, without any need to pore over complicated algebraic operations. Congratulations, Kevin McCall; you've really solved this, whereas I was just crunching numbers.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Proving triangular number congruence patterns

For the patterns proven in this post, see here and here.

1. The formula for triangular numbers is Tn = n(n + 1) ÷ 2

This is common knowledge, but I include it for the benefit of any readers who may be even less mathematically inclined than myself.

The nth triangular number (written Tn) is the sum of the natural numbers from 0 to n. Such numbers are called "triangular" because that number of points can be arranged in a triangular configuration as shown below.

Deriving the formula for triangular numbers is fairly straightforward. Take a given number, n, and write out 1 + 2 + ... + n. The sum of those numbers will be Tn. Now, below that, write the same sum in the opposite direction, n + n-1 + ... + 1. The example below shows what this looks like for n = 5.

Each of the two rows adds up to Tn, so the total of the two rows is 2Tn. If we look at the vertical columns, each of them adds up to n + 1. The first column is 1 + n; the second is 2 + (n - 1); the third is 3 + (n - 2); and so on. There are n columns in all, so 2Tn = n(n + 1). The formula for Tn, therefore, is n(n + 1) ÷ 2.

(Sorry if using an obelus instead of fractional notation makes these equations a little hard to read. It allows me to type them inline instead of inserting an image file for each equation.)

2. For any modulus k, the series of triangular numbers reduced modulo k repeats, with a period no greater than 2k.

This part was discovered by Kevin McCall, though I've reformulated it somewhat.

It is postulated that, for any modulus kT2k ≡ 0 (mod k). This means that T2k is evenly divisible by k; in other words, that T2k ÷ k is an integer.

Plugging 2k into our triangular number formula, we get T2k = 2k(2k + 1) ÷ 2. Dividing by k gives us T2k ÷ = 2k(2k + 1) ÷ 2k = 2k + 1. Since k is itself an integer, 2k + 1 is an integer as well. Therefore, T2k ≡ 0 (mod k).

Now consider the next triangular number in the series, T2+ 1. For any given triangular number,  Tn , T+ 1 T + n + 1. (For example, for n = 10, the 10th triangular number is 55, and 55 + 10 + 1 = 66, which is the 11th triangular number.) Since 2k + 1 ≡ 1 (mod k), this amounts (in the modular arithmetic we are using) to adding 1, and T2+ 1 will be congruent to 1 (mod k).

Now the whole series of triangular numbers begins with 0. Then we add 1, then 2, then 3, and so on to infinity to generate the whole series.
  • T0 = 0
  • T1 = T0 + 1 = 1
  • T2 = T1 + 2 = 3
  • T3 = T2 + 3 = 6
  • T4 = T3 + 4 = 10
  • etc.
It should be clear that, when we reach T2k , the whole process begins again.

  • T2k ≡ 0 (mod k)
  • T2+ 1 = T2k + 2k + 1 ≡ 1 (mod k)
  • T2+ 2 = T2k + 1 + 2k + 2 ≡ 1 + 2 ≡ 3 (mod k)
  • T2+ 3 = T2k + 2 + 2k + 3 ≡ 3 + 3 ≡ 6 (mod k)
  • T2+ 4 = T2k + 3 + 2k + 4 ≡ 6 + 4 ≡ 10 (mod k)
  • etc.

We can see that any time Tn ≡ 0 and Tn + 1 ≡ 1 (mod k), the series will repeat. We know that this always happens where n = 2k. Therefore, the period of the repetition must be either 2k or else a number by which 2k is evenly divisible.

3. The period of repetition is always either k (if k is odd) or 2k (if k is even).

If k is and odd number, the series of triangular numbers reduced modulo k will begin to repeat at k rather than 2k because Tk ≡ 0 (mod k), meaning that Tk ÷ k is an integer. Tk ÷ = k(k + 1) ÷ 2k = (k + 1) ÷ 2. Since k is odd, k + 1 is even, so (k + 1) ÷ 2 is an integer. T+ 1 will then be equal to Tk + k + 1 ≡ 1 (mod k), and so on.

At this point my direct reliance on Kevin McCall's proof stops. Everything below is my own. (Kevin has proved it all, too, but I have not yet read his proof and will not do so until I have first proved it all myself.)

How do we know that the period is never smaller than k? Might it sometimes be k ÷ 2, for instance? No. While it sometimes happens that Tj ≡ 0 (mod k), where j < k, it is never also true that Tj + 1 ≡ 1 (mod k), which is what is necessary for the series to repeat. Recall that T+ 1 T + n + 1. Therefore, where Tj ≡ 0 (mod k) and j < k, it follows that T+ 1 j + 1 (mod k). The only way j + 1 can be congruent to 1 (mod k) is if j ≡ 0 (mod k), which we have specified that it is not. (With the exception of 0, no number less than k can be congruent to 0 modulo k.)

Therefore, the period of repetition is always precisely k (if k is odd) or 2k (if k is even).

4. The repeating series is always palindromic.

It is postulated that for any modulus k, the series for triangular numbers from T0 to T2k - 1 reduced modulo k (which series goes on to repeat itself forever, as proven above) is palindromic. This means that
  • T0 ≡ T2k - 1 (mod k)
  • T1 ≡ T2k - 2 (mod k)
  • T2 ≡ T2k - 3 (mod k)
  • etc.
Stating this generally, we can say that Tn ≡ T2k - (n +1) (mod k). Replacing Tn with the formula for triangular numbers, we arrive at the following equation: n(n + 1) ÷ 2 ≡ (2k - (n + 1))(2k - n) ÷ 2 (mod k).

Since multiplying both sides by the same number preserves congruence, we can simplify this to: n(n + 1) ≡ (2k - (n + 1))(2k - n) (mod k).

Doing the math, we find that this is equivalent to: n(n + 1) ≡ n(+ 1) + k(4k - 2(2n + 1)) (mod k).

Subtracting n(n + 1) from both sides, we get: k(4k - 2(2n + 1)) ≡ 0 (mod k). Trivially, any multiple of k is congruent to 0 modulo k, so this is true. Therefore, the series is palindromic.

5. Where k is even, the number at the center of the palindrome is k ÷ 2

The period of the repeating palindrome is 2k where k is even, so the number at the center of the palindrome is Tk = k(k + 1) ÷ 2. This number should be congruent to ÷ 2 (mod k).

Multiplying both sides by 2, we get k(k + 1) ≡ k (mod k). Trivially, nk ≡ k ≡ 0 (mod k), for any integer value of n, so this is true.

Now that everything has been proven that I set out to prove, I will look at Kevin McCall's full proof and, if it is different from my own (as I suspect it will be), post it as well.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Triangular number congruence patterns proven

Kevin McCall, whose name you may recognize because his thoughts on dice and the Tarot (qv) have appeared on this blog in the past, has worked out a proof of the congruence patterns in the series of triangular numbers which I postulated here. He has proven that the series of triangular numbers reduced modulo k repeats itself, that the repetition has a period of k (if k is odd) or 2k (if k is even), and that the repeating series is always palindromic.

I have only seen his proof of the first of those statements; I am not going to look at the remainder of his proof until after I have proven it myself independently -- at which point I will post both his proof and mine.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Patterns in the digits of triangular numbers

Here's another way of saying what I said in my post on congruence patterns in the series of triangular numbers.

List the triangular numbers, starting with 0. The final digits of the numbers in the series will exhibit a repeating pattern with a period of 20, and the pattern will be palindromic. The penultimate (tens-place) digits will also exhibit a repeating palindromic pattern, with a period of 200. The repeating palindrome for the hundreds-place digits will have a period of 2000, and so on for any "place" you care to choose.

This is assuming you write the numbers in the familiar decimal system -- but any number base will yield corresponding results. If the triangular numbers are written in base b, the pth-to-last digit will exhibit a repeating palindromic pattern with a period of bp (if b is odd) or 2bp (if b is even).

(Oswald Wirth, whose writings first alerted me to the existence of such patterns, was doing what he called "Theosophic reduction" -- i.e., adding up the digits of a number until a single digit is arrived at. "Theosophically reducing" a number in base b corresponds to taking its final digit in base b - 1.)

The patterns are easiest to see in very small bases such as binary and ternary, shown below with color-coding to highlight the repeating palindromes.

I have still not figured out why these patterns exist. Even stating the pattern algebraically is proving somewhat difficult for someone whose mathematical training is as limited as mine.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Congruence patterns in the series of triangular numbers

The Swiss occultist Oswald Wirth writes of what he calls "Theosophic addition and reduction." I don't know what it's got to do with Theosophy, but I found it mathematically interesting.

By "Theosophic addition," Wirth simply means the operation which yields the series of triangular numbers, where the nth triangular number is the sum of all integers from 0 to n, inclusive; in other words, the nth triangular number is equal to ( + n) ÷ 2. The first several triangular numbers are: 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 91, 105, 120, 136, 153, 171, 190, 210, 231, 253, 276, 300, 325, 351, 378, 406, 435, 465, 496, 528, 561, 595, 630, 666.

"Theosophic reduction" means adding up all the digits of a number, and then repeating the process as necessary until a one-digit number is arrived at. Mathematically, this amounts to finding the smallest positive integer to which it is congruent modulo 9.

Wirth took the first 21 triangular numbers (beginning with 1) and "Theosophically reduced" them, yielding this series: 1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3, 1, 9, 9, 1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3, 1, 9, 9, 1, 3, 6. As you can see, the same series of 9 numbers (1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3, 1, 9, 9) repeats itself; and if you keep going beyond 21 (which is where Wirth stopped because he was considering the numerology of the 21 Tarot trumps), it becomes apparent that it keeps repeating itself forever.

Wirth took this pattern as confirmation of the traditional (ultimately Pythagorean) numerological idea that the first 9 natural numbers are the building blocks of all the rest, and that that "the decad is a new monad." However, it seemed pretty obvious to me that there is nothing special about the number 9, and that the 9-based pattern Wirth found was almost certainly an artifact of the use of the decimal system in the "Theosophical reduction" -- such that "reduction" meant finding congruence modulo 9 -- and that other moduli would yield other patterns.

I also saw that Wirth had missed an interesting pattern in his integer series because he had started with 1 rather than 0, and because he was thinking in terms of "reduction" rather than congruence. (Nine is congruent to 0 modulo 9, but you can't arrive at that 0 by adding up digits in the "Theosophic" fashion.) If we start with the 0th triangular number (which is 0), and if we "reduce" multiples of 9 to 0 rather than to 9, the repeating series becomes (0, 1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3, 1, 0) -- which is a palindrome!

I decided to check other moduli, starting with the easiest, which is 10. Any decimal number is congruent modulo 10 to its final digit, so look back at that list of triangular numbers and look at the final digits. The first thing you will notice is that certain final digits (2, 4, 7, 9) never occur at all. Look a little further, and you will see that there is a repeating pattern. It has a period of 20 (not 10, as we might have expected) -- and, sure enough, it is a palindrome: (0, 1, 3, 6, 0, 5, 1, 8, 6, 5, 5, 6, 8, 1, 5, 0, 6, 3, 1, 0).

It is natural to jump from this to the induction that every modulus will yield a palindromic repeating pattern, and this turns out to be true for all the moduli I have looked at, as the table below shows. I have used centered alignment to highlight the palindromic nature of the repeating series.

From this sample, it appears that:
  1. Any modulus, m, yields a repeating palindromic series of congruences for the series of triangular numbers.
  2. If m is odd, the period of the repeating series is equal to m.
  3. If m is even, the period is equal to 2m, and each of the two numbers at the center of the palindrome is equal to m/2.
Now, I'm roughly 100% sure that I'm not the first person to have noticed these patterns, and that someone else has already mathematically proven what I have only induced. So, to those of my readers who have had a proper mathematical education -- no spoilers, please! I want to try to figure this out for myself.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....