Showing posts with label Footwear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Footwear. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2024

Leo, Egbert, Peter

On May 29, William Wright published a post with the title “Leon Eggbert, Pharazon, and Sun-Moon Time.” In that post he mentioned his idea of “Peter being the same Being that had played the role of Pharazon.”

Today I was cleaning out the photos folder on my phone.

At my school, students have to change into slippers before going upstairs to the classroom. At the foot of the stairs is a “shoe room” with shelves for their shoes and slippers, and each shelf is labeled with a student’s name. (They use English names when studying English.) These labels have to be updated as old students leave and new students enroll.

On June 25, I noticed that the staff had neglected to do this, that there was a shelf still labeled with the name of a student who had left some months ago. I took a photo of the offending label and sent it to the staff group, with a reminder to keep the labels up to date.

Today I was about to delete that photo when I noticed something:

Three labels are visible on the central shelf in the photo: from left to right, Leo, EgbertPeter. Keeping in mind that Pharazon and Peter are considered by William to be the same person, these are the same three names, in the same order, as in the title of his post.

I had no role in this. I didn’t give any of these students his English name, and my staff applied the labels and decided which shelf to give to which student.

Quite a coincidence, I thought, especially considering what an unusual name Egbert is.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Concerning shoon

The Man in the Moon
Wears silver shoon,
But gold costs twice
As much. That price
Is far too high,
And that is why
The Girl in the Sun
Wears only one.

On Venus, copper
Shoon they wore,
But copper’s dearer
Than before.
Until they’ve saved
Enough, that price
Means penny-loafers
Must suffice.

But iron’s cheap.
The shoon on Mars
Cost less than those
On other stars.
The Man that’s there
Is shod, of course,
With shoon to spare
To shoe his horse.

And what of Earth?
Men there, they say,
Make do with shoon
Of miry clay
Until, the Ancient’s
Reign restored,
They may go barefoot
Like their Lord.

Sons of Michael,
He approaches.
Rise! The Ancient
Father greet.
Bow, ye thousands,
Low before him.
Before his feet.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....