Showing posts with label Liararchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liararchy. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Burying the lede: Australia makes it a federal crime to ACCESS "violent extremist material" on the Internet

It's all over the news that Australia has decided to outlaw the public display of the symbols of some German political party from a hundred years ago. As bonkers as that would be just by itself, the real story here isn't getting nearly as much press. Included in the new law is a provision that makes it a crime to access "violent extremist material" using a "carriage service" (meaning the Internet). You don't need to produce this material or even possess it; just clicking a link and seeing it is enough. If the US will put you in prison for sharing a meme, Australia will now put you in prison for looking at a meme. Forget the "public display" of anything; so much as lurk on /pol/ in the privacy of your own home, regardless of your own political views, and you're flirting with five years behind bars.

This is just insanely over-the-top tyrannical. I might compare it to something, but I wouldn't want any of my Aussie readers to go to prison for reading the analogy!

Friday, October 20, 2023

Pay to put your town on the map!

I had a dream last night in which I was watching a TV interview with an entrepreneur who had started a map-making company and had become famous for his unique business model. His company wasn't going to do any surveying or geographical research at all. Instead, you could literally pay to have your town put on the map. If a company received one dollar from a particular town, it would be mapped as having a population of one. If they received 10 million dollars, it would be mapped as a metropolis of 10 million. That was it.

But wouldn't such maps be useless, the interviewer wanted to know, since all the population figures would be fake? Not at all, the entrepreneur insisted. While the figures would be incorrect in the absolute sense, they would give a very good measure of the relative prominence of each town -- better even that accurate population figures! Of course the bigger and more important a town, the more its residents and local government would be likely to contribute to the mapping company. Raw population figures would give the impression that cities like Washington and Las Vegas were less important than Oklahoma City, but this new method would portray their prominence accurately.

And what if some troll with money to burn decides to spend a few million inventing a non-existent city with a stupid name like East Fumbuck and putting it on the map? That would be a problem, the entrepreneur conceded, but only for a short time, since all such joke-cities would inevitably become self-fulfilling prophecies. "It all boils down to this," he said. "If it looks good on a map, people will want to go live there."

This is an actual dream I had, not an allegory I invented, but I do think it makes for a pretty good allegory of how the media work!

Monday, February 13, 2023

All this UFO stuff is fake, by the way

I think most people who know me know that I accept the reality of close-encounter phenomena, so it is necessary to make my position clear: The current UFO hooha that's all over the news is 100% guaranteed fake and gay. They're testing the waters, and depending on how willing people are to entertain it, it's likely to become the next "you must be this stupid to ride" litmus test.

Nine months ago, I wrote "The time for UFO disclosure is now."

Why now? Because the government, the military, and the press have finally achieved zero credibility. They can "disclose" whatever they like, and people won't panic because they'll still feel deep down that it's all got to be BS. Boys who cry wolf may speak freely.

Not that people won't "believe" the disclosures, of course. Watch for a time when belief in UFOs and little green men is mandatory, and those who peddle laughable conspiracy theories about lenticular clouds and weather balloons will be tarred as "ET deniers" or whatever the term ends up being. ("Xenophobes" is already taken, I'm afraid.)

I'm not sure yet if they're going to go all in with this or not -- it all depends on how the public reacts -- but I think the chance is pretty high. The "AI" thing was a big hit, so this is probably the next logical step.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Watership Down in the Year of the Rabbit

I've only read Watership Down once, and that was some years ago, but one of the most memorable parts of the novel has to do with a warren of rabbits that live in the lap of luxury. All sorts of food is provided, predators are controlled -- and the price for all this is paid only occasionally, randomly, when a loop of shining wire appears and an unlucky rabbit goes missing.

But rather than consciously choosing to accept this macabre trade-off, the rabbits assiduously avoid noticing it. Snared rabbits are simply no longer talked about, as if they had never existed. It is quite off-limits to mention that you haven't seen old so-and-so recently, or to wonder what happened to him, let alone to suggest that he appears to have #DiedSuddenly! Denial -- or rather something deeper than denial, refusal-to-notice -- is to be maintained at all costs.

I'm not sure why this particular episode came to mind recently, and, well, it's not really proper to even ask that question, is it?

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Why the Liararchy allowed Roe v. Wade to be overturned -- and why gay "marriage" is next

Roe v. Wade
was never the Satanic ideal. The ideal was never for abortion to be legalized by judicial fiat, without the people's consent. Much more effective, in terms of damnation, would be a public referendum on the matter, implicating as many people as possible -- not only those who commit abortions, not only a handful of judges, but millions of voters consenting, like Saul, to the deaths.

But that wouldn't have worked in 1973. The people wouldn't have consented.

So the first step was forced legalization -- leading, slowly but surely, to normalization. Now, after 50 years of abortion being an established constitutional right, the issue is returned to the people, on the understanding that by now the 50-year psy-op will have worked its magic and the majority will be willing to take Moloch's side. After 50 years of Roe, many have been personally involved in abortions. Many others know and love people who have. Many others may see the whole issue differently when it is framed as taking away a constitutional right rather than granting a new one.

In the case of gay "marriage," the normalization process has been orders of magnitude faster, due to propaganda power undreamt of in the 1970s, and the time is probably already ripe for Obergefell v. Hodges to be overturned as well. The social pressure for voters to support gay "marriage" will be even stronger than for abortion. Abortion is generally private, and you probably don't even know which of your acquaintances have been involved in one. "Marriage," in contrast is very public and is central to a person's identity. By now many of us have friends or relatives who are gay-"married." How many -- even among those who opposed such practices in the past -- will be willing to vote to annul those unions?

Of course it is possible that this strategy could backfire, and that the people when given the choice will refuse to choose evil, but I think the Liararchy is fairly confident that won't happen. And even in their worst-case scenario, you still get a hell of a fight, an explosion of hatred on both sides, and another step closer to the pure chaos beloved of Sorath.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Don't implicitly concede principles by too narrow a focus on facts

Over at Rintrah, Radagast argues against relying too heavily on the "just the flu" argument against birdemic tyranny. When you argue against forced masking, distancing, lockdowns, pecks, etc. because they are ineffective, or because the virus isn't dangerous enough to warrant them, you are implicitly conceding that similarly tyrannical measure would be acceptable if they were more effective, or if a more deadly virus were to appear -- which, sooner or later, will happen.

By focusing too much on statistics and facts -- and I have often been guilty of this myself -- we imply that that is all our objection to tyranny is based on. We imply that when faced with the question, "Should we turn the world into a police state?" the proper response is, "Well, that depends. How many lives would it save?"

Statistics are important, Radagast concedes, but birdemic protestors

don’t go there because they are convinced the IFR is 0.17% instead of 0.8%. They don’t go there because they believe the herd immunity threshold lies at 25% instead of 90%. They don’t even go there because there is no significant correlation between lockdown stringency and excess mortality. And ultimately, they don’t even go there because they believe the WEF wants to implement a Great Reset.

No, those people go there, because what happened in March 2020, is incompatible with what we are. They reject it, the way your body would reject a pig’s heart implanted under your rib-cage. They reject it, because lockdowns are incompatible with Western values. Those values are interwoven with who we are as individuals, so many of you will have rejected it without even comprehending why.

"Western values," of course, is like saying C.E. instead of A.D. We all know what it really means.

A product of our Christian heritage is that we reject cruelty against individuals with a strict passion, even when it would benefit the societal good. This is what you and your ancestors have learned, what you had ingrained into your souls, for over a thousand years.

Yes, I am talking here about a notorious Jewish hippie, a young troublemaker who angered the pharisees. A man who went around violating Levitical law, by touching people with leprosy. What’s hard-coded into our brains, is empathy for individuals. It’s easy to forget that Christianity teaches that Jesus was both God and Man, a man who didn’t just bail you out of hell, but lived a life by example.

And whether you are today a Christian, a heathen, an atheist, a follower of the path of Dharma or something else entirely, the reality remains that you have grown up in a culture that is Christian in its essence, like the proverbial fish who fails to recognize water he has always lived in. And the great innovation that Christianity brought to the Roman empire, is the fundamental dignity of the individual.

Radagast is apparently not a Christian himself, and the points he chooses to emphasize are somewhat different from those I would focus on, but his central point remains: The Global Totalitarian Coup of 2020 is wrong, not ultimately for any statistical or medical reason, but because it is fundamentally anti-Christian -- or, in other words, Satanic. No debate over details can ever lose sight of that fundamental truth.

Suppose the birdemic were ten times as deadly as it really is. Suppose masks worked. Suppose "safe and effective" were not a punchline but a literally accurate description of the pecks. Ultimately, at the level that matters, nothing would be different. God would still be God. Satan would still be Satan. Totalitarianism would still be evil. You would still have to choose.

As it is, God has made it easy for us. But if he decides to make it hard, we will still have to make the same choices, and to understand clearly the foundation on which those choices are really based.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Systemic racism: Hollywood is run by whites.

The New York Times published this infographic on September 11, 2020.

Who are these 25 people? Below is the name, company, and race/ethnicity of each. For a few I was unable to find specific ethnic details and had to classify them as generic whites.

  1. Paul Buccieri (A+E Networks Group) - White gentile
  2. Karey Burke (ABC) - Other white
  3. Jennifer Salke (Amazon Studios) - Other white
  4. Jamie Erlicht (Apple) - Other white
  5. Zack Van Amburg (Apple) - White gentile
  6. Kelly Kahl (CBS) - Other white
  7. David Stapf (CBS Television Studios) - White (no details available)
  8. Nancy Daniels (Discovery Channel) - White (no details available)
  9. Dana Walden (Disney Television Studios and ABC Entertainment) - Other white
  10. Charlie Collier (Fox) - Other white
  11. Kelly Campbell (Hulu) -White gentle
  12. Ted Sarandos (Netflix) - White gentile
  13. Jim Gianopulous (Paramount Pictures) - White gentile
  14. Tom Rothman (Sony Pictures Entertainment) - Other white
  15. Jeff Frost (Sony Pictures Television Studios) - Other white
  16. Kathleen Finch (TLC and HGTV) - White (no details available)
  17. Donna Langley (Universal Filmed Entertainment Group) - White gentile
  18. Alan Bergman (Walt Disney Studios) - Other white
  19. Alan Horn (Walt Disney Studios) - Other white
  20. Toby Emmerich (Warner Bros. Pictures Group) - Other white
  21. Peter Roth (Warner Bros. Television Group) - Other white
  22. Casey Bloys (WarnerMedia and HBO Max) - White gentile
  23. Wonya Lucas (Crown Media Family Networks) - Black
  24. Pearlena Igbokew (NBCUniversal Television Studios) - Black
  25. Jessica Rodriguez (Univision) - Hispanic
How systemically racist is this? Well, let's compare the racial/ethnic makeup of this group of top execs with that of the American population as a whole.

Take a look at the rightmost column. If the number is higher than 1, that group is overrepresented among top Hollywood and TV execs; if it is lower than 1, the group is underrepresented. In a fair world, one without systemic racism, every number would be exactly 1. What do we see instead? That the number for whites is 1.5 -- a whopping 50% higher than it would be in a fair world! Blacks, on the other hand, have a measly 0.7, showing that they are systematically excluded from positions of power in Hollywood.

It's an outrage! Why is no one talking about this?

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Hysteria is the new normal

Remember the Mostly Peaceful Riots of the summer of 2020? Birdemic hysteria was put on hold, social distancing and abject obedience were replaced by crowded protests and lawlessness, and all the institutions and individuals who had gone all in on the old hysteria seamlessly transferred their attention to the new. The birdemic coup was only a few months old, and at the time I wrote that "the nascent birdemic police state [has] suddenly morphed into an Eff-tha-Police state."

But nothing had ended. The Birdemic Police State was just taking a breather. It would be back with a vengeance, and before long systemic racism -- in the form of peck mandates disproportionately affecting blacks -- would be A-OK again. Not that the other thing has ended, either. One of these days, Black Lives will suddenly start mostly peacefully Mattering again like we've never seen before. And then it'll be the birdemic again, or the weather, or aliens, or whatever.

In those early days of the new world order, I used to think, "This can't go on like this forever. People can only sustain this level of hysteria for so long." Well, it turns out that when it comes to hysteria, a change is as good as a rest.

Now it's happening again, but Putin's Nobel Prize in Medicine for single-handedly ending the birdemic is premature. The birdemic is still in play. "Anti" racism is still in play. The War on Sex is still in play. Even that weather crap is still in play. People can sustain this level of hysteria indefinitely, as long as they change it up from time to time to keep things interesting -- and the Liararchy certainly has no problem doing that! The Satanic Revolution has no positive values and no core principles, so absolutely everything -- including, apparently, "standing with" literal neo-Nazis! -- is on the table.

Friday, March 4, 2022

The Zelenskyy regime is a geopolitical George Floyd.

When I see your yellow-and-azure emoji and your #IStandWithUkraine hashtag, I look at you no differently than if you had #BLM and your pronouns. Yes, it's that level of stupid. In fact, it's really just exactly the same phenomenon, slightly differently manifested.

I had just written the above (including the headline) and was thinking about whether to post it or delete it or elaborate, when I decided to check a few blogs and found this:

So I guess I'm not the only one to have made the connection! The sync fairies have spoken: published it shall be.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The 2020s revolution and the Grays

At The Higherside Chats, Greg Carlwood and Richard Dolan discuss the 2020s global totalitarian revolution and possible connections with Those Other People and their agendas -- noting in particular how the cumulative effect of the various ongoing revolutions is to make us more like them.

There are some blind spots here due to the lack of an explicitly Christian perspective, which makes it all the more impressive that they have actually noticed the blindingly obvious fact that there has been a global totalitarian revolution! As they discuss on the show, surprisingly few have, even in UFO/conspiracy circles where you'd think noticing such things would come naturally.

Monday, February 28, 2022

My take on the Ukraine thing

Ye hear of wars in far countries, and you say that there will soon be great wars in far countries, but ye know not the hearts of men in your own land.
-- D&C 38:29

I have no take. I have no information.

The Russian news is propaganda. The Ukrainian news is propaganda. The Western news is sure as hell propaganda. I know no one in either country, and even if I did it is unlikely that they would have all that much more reliable information than anyone else.

Everything I see or hear about the situation is presumed fake until proven otherwise. Beyond that, I have no opinion.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

It worked for Gandhi

Gandhi's patented method:

  1. Be strictly non-violent.
  2. Defy your enemies in such a way that their only options are to let you win or to resort to violence themselves.
  3. Watch enemy morale evaporate and the tide of public opinion turn in your favor.
It worked in India. Will it work in Canada?

The main difference is that Gandhi's enemies were men of honor, and their own strength in that regard was used against them. The moral jiu-jitsu may not work as well against spineless unprincipled -- the noun I want to add here will likely attract the attention of the hate police, so I'll just have to leave it to your imagination.

As others have been saying for a while now, Trudeau's only hope of winning this is to stage a convincing false-flag, undermining the Gandhi method by creating a virtual reality in which the violence was initiated by the Gandhi side. Multiple factors make a convincing false-flag much more difficult to pull off in this situation than it was, say, in DC last January, but if it's your only hope, it's your only hope. We'll see how it works out for him.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Justin Trudeau is right, but why?

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau is being correctly labeled un psychopathe fasciste for his recent comments about the unpecked. (Original video here, in French with English subtitles.)

Yes, we will emerge from this birdemic through pecking. We know people who are still making up their minds, and we will try to convince them, but there are also people who are vehemently opposed to pecking. These are extremists who do not believe in The Science, who are often misogynists, often racists, too; it is a sect, a small group, but who are taking up space, and here we have to make a choice, as a leader, as a country. Do we tolerate these people? Or do we say, let's see, because most people, 80% of Quebecers did the right thing, that is, they got pecked, we want to get back to the things we like doing, and these people are not going to block us now.

Superficially, the part I have bolded seems outrageous -- what do racism and misogyny have to do with personal medical decisions? -- but he is observably correct. People who are skeptical of The Science -- defined as the consensus of all credentialed experts except those who have had their expert cards revoked for not agreeing with that consensus -- have a strong tendency to be equally skeptical of feminism, the sexual revolution, and "anti" racism. That is, to translate into Trudeau's native language of Newspeak, they "are often misogynists, often racists, too." (They are also often black, something that the fascist psychopaths conveniently overlook.) He could have thrown in "climate deniers" for good measure, the fourth of Bruce Charlton's litmus test issues.

In some old post by Scott Alexander, which I can't be bothered to look up at the moment, he discusses this sort of correlation among seemingly unrelated beliefs -- the fact that, for example, knowing a person's position on abortion would make it much easier to correctly guess his position on immigration, gun control, and many other issues -- and sees it as evidence that most people don't really think out each of their opinions but rather mentally "join a club" (such as "conservative" or "liberal") and accept that club's characteristic beliefs wholesale. Is that what's going on with Trudeau's "extremists," whose position on the pecks correlates with other positions which are objectively unrelated? Are they, as he calls them, "a sect"?

No. In fact, the phenomenon noted by Alexander is not always a symmetrical one.

Do you believe there's nothing wrong with celebrating birthdays? Then I can with a considerable degree of confidence guess that you also believe that blood transfusions are morally acceptable and that Jesus was executed on a cross rather than a stake. But why should any such correlation exist? What do modern medical procedures have to do with historical methods of execution? Do these beliefs appear together because they are the articles of faith of some ideological "club" (implied: cult) you have mentally joined? No, quite the opposite. They are all just normal things that people would naturally believe, and the majority of those who believe otherwise do so because they accept the authority of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Association, a.k.a. Jehovah's Witnesses. In this case, your correlated beliefs are not evidence that you belong to any particular sect but rather that you do not belong to one.

Jehovah's Witnesses are a small sect, and the Great and Abominable Church with which Trudeau is aligned is a large one, but the dynamics are the same. "These are infidels who do not believe in Muhammad," Trudeau is effectively saying, and -- quelle coïncidence! -- "many of them also ignore the Quran and fail to fast during Ramadan." 

I do not by these analogies mean to imply that the System is "a religion," which it very obviously is not. It is not even really a coherent ideology. Nevertheless, it is the System -- Their beliefs, not ours -- which creates the artificial correlation among the litmus tests. Why would you swallow the fake birdemic or accept the fake pecks unless you trusted the System? Why would you be a feminist or a sexual revolutionary unless you trusted the System? Why would the topsy-turvy morality of "anti" racism even enter your mind unless you trusted the System? Passing the litmus tests simply indicates that you are a normal, healthy person who rejects the System. And that is why it makes you intolerable to Trudeau and all the other psychopathic apostles of Inclusion.

But why would anyone reject the System? It takes a very strong spiritual motive. And that is why the litmus tests are such a reliable indicator of Christianity.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Come quickly, O Frabjous Day!

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
-- Hebrews 4:12

There's been a lot of talk about the Mark of the Beast these days, and the rough consensus of those in my extended spiritual circle seems to be that while the pecks and the surveillance system associated with them may not be the Mark -- that is, that the Revelation of John is unlikely to be a coded description of 2021 specifically -- it is an extremely clear example of that sort of thing: a mark of a beast.

And what shall we call this particular beast, this venomous juggernaut of malarkey, this personification of sinister hypodermic shenanigans which is at the same time a sort of apotheosis of complete and utter bullshit? Isn't it obvious? With a nod to the Brits, whose formerly localized slang for a particular medical procedure went global this year, I give you the Jabberwock.

And, well, we know how that poem ends. Carroll said that, while he understood the etymologies of most of the nonsense words in Jabberwocky, he was never quite able to figure out where vorpal had come from. One commentator's proposal is that it was made by taking alternate letters from the words verbal and gospel -- the Word of God, quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. Snicker-snack!

Hold on, and pray that the Frabjous Day be hastened. Because it is coming, and heads will roll, but what is to come after is still undecided. Pray not for the guillotine, that debased parody, but for the True and Vorpal Sword.

Maid of Heaven, be with us.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

It’s not only the West that’s insane

Taiwan was represented at Joe Schmo’s Summit for Democracy by a long-haired “post-gender” man named Audrey who opened, uh, “her” remarks with “Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary friends” and closed by saying “Live long and prosper” while giving the Vulcan salute from Star Trek.

This person holds a Cabinet-level position. (A “non-binary” Minister for Digital Affairs — isn’t that some sort of syntax error?)

What an advertisement for democracy!

Monday, December 6, 2021

Never mind, Lord . . .

Please, God, save us from this terrible storm -- oh, never mind, it's just stopped!

-- traditional prayer

Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.

-- the Dread Pirate Roberts

Just yesterday, I posted on how Tooth Fairy Chen (Taiwan's dentist-turned-health-dictator) had broken his promise of a month ago and decided to mandate birdemic pecks for people like me. This obviously prompted some pretty serious praying on my part, and promises of the same from some of my readers.

Well, lo and behold, the very next day, the Tooth Fairy, exhibiting the flightiness so characteristic of his species, changed his mind. I can now get pecked or continue with the weekly charade of an easy-to-fake* DIY test -- which is how things already stood anyway. Of course he could just as easily change his mind back again tomorrow, but for now things are  back as they were a few days ago.

And I am left feeling that I ought to feel absolutely certain that this was an intervention of God's in answer to my prayers and those of others, but in fact able to offer only the uncertain prayer, "Thanks -- if that was you, I mean." I have still not resolved to my satisfaction the issues raised in my post "Shining Buddha problems."

Anyway, my sincere thanks for the prayers of those who prayed, regardless of whether or not those petitions affected the outcome.

* Just sayin'. I would obviously never encourage my readers to do anything of which Google would disapprove.

Well, that didn't take long!

November 3:

Taiwan will not mandate birdemic pecks: CECC

CECC says Taiwanese have right to reject peck

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — In response to a recent incident in which an elementary student athlete was rejected from joining a school team for not having been fully pecked, Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) head Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) reaffirmed on Wednesday (Nov. 3) that Taiwan will not mandate birdemic pecks.

[. . .]

The CECC encourages people to get pecked but will not mandate pecks, Chen said, adding that the center does not want to see people lose rights inherent to them because they chose not to get the pecks, according to the report.

December 5:

Essential workers urged to get second peck before Dec. 17

Taipei, Dec. 5 (CNA) Essential workers in certain government-regulated industries will need proof of a second birdemic peck administered before Dec. 17 beginning Jan. 1, the CECC (Central Epidemic Command Center) announced Sunday.

At a press briefing, CECC spokesperson Chuang Jen-hsiang (莊人祥) said that the tightened rules would include requiring workers attached to certain ministries to be fully pecked by Jan. 1, with at least 14 days between receiving their second peck and their first day of work.

Those employed by or working in institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education (MOE), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW), and the Ministry of Labor (MOL) will be covered by the CECC's new regulations.

What happened between Nov. 3 and Dec. 5 to make the Tooth Fairy change his mind? Well, there have been 130 birdemic-related deaths in Taiwan in that period: 1 from the birdemic itself and 129 from peck side effects. Obviously, the solution is to force more people to get pecked! Look how well that's working for every other country in the world.

As a teacher and school owner, I am subject to the Ministry of Education. I am weighing my options, of which I need scarcely say that getting pecked myself is not one. Your prayers are much appreciated.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....