Showing posts with label Q*bert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Q*bert. Show all posts

Thursday, February 9, 2023

No B in Harley-Davidson

I've posted before about the barber shop with a unique way of spelling Harley-Davidson. I was there again today for a haircut, and they'd added a second Bbrlbb-Bbvibbon plate to their wall. It caught my attention because of the numbers 666 (number of the beast) and 888 (Greek-numeral value of the name Jesus). Both 666 and the figure-eight lemniscate have been in the sync stream of late. (I should note that both 666 and 888 are considered lucky numbers in Taiwan, so running into them isn't that unusual.)

The same barber shop has a sign in the window with a picture of Marilyn Monroe and the quote, "Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about."

After leaving the barbershop, I was on the road and noticed a Harley-Davidson logo on the back of the jacket of the motorcyclist in front of me. Looking closer, I noticed that it was also spelled wrong, with a B in an unexpected place. Harley-Davidson and Motor were written normally, but where you would expect CYCLES, it had BQUARE -- like the word square ("squaring the circle"?) with a random B thrown in. (Sorry, I wasn't able to get a photo.)

I then had lunch at Cafe D&D -- notable for having the street address 666 and having a lemniscate in its logo. I've eaten there several times, but today was the first time I used their bathroom. On the wall of the bathroom was a large decal with a smiley-face and the words "Keep smiling!"

In my February 5 post "One quarter of George Washington's head," I noted that lemniscate with D-shaped loops (obviously related to D&D) looks like a combined q and b, and I connected this with Q*bert. Earlier I had spotted a hidden Q*bert in a picture of a U.S. quarter twisted into a lemniscate. The bert was from berty (the first two letters of Liberty were hidden by a thumb), and the Q was from quarter written below. If we take the first letter from berty and the first four letters from quarter rather than the other way around, we get BQUAR, as seen in the mutant Harley logo.

In the same post, I noted:

In the context of American football, QB means quarterback. The band name Nickelback is supposed to be an indirect reference to "beaver," the animal featured on the tails side of a Canadian nickel. I guess quarterback means an eagle, then -- or, in Canada, a caribou.

The mutant Harley jacket featured an eagle and the letters QB.

The real Harley logo features an orange letter Y, but in the mutant version this is replaced with an orange Q. My February 7 post "I pity the Five of Cups" features a woman dressed in orange holding her arms up to make a Y. I wrote:

That pose -- arms raised to form a Y -- has been particularly associated with a green tube-man in syncs, so at first I was a bit disappointed that the woman in the wikiHow picture was dressed in orange rather than green. . . . Also, the reason I had been taking photos of my keyboard in the first place had to do with Q*bert, who is orange.

So the orange Y is connected with the orange Q. I also mention thinking that the orange Y should have been green. In the image above, we have both the orange Q*bert and a green Q next to Bert.

By the way, that Sesame Street image is from a sketch in which Ernie has Bert play a game: Ernie says "One Q," Bert says "Two Q," and so on. When Bert says "Ten Q," Ernie pretends he can't hear him and has him repeat it. When Bert says "Ten Q! Ten Q! Ten Q!" Ernie delivers the punchline: "You're welcome! You're welcome! You're welcome!" Notice that Q*bert is shown standing on a pyramid of ten cubes.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

One quarter of George Washington's head, half of George Washington's head, . . .

In my January 16 post "The Doors," I discuss seeing seeing lemniscates and the letter D together three times -- for example in the logo of a cafe called D&D but stylized as D∞D -- and then seeing this logo which is a lemniscate in the shape of two Ds:

This past Friday, I wrote the date -- February 3, 2023 -- on the whiteboard in my classroom. During a break, one of the kids took a marker and modified it thus:

As you can see, he changed the threes to eights, the u to a, and the b to -- the D-lemniscate logo rotated 90 degrees. (The logo is from a ceiling fan remote at my school, but it's in a room that is always locked and inaccessible to students.) I asked him what it was supposed to be, and he said it was an eight.

What it really looks like, though, is a truncated dollar sign. I suppose the dollar sign, which looks like S but means D (US$ = USD), fits right in with our theme, which has included Euler's S-shaped infinity sign as well as the double-D variant.

We've already seen a US-currency lemniscate, too, in "Wigner and the infinite quarter." Note that the shape my student drew also resembles a combination of the lowercase letters q and b.

In a comment on the Wigner post, I noted that a quarter can be called "two bits," and that 00 (I had originally thought D&D was called D00D) is "two bits" in the computing sense -- a bit being a binary digit, either 0 or 1.

About the only time you hear the dated expression "two bits" these days is in football cheers: "Two bits, four bits, six bits, a dollar! All for the Gators, stand up and holler!" (cf. the defunt sync blog In the context of American football, QB means quarterback. The band name Nickelback is supposed to be an indirect reference to "beaver," the animal featured on the tails side of a Canadian nickel. I guess quarterback means an eagle, then -- or, in Canada, a caribou.

I assume these lines from the They Might Be Giants song "Violin" are a reference to the Two Bits cheer:

One quarter of George Washington's head
Half of George Washington's head
Three quarters of George Washington's head
All of George Washington's head

George Washington's head appears on two denominations: the quarter and the dollar. Four Washington heads are equal to one Washington head: e pluribus unum.

A dollar and a quarter is $1.25. I followed up my original "Q*bert" post with one called "a five and a twelve."

Note added: I just noticed that Q*bert's asterisk is paired with the lemniscate on standard keyboards

and that the keyboard comes very, very close to spelling out the name Q*bert itself.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Wigner and the infinite quarter

The Mandela Effect is one of the things I like to keep tabs on in a back-burner sort of way, so I subscribe to a YouTube channel called "All Time" which is supposed to be "a channel dedicated to the strange, scary and unbelievable!" but in practice is mostly just about the Mandela Effect. This evening, I was notified that they had a new video up, and I watched it.

It's a proposed explanation for the Mandela Effect drawn from quantum physics (what I believe is uncharitably known as "quantum woo"), and it particularly focuses on the Wigner's Friend thought experiment. I didn't know anything about Wigner, so I looked him up and was surprised to find that he was a Hungarian Jew who immigrated to the U.S. In my recent post "'The Open Doors' syncs," I mentioned that John von Neumann was one of a group of scientists of that description who were known as The Martians. Quick, who were the other "Martians"? Well, there's Teller and Szilard and -- that's all I've got. Jewish Hungarian-American Scientists was never my strongest Jeopardy category. So I checked Wikipedia, and sure enough:

Paul Erdős, Paul Halmos, Theodore von Kármán, John G. Kemeny, John von Neumann, George Pólya, Leó Szilárd, Edward Teller, and Eugene Wigner are included in The Martians group.

And I guess most of the others could be called Wigner's friends.

For some reason, part of the "All Time" video was illustrated with this picture of a U.S. quarter stretched and twisted into a lemniscate shape.

I have no idea why this particular image was chosen -- its relevance to the content of the video is obscure -- but there's that lemniscate again! (See "The Doors.") Perhaps a subtle nod to this old sync theme, too.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Mr. Icthus-oress, the Dark Mice, and why I do this

Some people call them snake-eyes, but to me they look like mice

-- They Might Be Giants, "Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes"

In my post "Jonas, Jason, Sonja," I quoted Unsong and linked to an earlier post ("American politician spontaneously combusts") which had quoted the same passage. The earlier post had quoted three paragraphs, though, of which the later one only quoted two. The third paragraph was:

In the midst of the word he was trying to say – in the midst of his laughter and glee – he had softly and suddenly vanished away – because Dylan Alvarez had hacked his teleprompter to display the Mortal Name.

This is explaining why George W. Bush spontaneously combusted: because Dylan Alvarez, of the terrorist organization Boojum, had hacked his teleprompter to include the name Sonja Horah, thus tricking Bush into pronouncing the "Mortal Name" -- Jahorah, said in the novel to be the true pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton -- which causes instant death to any who utter it.

Saying Sonja Horah, then, is fatal because it is also Son Jahorah -- the syllable Son followed by (what is in the novel) a name of God. This construction -- son plus a name of God, without an intervening of (as we should say "the Son of God") -- made me think of this revelation reported by early Mormon apostle Orson Pratt:

There is one revelation that this people are not generally acquainted with. I think it has never been published, but probably it will be in the Church History. It is given in questions and answers. The first question is, "What is the name of God in the pure language?" The answer says, "Ahman." "What is the name of the Son of God?" Answer, "Son Ahman -- the greatest of all the parts of God excepting Ahman." "What is the name of men?" "Sons Ahman," is the answer. "What is the name of angels in the pure language?" "Anglo-man."

I've always wondered about this. Was it meant to be an alterative etymology of "Son of Man," with "Son Ahman" being misinterpreted as "Son o' Man"? Anyway, the parallel with Sonja Horah is interesting.

The Unsong passage quoted is also of course a modification of the ending of the Lewis Carroll poem "The Hunting of the Snark":

In the midst of the word he was trying to say,
In the midst of his laughter and glee,
He had softly and suddenly vanished away—
For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.

Though it has since come to refer to sarcasm, the word snark was originally coined by Carroll as a "portmanteau" (another Carrollism) of snake and shark. In the context of a post connecting Jonas (swallowed by a big fish) with the dove and Sonja with the serpent, this seems significant.

From the snake-shark, my mind jumped to the extinct reptilian "sharks" known as ichthyosaurs. There is in some of C. S. Lewis's juvenilia, published in a book called Boxen, a character known as "Mr. Icthus-oress" (or sometimes "Ick-this-oress") who "made his fortune playing the harp and got his name by fighting an icthus-oress." Although there is no indication that Mr. Icthus-oress is himself a mouse, his two sons are Tom Mouse and Bob Mouse. (Once, when my brother and I had occasion to attend a Scientology meeting under false names and false pretenses -- a highly entertaining experience! -- we signed in (yes, you have to sign in) as Thomas Maus and Robert Maus. Perhaps someday a Co$ operative, going through some old cold-case files, will find this post and think, "Aha! We've finally got you, 'Robert Maus'!")

Who else is known for playing the harp and got one of his names by fighting a monstrous reptile? The god of the lyre, Pythian Apollo -- who got that name by fighting the Python. Just as Mr. Icthus-oress was the father of two mice, Chryses in the Iliad prays to "Apollo of the Mice" (Apollo Smintheus, from smintha, an Aeolian dialect word for "mouse"), and archaeologists have discovered bronze mice used in connection with the worship of Apollo. Another of Apollo's epithets, Mousegetes, means "leader of the Muses," but look at the first five letters of the transliteration! (In Latin as in English, but a single letter differentiates a muse from a mouse.)

Obviously Apollo didn't have a son named Bob (though Socrates did, Lamprocles being a perfect Greek "translation" of the name Robert), but if Aleister Crowley is to be trusted (there's an "if" for you!), he did have a son named Tom. Here is the Great Beast expounding on the Kabbalistic meaning of the nursery rhyme "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son":

This is one of the more exoteric of these rimes. In fact, it is not much better than a sun-myth. Tom is Toum, the God of the Sunset (called the Son of Apollo, the Piper, the maker of music)

This "Toum" must be the Egyptian god Atum -- occasionally thus translilterated -- who was specifically the god of the setting sun (cf. the etymologically unrelated word autumn, the sunset of the year). I have never heard of Atum being called the Son of Apollo, but such an identification in the interpretatio graeca seems prima facie plausible -- that a subordinate sun god like Atum would be declared the son of the main sun god. Calling Apollo "the Piper" reinforces, by way of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, the rodent connection.

It is perhaps worth noting in passing that Crowley also did "Hickory Dickory Dock" ("The mouse is the Ego; Mus, 'a mouse,' being only Sum, 'I am,' spelt Qabalistically backwards") and "Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater" ("The pumpkin is of course the symbol of resurrection, as is familiar to all students of the story of Jonah and the gourd").

Coming back to "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son," I currently own an orange and white cat called Q*bert, though these days he is just as often called Cucumber. This is partly because of the phonetic similarity in English, and partly because in Chinese the stereotypical name for a "yellow" (including orange or ginger) animal  would be 小黃, and the Chinese word for "cucumber" is 小黃瓜. Cucumbers are of course cucurbits -- fellow members with the pumpkin of the gourd family -- and cucumber even bears a certain resemblance to kikayon, the original Hebrew name of Jonah's "gourd."

Q*bert is my second orange and white cat. The first, a family pet when I was a young child, was called Tom. One of my brothers (not 'Thomas Maus,' the other one) used to call him Tom-Tom the Drum-Drum -- a double "Tom" followed by a reference to a musical instrument. Q*bert, then, may be considered somewhat interchangeable with Tom Mouse (Atum), son of Mr. Icthus-oress (Apollo) and brother of Bob Mouse. This is confirmed by the realization that if Q*bert had a brother, he would very likely be called R*bert -- or B*b to his friends. Our cat Tom had a sibling, a potential stand-in for Bob Mouse. She was called Mariel, after a book my sister had just read at the time: Mariel of Redwall, one of a series of Brian Jacques novels about -- of all things! -- anthropomorphic mice. One of these mice -- appearing only in Mariel and not in any of the 21 other Redwall books -- is a dormouse called Bobbo: Bob Mouse.

Thinking about Tom and Bob Mouse -- and connecting Tom and Bob with tohu and bohu -- reminded me of the Dark Mice. This is from a November 8, 2015, entry in my sync log.

[This] morning, I watched lots of Mark Dice videos on YouTube. Mark Dice does two kinds of videos: asking people on the street questions and letting them make fools of themselves, and Illuminati conspiracy stuff.

At around 6:30, watched Spectre, the new James Bond movie. While we were in the theater, before the movie started, I noticed that “Mark Dice” was an anagram/spoonerism of “dark mice,” and I dwelt on that phrase for a while . . . .

Before the movie, there was a commercial involving a girl and her parents all wearing Mickey-Mouse-ear headbands (actually Minnie Mouse in the girl’s case, complete with a polka-dot bow).

In Spectre, there’s a scene where Bond is going to spy on a meeting of the titular secret society. He’s stopped by a bouncer who asks who he is, and he replies (in Italian, with English subtitles), “I’m Mickey Mouse.” Later, when they discover Bond spying and try to kill him, the same bouncer guy says, “Ciao, Mickey Mouse!”

In another scene in Spectre, Bond is sitting in a chair in a hotel room, and a mouse appears. Bond pulls out his gun, points it at the mouse, and says something like, “What do you want? Who sent you here?” The mouse runs away into a hole (which later leads to Bond’s discovering a secret room).

Later that night, went out to . . . take a walk. “Dark Mice” came back to mind, and I was thinking of making a “Dark Mice” tarotesque card. I was also thinking about the one-legged golden chicken (probably because V mentioned a strange dream earlier). Thought first of a card with the Chicken, with two dark mice in the background, then of the Chicken and Dark Mice as two separate cards. Thought about how the Chicken was one of the three symbols of evil in Bhavacakra, and also of how a one-legged golden chicken was sort of connected to the three-legged golden toad. On my walk I ran across an actual toad –– the first I’ve seen in years, and the first ever in our neighborhood. Shortly thereafter, I realized that Mickey and Minnie –– two black mice –– were the “dark mice,” and I noticed the connections with the Bond film. Then, on my way back, I passed a house with a large lighted window, silhouetted in which were what looked like two large cut-outs, of Mickey and Minnie Mouse –– such a creepily precise echo of the whole “dark mice” train of thought that it spooked me . . . .

It also occurs to me that Mickey ears as a symbol of Illuminati mind control are prominent in the types of videos that Mark Dice makes, though I don’t know if Mark himself has commented on that particular symbol. . . .

In the car on the way home from the movie, talked about different Bond actors. Gwen mentioned Dr. No as the first Bond film. Later, at home, searched for “James Bond” + “mice,” and found that characters called the “Three Blind Mice” -- black men, and therefore dark mice -- try to kill Bond in Dr. No.

Why do I spend so much time pursuing these convoluted coincidence-driven trains of thought (if "thought" is even the right word), when so few of them reach any intelligible conclusion? The easy answer is "because I must" -- but that's not really true. This is something I choose to do (and I chose to do it much less in the past), and that choice must have some motivation.

Another easy answer is that it's just a meaningless and perhaps slightly pathological hobby -- that, just as playing a violent video game gives one a fake version of the satisfaction of defeating one's enemies, without the inconvenience of actually fighting, so synchromysticism offers an ersatz "eureka" feeling without requiring the hard work of making actual discoveries about the real world. I don't really believe that, though. I really do think I'm doing something potentially important, not just engaging in meaningless self-indulgence.

While the majority of my sync-connections seem to lead nowhere, I think that the discipline of noticing connections, and of being aware of things that just "pop into my head," makes me more receptive to revelation when it does come. I'm casting my net -- asking, seeking, knocking -- maintaining a constant attitude of "Are you trying to tell me something?" "For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not" -- so said Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite, the only friend of Job whose speech was not condemned by God. Being alert for things that turn up "once, yea twice" is listening for the voice of God.

I also think that coincidence as such -- particularly the troublesome, seemingly-oxymoronic category of the meaningful coincidence -- is something of great potential metaphysical importance, and that I need to keep thinking about it until I figure it out. While I obviously have great sympathy with those who say that "there are no coincidences," I find that a very hard philosophical pill to swallow.  How could there possibly be no coincidences? That seems very close to being logically impossible. I have a hunch that philosophically assimilating the "meaningful coincidence" will have metaphysical ramifications every bit as wide-ranging as assimilating the concept of "free will."

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

A five and a twelve

Background: One of my readers and correspondents has been experiencing a lot of synchronicities lately related to sequences of fives, and particularly 555.

On the morning of May 11, it occurred to me that the next day would be May 12, and that 5/12 seemed somehow mathematically significant. I couldn't figure out how, though; all that came to mind was that a dodecahedron is made up of 12 pentagons. I dismissed the matter from my mind.

That afternoon, I received a shipment of books for my school, and the invoice was for $3718. I immediately thought, "Hey, it's the number of the beast!" -- because 37 × 18 = 666. Then I realized that if I added instead of multiplying, 37 + 18 = 55. No sooner had I noticed this, and thought of my correspondent and his sequences of fives, than the phone number on the invoice caught my eye. It contained the string 555! As everyone knows, it is de rigueur to use 555 in fake phone numbers, but here it was in a real one!

I went about the rest of my day, and while I was on the way home, I thought about how I ought to email so-and-so and tell him about the fives. At the exact moment I thought this, I noticed an LED sign that said "5月5日到5月20日" -- meaning "from May 5 to May 20," and including three consecutive fives. Shortly after that, I passed another sign that had "55 50" on it (the prices of two different products, with the products' names written vertically above the numbers). And then I passed something I pass every day but had never particularly noticed before: the San Wu Rubber Company -- San Wu (三五) being Chinese for "three five."

The company's logo features what looks like the Roman numeral XXX (30), but in fact it is a triple repetition of 𠄡, an archaic form of 五, the character for "five." The logo makes it clear that the intended meaning of the name San Wu is "three fives," or 555.

Having noticed so many triple-fives in such a short span of time, I naturally thought of 5³, which is 125 -- and then I finally realized the mathematical significance of the next day's date. The date can be written either as 5/12 or 12/5 -- and both 512 and 125 are cubes. May 12 and its counterpart, December 5, are the only dates to have this property. The number 512 has the additional distinction of being (2³)³, the first (not counting the trivial cases of 0 and 1) cube-of-a-cube. Looking back at the San Wu logo, doesn't it suggest 888 as well as 𠄡𠄡𠄡? This is another link between 5³ = 125 and 8³ = 512.

So the numbers 5 and 12 can be combined in two different ways to make a cube. And how about the most obvious way of "combining" them? Well, 5 + 12 = 17 -- and, as anyone at all in touch with the world of conspiracy theories can tell you, the 17th letter of the alphabet is Q. (When Trump gave his Jan. 20 farewell speech with 17 American flags behind him, for example, this was seen as a reference to Q.)

I never really followed the whole "Q" thing, but the synchronicity fairies did occasionally take an interest. Back on January 13, I wrote a sync post about Q*bert, the video-game character whose name was originally going to be spelled "Cubert," a combination of "cubes" and "Hubert." So that's another link between cubes (plural) and the letter Q. In that post, I noted a Babylon Bee article that juxtaposed Q and Bert, which led me to the old "Bert is evil" meme and to the Scott Adams character "Catbert the evil HR director." Looking back at that post now, I see that two of the images I posted contain references to 5-and-12.

In the above "evil Bert" image, note the "Friday, 12." Here in Taiwan, both Friday and May are represented on calendars by the character 五, "five."

Because of the Catbert connection (the post was originally inspired by a cat named Q*bert), I checked Scott Adams' blog and noted that his most recent post highlighted Q. Now I see that it also just happened to be "Episode 1250" -- 12 and 5 together again.

Late last night, thinking again about all the triple-fives, I suddenly thought that I ought to do a one-card Tarot reading. I was thinking I would most likely draw either the Three of Pentacles (three fives) or the Devil (numbered 15, which is also three fives). What I actually drew, though, was the Queen of Pentacles.

At first I was a bit disappointed, but then I realized the significance of Queen. Ordinary playing cards mark the queen with a letter Q in the corner. In Taiwan, because the Queen is two ranks higher than the Ten, it is commonly referred to as "Twelve." So, there you have it: 5 and 12 and the letter Q.

(Incidentally, this is the first time I noticed the rabbit in the lower right corner of the Rider-Waite Queen of Pentacles. Earlier that very day, I had suddenly felt an urge to make a list of all the specific plants and animals that appear in the Rider-Waite deck and which cards they are on -- and even though this involved going through all the cards specifically looking for animals, I still somehow missed the rabbit, only to have it jump out at me later, when I did the reading.)

One final coincidence: I normally record the date and time of my Tarot readings, and it just so happens that I drew the Queen of Pentacles at precisely 12:05 a.m. on May 12!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


We made an addition to our menagerie some months ago -- an abandoned kitten whose bright orange color and stumpy, cylindrical tail made his name all but inevitable: Q*bert. And naturally enough, we soon started calling him Q for short.

It took me a while to realize the implication, and to say to myself, "Dude, you have an orange cat named Q! How MAGA is that?" But of course, the fact remains that his real name is Q*bert, after the eighties video game character, and that any resemblance to conspiracy theories living or dead is purely coincidental.

Ah, coincidence!

Later, when I saw this Babylon Bee story, I didn't immediately make the connection.

Then I realized that's Q -- pro-Trump conspiracy-theory Q -- and Bert. Q*bert.

In my last post, I revisited the They Might Be Giants song "The Guitar," suggesting that the lion in the song might represent Trump. Shortly after 9/11, I had interpreted the same song as a "prophecy" of that event, with the lion standing for Osama bin Laden.

Hey, remember this?

The Bangladeshi protesters, searching the Internet for pictures of Osama to download and put on posters, had inadvertently included a "Bert Is Evil!" meme in the mix.

My Q*bert is a cat -- as is another Bert always described as "evil."

Catbert is the creation of Scott Adams, who since 2015 has been blogging pretty much non-stop about Donald Trump. Checking his blog just now, I see that the most recent post highlights the forbidden letter.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....