Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Google is now deciding some already-published comments are spam

Something weird is going on where Google will retroactively decide that some comment that has already been published here and has been visible for days is actually spam, and then it disappears. Sometimes this even happens with signed-in comments by me, the author of the blog! I just discovered this today, when I found that the comment count on some of my recent posts was going down. I've manually restored all the spammed comments (100% of which were real comments from regular readers, not spam) and will try to figure out how to prevent shenanigans of this kind in the future.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Still "From the Narrow Desert"

A few weeks ago I discovered and started listening to a second Vampire Weekend song, "Step":

This is the chorus:

The gloves are off, the wisdom teeth are out
What you on about?
I feel it in my bones, I feel it in my bones
I'm stronger now, I'm ready for the house
Such a modest mouse
I can't do it alone, I can't do it alone

Given the immediate context, I don't think "the wisdom teeth are out" refers to routine dental surgery. It means "the snake has bared its fangs," snakes being a metonym for wisdom ("wise as serpents"). The third line reinforces this reading with its (probably unintentional) nod to Emily Dickinson's "A narrow Fellow in the Grass":

But never met this Fellow
Attended or alone
Without a tighter Breathing
And Zero at the Bone.

Listening to "Step" now, I naturally think of Narrow Brain, "the snake-pale, narrow-faced one," the malevolent spirit in Time and Mr. Bass. In the post I've just linked, I noted with concern the link between Narrow Brain and my blog title From the Narrow Desert. It's a line from a poem by George MacDonald in Phantastes. The complete couplet is:

From the narrow desert, O man of pride,
Come into the house, so high and wide.

I've been thinking of the implications of that last line because of the recent syncs relating to the Wise Men: "And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him" (Matt. 2:11).

And what does the chorus of "Step" say? "I'm stronger now, I'm ready for the house."

I started to think that maybe it was time to retire the name From the Narrow Desert. I started the blog in 2018, when I was circling around Christianity like a moth but had not yet made the plunge. It expressed my aspiration to find my way out of the narrow desert of know-nothing materialism and into the "house" of a coherent Christian worldview. And, I thought, haven't I done that? I made it -- right, guys? Whatever else you might say about me, I'm not a narrow materialist anymore. I've made it into the house. Maybe I should change the blog name to High and Wide.

When I played "Step" just now, YouTube queued up after it an unfamiliar song by an unfamiliar band: "High Hopes" by Panic! at the Disco:

The video shows Brendon Urie walking up the side of a skyscraper in Los Angeles until he reaches the roof, where he performs with his band. At first I took this as confirmation -- it's a house that's very high -- but almost immediately I realized that this interpretation didn't sit well with me. Urie (a lapsed Mormon, incidentally, and not in a good way) never actually goes into the building. He stays on the outside, never entering its heart, and uses it to realize his "high hopes" -- which turn out to be no higher than some vapid dream of being a famous pop star. This isn't the imagery of the Wise Men bowing down to the infant Christ, but of the people who wanted "a tower sufficiently high that they might get to heaven," an idea planted in their hearts by the same being who plotted with Gadianton (Hel. 6:28).

Returning to "Step," "Such a modest mouse!" now seems like a sarcastic response to "I'm stronger now, I'm ready for the house."

In 2002, They Might Be Giants released their first children's album, No!, and these lines from "The House at the Top of the Tree" startled me:

There's a plan to eat the house
In the mind of a mouse in the woods.

Back when I lived in Maryland, more than a decade before this song was released, we had a big tree house which was the site of some strange goings-on. We had a big antique radio in there, with which we picked up transmissions we imagined were from outer space, dealing with a sort of bomb called "the Big Herbie," which they regularly threatened to drop on us. The tree was down in a ravine, so the tree house could be entered by a ramp connecting it to higher ground, without the need for a ladder. One time my sister and I went into the tree house only to find two large snakes coiled around the radio. They looked like colubrids of some kind, and therefore non-venomous, but they still scared us enough that we turned tail and ran back down the ramp.

A persistent mental image or fantasy I used to have while in that tree house was that somewhere deep in the woods but not far away was a "mouse" that wanted to eat the tree house. I could feel its presence and its thoughts, like those of the nightmare toad. Although I thought of it as a "mouse," my mental image was of a very large animal almost like a rodent grizzly bear. When I saw the illustration associated with the TMBG song, it startled me even more:

Where do mental images come from? Why would we get the same one like that?

I've been reading the Psalms, a few a day, and today these two passages jumped out at me:

Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me (Ps. 131:1).

Lord, remember David, and all his afflictions: How he sware unto the Lord, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob; Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house . . . until I find out a place for the Lord, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob (Ps. 132:1-5).

So no, I'm not going to rename the blog. High hopes to one side, these posts remain dispatches from the narrow desert.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Read my lips: no new syncs

And he said unto me, "What desirest thou?"

And I said unto him, "To know the interpretation thereof." . . . 

And it came to pass that he said unto me, "Look!"

And I looked as if to look upon him, and I saw him not; for he had gone from before my presence.

-- 1 Nephi 11:10-12

I'm calling a three-and-a-half-week moratorium on new syncs. Instead of posting several times a day just to document the flow of new syncs, I'm going to be looking back at already-documented syncs and trying to understand them. If there's a message there, I need to stop taking dictation long enough to read and assimilate it -- and if there's no message, well, then this is just a time-wasting hobby, isn't it?

So, sync fairies, no new syncs until Monday, November 27, at 12:39 p.m. Taiwan time. Oh, I know you'll ignore this and keep throwing them at me, but I'm going to ignore you. I won't talk about new syncs, I won't write about them, and I'll do my very best not to so much as notice them. You can call all you want, but there's no one home, and you're not gonna reach my telephone.

Monday, October 9, 2023

New Book of Mormon posts (the last such update)

I have a few new posts up at my Book of Mormon blog:

I've also reposted my 2014 exploration of "The question of Lehi's ethnicity," which makes the case that, prior to discovering his Manassite heritage, Lehi thought of himself not as a Jew but as an Egyptian.

As my Book of Mormon posts appear to be attracting zero interest from the regular readers of this blog, I will no longer be posting updates here. If you're interested, follow that blog.

Monday, October 2, 2023

New Book of Mormon posts

I have a couple more posts on my Book of Mormon blog which I haven't linked here yet, so here they are:

"The Nephites knew nothing of an 'Aaronic priesthood'" makes the case that the Aaronic/Levitical priesthood as described in the Torah as we have it today did not yet exist in Lehi's time (i.e. just before the Babylonian captivity) and is thus not a genuinely Mosaic institution.

"Running into the fountain of all righteousness" tries to make sense of Lehi's confusing metaphor of a river flowing into a fountain.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Blogging about the Book of Mormon

I've decided I need to figure out what I believe about the Book of Mormon -- rather than more-or-less ignoring it while still maintaining that Joseph Smith was a genuine prophet -- and to that end I've started a new blog for recording my notes as I go through it. I've been meaning to do this for a while, but as it happened, my first post was ready for publication today -- September 21, 2023 -- 200 years to the day after Moroni's first appearance to Joseph Smith. Then I passed a stranger on the street whose T-shirt said, among other things, "Monday 12/23."

A photo of the same shirt, from the Internet

Joseph Smith was born on December 23, 1805, which was a Monday. So apparently the sync fairies are on board with this project.

My first post, using the first few verses of the book to introduce some foundational questions, is "Lehi, Nephi, and the pillar of fire that 'dwelt upon a rock': A case study of hard-to-define biblical parallels."

Friday, June 2, 2023

I need to take a long break from being an Internet Person

My original plan was to take a break from blogging and most other Internet activity during April and May and resume normal posting around now. Neither of those things ended up happening. I continued to post during my break, albeit at reduced frequency, and now that I'm supposed to be back, I'm feeling more strongly than ever that I just need to disconnect for a while, spend more time in nature, and go back to reading and writing books instead of posts, to say nothing of memes.

I'm not necessarily recommending this for anyone else. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. I've benefited immensely from blogging, from my commenters, from reading certain blogs, and even sometimes from engaging with such wretched hives of scum and villainy as 4chan and YouTube. (No, not Twitter. There are limits.) Right now, though, what is necessary for me is to disengage.

I'll leave comments on so that the old comments will remain visible, but I won't be reading new comments. You can still reach me at protonmail or gmail; in either case, the address is wiltyc.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Missing persons report

Starting tomorrow, I will be offline almost all of the time and will not be posting anything. I also won't be reading or commenting on other people's blogs much and will be an even less than usually reliable email correspondent. I anticipate a return to normal online activity on or shortly after May 28.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Should sync posts be relegated to a separate blog?

Synchronicity posts have dominated this blog for the past few months. In the past, when that has happened with other "niche" topics -- ambigrams, dream precognition, Tarot, the Fourth Gospel, Whitley Strieber -- I've spun them off into separate dedicated blogs, most of which are now only sporadically active, as these various interests ebb and flow. I'm considering doing the same thing for sync but want to solicit reader feedback before making the decision.

Things I'm taking into consideration:
  • I think I do have some readers who are mostly here for the syncs, and others who aren't interested in them at all. This was also true when I was doing ambigrams but really hasn't been for most of the other specialized topics; the readers of The Magician's Table and Fourth Gospel First seem to just be a subset of my readers here.
  • Post titles rarely make it obvious whether it's a sync-post or a content-post, which probably leads to a few annoying bait-and-switch type experiences for readers.
  • I suspect the Christian-oriented aggregators that feature this blog (New World Island and Synlogos) would like to be able to aggregate content posts only, without zillions of sync notes cluttering up their front pages.
  • Tags work differently for sync and non-sync posts, so it would be nice to have two separate systems. It's not helpful when a given tag serves up a mixed multitude of posts about that topic and posts that just feature it as a sync theme.
On the other hand:
  • Having everything on one blog is convenient for readers who want to follow it all.
  • I've tries dedicated sync blogs twice before, but they both fizzled out. Of course, the volume and frequency of syncs in those days was a few orders of magnitude lower than what I experience nowadays.
  • The whole point of sync is that everything is connected, so compartmentalizing it would be weird.
Readers, if you have anything to say about this one way or the other, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Just a second, let me think

I'm taking another break from posting, in case you haven't noticed. I've hit a snag in my philosophizing and have been spending all my free time thinking about that instead of writing blog posts, leaving comments, replying to emails, etc.

Hopefully I'll eventually have something to show for it. In the meantime, go read something else.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

So, apparently nothing happened on August 1

Or on January 8. If I were smart, I would stop making predictions about specific dates, since everyone (including me!) knows that dated prophecies never come true. However, I think specific -- and therefore testable -- hunches should be reported, so that the reliability of whatever it is that generates the hunches can be tested. So far, that reliability is: Low.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Welcome, Swedes! What brings you here?

This month is not quite finished, but already the amount of traffic on this blog is more than double my previous monthly record. Checking the blog stats, I find that essentially all of this new traffic is from Sweden!

I thought maybe I had been linked to by some site that's super popular in Sweden, but if so it's not showing up on the "top referrers" stats, which are dominated by "Other."

So, Swedes, welcome! Would any of you care to explain why you all suddenly started reading this blog?

Monday, June 28, 2021

Another time of waiting

And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

-- Revelation 8:1

There's that waiting-for-something-to-happen feeling in the air again, as if something big is about to go down. Obvious candidates include the return of Trump, with all the associated ramifications; and the dawning realization of what the pecks really are. I think there's something else, though, something completely unexpected like, I don't know, a gigantic volcanic eruption or something. (That's just the first image that came to mind -- not, I think, a literal premonition.) Anything could happen, and the sync fairies aren't giving me any clues.

I sense that what I need to do right now is to disengage further from current events, and also from pre-planned projects of mine like making my way through the Fourth Gospel, and spend more time contemplating and synthesizing. I will likely be reading and commenting on other blogs less than usual, and writing either fewer posts than usual or else very different sorts of posts.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Fiddling with comments

I've turned on comment moderation for all my blogs to see if that solves the problem of disappearing comments. So, Bruce, SK, Otto, anyone else who has been affected, please try to comment on this post. If your comment still hasn't shown up after 24 hours, something's still not working.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Anyone else having trouble posting comments?

Email me if you are. Moderation is only turned on in exceptional circumstances (when, through some momentary lapse of judgment, a high-traffic site happens to link to me), so any comments you post should be immediately visible. If they’re not, something’s agley.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Blogroll updated

I've updated my blogroll (right sidebar, scroll down) to include (I think) all those blogs and only those blogs which I check at least a few times a month. I haven't deleted any for political reasons, and I haven't added any for reasons of reciprocity or general chumminess.

If your blog's not listed, it doesn't mean I don't like you. If your blog is listed, it doesn't mean I do like you, let alone agree with you most of the time. I think this kind of thing has to be honest -- rather than polite or politic -- if it's going to be of any use to anyone else.

I encourage others to make similar updates. And if you delete a link to my own blog, because after all you don't really read it all that often, no hard feelings!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Fourth Gospel Blog

I am in the process of collecting my posts on the Fourth Gospel (as well as those about other parts of the Bible, from a Fourth Gospel perspective) on a new Fourth Gospel Blog. There's not much there yet, and nothing new, but expect new content in the near future. In the meantime, any of you who have not yet read my (extremely long!) post on John 1 might want to check it out.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Normal service will resume shortly

I have a sense that the recent fire hose of syncs is a temporary phenomenon, having to do with the events of the present week (whatever those may turn out to be), and that shortly hereafter synchronicity will return to its normal background levels in my life.

I know, I know, famous last words.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

I. Can't. Stop.

Telling the synchronicity fairies to take a hike was, it turns out, about as smart as giving a hornets' nest a whack with a baseball bat. They immediately unleashed a fire hose of syncs on me and -- okay, I give up. In true Charltonian fashion, I repent, but I'm not going to stop. See The Magician's Table for my latest post on the birdemic as the sole ill.

On the positive side, I have been able to keep one part of my resolution. I haven't been reading the news or anything like unto it. Actual news was cut out of my diet ages ago, of course, but I had still been reading news satire (Babylon Bee), news-focused bloggers (Vox Day, William Briggs, Laura Wood), and even President Trump's Twitter. For a few days after the recent election, I even (I blush to confess) took a peek or to at the New York Times -- but just for the election results! The modern-day equivalent of reading Playboy for the articles.

Since deciding to take a break -- which was, I know, like two days ago -- I haven't touched any of that. And I don't intend to until February. Let the whole electoral drama play itself out; there will be plenty of people to watch the show without me having to be one of them.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....