Showing posts with label Polygamy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polygamy. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Sync: The sexual implication of foot-washing

Yesterday, following a link on AC, I read an anecdote from an Epstein girl who said she had been ordered to give a particular celebrity a foot massage, but this person's feet were so disgusting that she insisted on washing them first. This particular celebrity is not accused of anything beyond that, but obviously people are going to be skeptical of the idea that he was on the Lolita Express just for the footrubs.

Shortly after that, I listened to the second part of a YouTube debate with Leo Ebbert and others on the subject of Joseph Smith and polygamy:

More than once in the course of the debate, the idea came up of foot-washing as implying sexual activity. Apparently some non-Mormon sect of the day taught that couples should wash each other's feet before doing the deed, and at one point it was proposed that "Washed our feet and went to bed" in a journal entry implied that something sexual had taken place.

Today, I started reading The Fortress, the third novel in Colin Wilson's Spider World series. About a quarter of the way into it, we discover that one of the characters is a polygamist, many of whose wives appear to be underage. When wife number eight, who Niall guesses is a pre-teen, is introduced, she asks her husband, "Shall I wash your feet now?"

So that's three times in two days, in three completely different contexts, that I ran into foot-washing in connection with polygamous and/or underage sex.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....