Showing posts with label Hermes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hermes. Show all posts

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Swiftly revolving Mercury

Mercury with a cock
(Tarot of Mantegna)

My last two posts have mentioned the "call" of the rooster, emphasizing the use of that word rather than the more usual crow. This, together with the season, put me in mind of the "four calling birds" of the Christmas carol. (These were originally "colly" -- that is, coal-black -- birds, so perhaps crows?)

And that reminded me that, during my brief stint in elementary school (second grade, I think, but all my school memories seem to be from second grade, so that's suspect), we learned a song about the solar system to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas." The four colly birds were replaced by "a star called the Sun" (solar crows again?); but the most prominent line in the song, taking the place of the traditional "five gold rings," was "Swiftly revolving Mercury."

Just after thinking of that song and trying (mostly successfully) to remember the lyrics, I had to, ahem, "deal with" the weekly birdemic test which is my punishment for being unpecked. I noticed for the first time that the plastic casing of the test was labeled "Rapid Ag" -- standing for antigen, I suppose, but Rapid Ag = quicksilver = swiftly revolving Mercury.

I remembered that one of the epithets of Hermes (Mercury) in Hesiod is "slayer of dogs," an obvious link to Dr. Fauci. We might more naturally associate Fauci, whose name is Sicilian for "sickle" (cf. Faucheuse, the French name for the Grim Reaper) and who was born on the octave day of Saturnalia, with Cronus or Saturn, but wasn't Saturn sometimes called Mercurius Senex -- Old Mercury? If Saturn was the Old Mercury, then wouldn't Mercury himself be the New Saturn -- or, in other words, the Novel C*ron****us with which Dr. Sickle is so closely associated?

We might also note that Dr. Sickle is notoriously "characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness" -- that being the dictionary definition of the word mercurial.

No idea if the synchronicity fairies intend to go anywhere with this, but I note it just in case.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....