Showing posts with label Physiognomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Physiognomy. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

That Mormon look

I dreamed that I visited a Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Before the service started, the priest took me aside and asked if I knew any "lost souls from -- " (Here he named a place that sounded Slavic but was unfamiliar to me. I want to fill in the lacuna in my memory with Donbas, but it wasn't that; it was a short name, though, I think two syllables.) -- the idea being that I could introduce these souls to his church.

I told him that I didn't actually know anyone from the Ukraine, although two of my great-grandparents had been from Transcarpathia.

"So you come from an Orthodox family," he said. "That's surprising because" -- I was about to interject that my Ukrainian ancestors had actually been Greek-Rite Catholic, but the priest kept talking -- "from the look of you, I would have guessed that you were a Mormon!"

"I am," I said. "Or was. I guess should really grow an Orthodox beard!"

During the service, I kept thinking about what he had said and wondering how he had known. I hadn't associated with Mormons for 20 years*, and my parents are both converts and couldn't have given me any "Mormon genes." In the end, I decided that spending my formative years among Mormons, I must have permanently acquired certain habitual facial microexpressions which, though not consciously noticeable, gave me a recognizably Mormon look which would probably be with me for the rest of my life.

Thinking back on that now, in the waking state, I think it makes a certain sense and wonder if there is anything to it.

* Although I hadn't consciously noticed it until I wrote this post, I actually had this dream exactly 20 years to the day after my resignation from the CJCLDS.

Note added: Weird coincidence. I posted this dream about visiting a Ukrainian church, and it attracted two comments: one relating a dream about Hitler and the other replying to the first comment with "you're a Jew. Lol."

Later in the day, I was browsing one of Andrew Anglin's super-long meme posts, titled "Toon Tuesday: Honking with Hitler" ("I don't know why it worked out that there are so many Hitler memes today"), and one of the memes was this:

Googling the headline, I find that it's an old news story from 2018. Strange running into it right after that dream.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Religious physiognomy according to Artflow

Artflow is an AI that creates portraits from text descriptions, and I thought it would be interesting to see how it depicted men and women of various religions.

Eastern Orthodox man and woman:

Roman Catholic man and woman:

Protestant man and woman:

Mormon man and woman:

Muslim man and woman:

Atheist man and woman:

Jewish man and woman:

Sorry, the people who run Artflow think there is something inherently "inappropriate" about pictures of Jewish people, and they refuse to let their AI draw them. I guess that makes sense; wouldn't want to offend!

... but these other two are okay.

Note added:

As noted in the comments, Artflow is (for some reason!) really sure that all Mormon men wear beards -- which is just about the opposite of the truth.

I can't imagine where the program is getting this, unless it's somehow picking up on all the Bible videos the CJCLDS produces these days. (The second picture above seems to have been influenced by the inclusion of "Jesus Christ" in the description, but that doesn't explain the others.)

It was also mentioned in the comments that Artflow tends to generate haggard-looking men and beautiful young women. Here's what it produced when I gave it my own name and my wife's name.

Needless to say, she found the contrast highly amusing -- and to be honest, it does kind of look like a caricature of her. As for my own portrait, all I have to say is that, yes, I do have ancestors who fought on both sides of the Civil War.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....