Showing posts with label Wombo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wombo. Show all posts

Friday, March 11, 2022

Third and final round: Portraits

Wombo is absolutely terrible at drawing faces, so this will be more challenging. To make things a little easier, I have provided three portraits of each person, to help you separate essence from accident. These are all real individuals from very recent history, and several of them are still living.

Person 1:

Person 2:

Person 3:

Person 4:

Person 5:

Some of these individuals may be dangerous. If you recognize any of them, do not approach. Just notify us in the comments.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Round Two: Book Titles

The titles, at least, should be familiar to most of my readers.

Book 1:

Book 2:

Book 3:

Book 4:

Book 5:

As before, guess in the comments, and I'll let you know if you're right.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Guess what the computer was trying to draw.

I’ve been playing around with another so-called AI program that creates pictures based on a verbal prompt ( While it’s absolutely terrible at mid-level structural stuff, like making sure a person has a head and two legs, it’s pretty good with colors and textures and with overall layout, so many pictures are “hits” on a gestalt, impressionistic level.

Look at these pictures and try to guess (approximately) the verbal prompts that produced them. They’re all pretty straightforward, more “Washington crossing the Delaware” than “chicken dancing with a jellyfish on a giant chessboard made of citrus rinds.”

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Picture 3:

Picture 4:

Picture 5:

Guess in the comments. I’ll reveal the answer if anyone gets reasonably close.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....