Showing posts with label Willem-Alexander. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Willem-Alexander. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

It's April 27

This date was recently brought to my attention because it was the date of John Dee and Edward Kelley's vision of a many-eyed whale, and of my post about my own precognitive dream of a many-eyed whale 430 years later. I discussed this in a March 31 post titled "I posted my many-eyed whale dream on the 430th anniversary of Dee and Kelley's many-eyed whale vision."

At the time, the number 430 had no apparent significance; actually, I was a little disappointed that it wasn't the 427th anniversary of 4/27. However, yesterday (as documented in "Some sort of incoherent synchronicity going on"), knick-knack paddywhack synchronicities led me to reread my 2019 post "The numbers in the Genesis 5 genealogies." At the end of that post, I noted that for some unknown reason, Joseph Smith had modified these numbers slightly so as to make Enoch live for 430 years rather than the traditional 365.

Incidentally, Joseph Smith includes a version of this genealogy in his Book of Moses. All the numbers are the same except for Enoch's. Where Genesis has 65 + 300 = 365, Smith gives 65 + 365 = 430. I have no idea what motivated this slight and seemingly irrelevant modification, but it is interesting to note that even in changing the numbers he preserved the obviously significant number 365.

So there's the number 430, and in connection with the prophet Enoch. In "Call me Ishmael," I explained how Enoch is related not only to Dee generally and his "Enochian" system but specifically to the image of a killer whale on a hill. In that post, I refer specifically to Joseph Smith's version of the story of Enoch.

It hadn't occurred to me until today that 430 was an "Enochian" number. The sync fairies had to jog my memory by making Rod Dreher get a tattoo and then having someone post about a poorly designed "I love my dog" sticker in an irrelevant comment to a tweet about Trump. They certainly do move in a mysterious way their wonders to perform!

I've sort of been anticipating some kind of big Dee's-whale coincidence today, but now it looks as if the sync fairies will have a second chance on April 30.

I just now skimmed the Wikipedia article for "April 30" to see if anything important had happened on that day. This jumped out at me:

2013 – Willem-Alexander is inaugurated as King of the Netherlands following the abdication of Beatrix.

Why did that seem so significant? Because in my April 12 post "April 27 and the whale," I had posted about that same king in connection with that date.

One of the dearest holidays in the Netherlands is King's Day, when the Dutch honor the birthday of King Willem-Alexander. Every April 27, nearly a million people dress in orange -- the country's national color -- to attend concerts, watch boat parades, and shop at huge outdoor markets.

So Willem-Alexander was born on April 27 and acceded to the throne on April 30. Although he is now the King of the Netherlands, his title at birth (held until April 30, 1980) was Prince of Orange-Nassau. This is a link to "Sloop John B."

We come on the sloop John B
My grandfather and me
Around Nassau town we did roam . . .

Still not sure where this is going, but the sync fairies show no sign of dropping it.

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....