Showing posts with label Morals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morals. Show all posts

Sunday, August 29, 2021

A particularly crystal-clear display of value inversion

According to Jewish atheist Philip Zuckerman, "Staunch atheists show higher morals than the proudly pious, from the pandemic to climate change." In this self-parodying Salon article -- click the link, it's real, I didn't make it up! -- we learn that practicing Christians are less moral than atheists because:
  • 45% of white (white? yes, white!) Evangelicals said they would definitely not get pecked, compared to 10% of (any-color) atheists.
  • Only 33% of white Evangelicals "accept the evidence that human activity is causing climate change," compared to 80% of "secular Americans" of any or no color.
  • Only 45% of white Evangelicals want to ban assault rifles, compared to 77% of atheists.
Those are this three main points. (And let me just point out in passing how totally racist it is for Mr. Zuckerman to equate piety with being white.) The next set of points are from a paragraph full of hyperlinked buzzwords like "death with dignity" and "animal rights." I clicked them all so that you don't have to. Here are the findings:
  • Evangelicals (any color this time!) are the group least likely to think the US has a responsibility to accept refugees.
  • White Evangelicals (there they are again!) are less likely than white non-Evangelicals to support Obamacare.
  • Theism correlates with supporting "sex education" that stresses abstinence rather than contraception.
  • Those who believe in life after death tend to have less positive views of "voluntary euthanasia."
  • Religiously affiliated people are less likely to say that "homosexuality should be accepted by society."
  • Christians are more likely than non-Christians to say that "gender is determined at birth" and that "society has gone too far in accepting transgender people."
  • Religious people and those who reject Darwinism are less likely to have considered vegetarianism, more likely to say that medical research on animals is sometimes "necessary and valid," more likely (obviously!) to agree that "God put animals on Earth for man to use," and less likely to agree that (not making this up!) "it is wrong to wear leather jackets and pants."
  • The religious are more likely to support "military action" (no further details available without paying for the article).
  • The religious are more likely to believe that "the use of torture against suspected terrorists can sometimes be justified."
  • White Evangelicals (our old friends!) are more likely than atheists to support the death penalty.
  • "Parents who attend religious groups used corporal punishment more frequently than parents who did not attend religious groups" (but "there were no effects for religious participation on physical abuse").
  • Those with "absolute views of religious truth" (a category that surely includes many atheists!) are more likely to be judged "authoritarian" by a psychological questionnaire.
  • Watching a "compassion-inducing video had a big effect on [the] generosity" of non-religious people but "did not significantly change the generosity of more religious participants." Takeaway: "Highly religious people are less motivated by compassion than are non-believers."
And that's it! Not a single data point addressing uncontroversially immoral behaviors such as lying, stealing, or committing violent crimes. Again I remind you that the three "moral" issues highlighted by the article were: getting the peck, believing in anthropogenic global warming, and agreeing that a particular sort of weapon ought to be illegal. That is the article's definition of "higher morals"!

The paragraph about abortion is worth quoting in full.

But wait — what about the rights of the unborn? While many people oppose abortion on decidedly moral grounds, it is also the case that many others support the right of women to maintain autonomy over their own reproductive capacities, on equally moral grounds. Hence, the deep intractability of the debate. And yet, most Americans — both religious and non-religious — do not see the abortion of a non-viable fetus as being akin to the murder of a living human being. And let's be frank: It is impossible to square the assertion that the strongly religious are "pro-life" while they simultaneously refuse to get vaccinated, to wear a mask, to fight climate change, to support universal healthcare, or to support sane gun legislation. To characterize such an agenda as "pro-life" renders the label rather insincere, at best.

Abortion, you see, is different, because both sides hold the view they do on "moral grounds." Implicitly, this is not true of any of the other controversies listed, where one side is assumed without argument to be the moral one. People who support killing babies in the womb for convenience should not be judged immoral, because they are motivated by a concern for "reproductive autonomy." Those who support torturing suspected terrorists, on the other hand -- well, what possible motives could they have, other than a callous unconcern for human suffering?

One more bit I just have to quote -- and I assure you once again that this is not a satire and I am not making any of it up. Philip Zuckerman is a real person, not a character in a Nathan Roth novel.

[M]embers of religious congregations tend to donate more money to charity, on average, than the unaffiliated. And of course, the 20th century has witnessed the immoral, bloody brutality of numerous atheist dictatorships, such as those of the former USSR and Cambodia.

However, despite such complexities, the overall pattern remains clear: When it comes to the most pressing moral issues of the day, hard-core secularists exhibit much more empathy, compassion, and care for the well-being of others than the most ardently God-worshipping.

That's right. On the one hand, atheism brought us Stalin and Pol Pot -- but on the other, more atheists believe in global warming! One thing we can all agree on: despite such complexities, the overall pattern remains clear.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

The question is not, Can we suffer? but, Can we learn?

In An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, Jeremy Bentham famously wrote, with reference to our moral duty towards other animals, that

a full-grown horse or dog is beyond comparison a more rational, as well as a more conversable animal than an infant of a day, or a week, or even a month old. But suppose the case were otherwise, what would it avail? The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?

But is the avoidance of suffering the purpose of life? Pretty obviously not. One of the most salient features of this mortal coil is that it opens up opportunities for suffering undreamt of by mere spirits.

If avoiding suffering were the principal thing, mortality would be pointless and counterproductive, and we would have to agree with the verdict of the chorus from Oedipus at Colonus: "Not to be born is, beyond all estimation, best; but when a man has seen the light of day, this is next best by far, that with utmost speed he should go back from where he came."

Life was never intended to be Three Weeks in a Helicopter. Mortality is a school, and those of us who experience a protracted mortality are here to learn. The reason we should wish to live longer rather than shorter lives is not so that we can have more years of not-suffering, but so that we can have more experience and learn from that experience. "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding" (Prov. 4:7) -- for "Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection" (D&C 130:18).

Killing is wrong not because it causes suffering but because it cuts short an education. The greater a being's inclination to learn from experience, the greater the wrong of killing that being.

That is why, though Bentham is right that a horse is the intellectual superior of a human infant, and though both can suffer, killing a human child -- even, perhaps, a human fetus -- is a far greater evil than killing a horse. A horse's capacity for spiritual learning (though not, I believe, negligible!) is limited, while a human child's is virtually infinite.

That is why murdering a saint is so much worse than executing a hardened criminal. (The reverse should be true by Bentham's Utilitarian standards, at least if one believes in heaven and hell.) The one is inclined to learn; the other is not. (The chief thing for the criminal is to repent, but I believe that can be done after death.)

What prompted these thoughts was my recent experience of listening to the entire Torah of Moses read aloud. I was struck by the casual violence of the Mosaic world, so shocking by modern standards, how lightly life was taken. We think of murder as one of the worst possible sins, but ancient people like Moses and Homer -- and their Gods! -- clearly saw things differently. And I thought, What if they weren't moral idiots who casually committed the gravest of crimes? What if, due to the evolution of consciousness, human life really was "cheaper" back then? What if the vast majority of people in those times were, in their capacity for spiritual learning, rather closer to the horse? What if we have, over the course of our historical development as a species, not so much discovered that life is precious as actually made it more precious?

And what does this line of thinking imply about the present day?

Sunday, July 5, 2020

A syndrome of sorts

I predict that the following three attitudes could be shown to be strongly intercorrelated:
  1. Thinking electric cars are virtuous because the "don't pollute" (i.e., are powered by coal-burning power plants rather than gasoline-burning engines)
  2. Being opposed to hunting as "cruel," but not being a vegetarian
  3. Looking down on people who patronize strip clubs, but having no problem with Internet porn
What's the common factor?

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....