Showing posts with label Brave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brave. Show all posts

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Brave and Presearch absolutely DO censor search results.

So DuckDuckGo has just decided to do this:

Even Google doesn't go that far! They at least give you a few RT articles in foreign languages.

Bing is the same as DDG.

Brave has claimed that they don't censor anything, which is a lie.

In fact, Brave seems to be just using Google's algorithm. What are the chances that two different search engines would independently return the Wikipedia article on Tim Burton as the first hit for christopher walken infogalactic?

Notice that my own blog is fifth result -- not the post where I mention Walken but one where I quote one of Paul's epistles without comment!

Presearch, which also claims not to censor search results, is the same as all the others.

They do at least return the Christopher Walken page on Infogalactic -- though for some reason it ranks lower than "1969 texas longhorn football stats."

Okay, what about Yandex, then? I mean, they're actually Russian, right?

Yeah, well that's a mixed blessing.

To be clear, this is what happens when you run this news search on their English site: it automatically switches you to all Russian.

So . . . any other ideas? Is there any search engine at all that returns uncensored English-language results?

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Starting to lose patience with Brave

I'm starting to get these "privacy errors" (with no option to go ahead and load the page even though it's supposedly not private) for lots of sites I visit frequently -- and also for the page on the Brave website about how to disable the "your connection is not private" feature!

Loading that page in Firefox, I find that its only suggestion is this:

You can try going to brave://flags/, searching for allow-insecure-localhost, and set it to enabled. That might give you your desired results.

I tried that. It doesn't work. Do any fellow Brave users have any suggestions? Failing that, does anyone have another browser to recommend?

Ace of Hearts

On the A page of Animalia , an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger....